Perhaps i's due to the fact that the was charged. Companies absolutely have a right to fire someone for engaging in public illegal behaviour, getting caught and being charged.
"The beer-tossing suspect, identified by police as Ken Pagan, was charged with mischief earlier this month and on Monday, his employer confirmed to CP24 that he no longer works for Postmedia."
It's not just if you're representing a company that you should be held accountable for your actions. We're actually very lucky in Canada that we don't have to do thorough background checks for every single job, but in the USA they do. Companies are very strict on who they will hire and keep in terms of history with illegal activity.
You'd be surprised how many companies will stalk your facebook..twitter..Instagram get a feel of who you are...
So is this guy a habitual beer can thrower??
Being charged is one thing
Being found guilty is another
What if he is found innocent...or someone else else steps up and says
Nope he didn't throw it....I did..then what?
The company said they were conducting their own investigation
So they think he did it...FIRED!
Police and courts conclude he DIDNT!
How do you think his employer is gonna look for pulling the trigger too soon?
As the post below says
They'd better be prepared for the backlash if he was fired/let go specifically because of this supposed indiscretion.