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Gender neutral driver licences and health cards for Ontairio


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
If you have a pair you're a male. If you don't, you're a female. Everything else is a phsycological disorder and needs to be treated. It's not that hard. Go to a farm and watch a horse being born. If it has a pair it's a stallion. If it doesn't it's a mare. If you cut the stallions balls off you have a gelding.

Not sure why this is so complicated.

Do you have a Ph.D in human sexuality? Do you also have a Nobel Prize in Medical Science? The great Alan Turing was incredibly gifted and has been credited with ending WWII vs. Nazi Germany, but by your 'deductive reasoning', he had a psychological disorder. We used to call such persons, mentally retarded, and yet, that doesn't seem to be a fair label here? Maybe it's more complicated than you say? Maybe you oversimplify because you're ignorant?


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
eastern frontier
Well, in a hospital setting it is an important fact, whether someone is born male or female. From possible treatments to rooming assignments, the biological designation we are given and identified by is very significant. What isn't important or significant is how one identifies sexually, this is a personal preference, nothing more. So this gender neutral government ID, health card and licensing is a stupid idea. Let people identify as they please, but government ID should identify one as they are, biologically speaking, not what they identify as.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
The next step is to have age neutral cards by the same logic. Photographs could be used to discriminate according to race, so maybe cards issued with no picture?
Not analogous and illogical. Sorry.

Age is not an externally derived identifier.

Discrimination has nothing to do with someone's photo I.D.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Well, in a hospital setting it is an important fact, whether someone is born male or female. From possible treatments to rooming assignments, the biological designation we are given and identified by is very significant. What isn't important or significant is how one identifies sexually, this is a personal preference, nothing more. So this gender neutral government ID, health card and licensing is a stupid idea. Let people identify as they please, but government ID should identify one as they are, biologically speaking, not what they identify as.
Really? You mean, without that I.D. indicating 'M', a hospital won't know that a trans-gendered person has a penis?

So if someone lives and looks like a female, their I.D. should state male? Doesn't that cause confusion?


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
eastern frontier
Really? You mean, without that I.D. indicating 'M', a hospital won't know that a trans-gendered person has a penis?

So if someone lives and looks like a female, their I.D. should state male? Doesn't that cause confusion?
If one goes into emerg, they only know your sex from your government ID, same thing for any day surgery. Now, most people are easily identifiable biologically, but there are some that are not.

If you're a trauma patient, unless they look, they won't know. They'll know if they cut the clothes off of you though. But run of the mill, day surgeries and emerg visits, nobody would know.

It's easy to sit here and say that's a man and that's a woman, but there are some, by the way they dress and look, you could be fooled to think otherwise and that's what they are striving for.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
so are the people in the thread arguing against the fact that sex and gender are two different things and that it is indeed possible to have a penis/be male in terms of sex, but identify as female ALSO arguing against gender-neutral IDs?

as i see it, this really should not be a controversial announcement. the red and white health cards (which i still have!) never indicated sex and no one complained about that. what is the purpose of having sex or gender on an ID card? there doesn't really seem to be any major purpose aside from facilitating the identification of the individual for authorities who look at the cards. as long as the photo is up to date and matches the person's image, the additional sex/gender information seems extraneous. so what does it matter if there's a third choice now? if someone is going to identify as X or other, it would only help those trying to identify the person - tipping them off that the person may look androgynous, for instance.

no one's forcing you to pick X as your gender, so what is the big deal exactly?

For practical purposes, it may not be a big deal. But it apparently is a big deal for those who do not want to be labelled as an M when they are X, or who used to be M/F and are now F/M. It seems to be an issue of rights.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
If one goes into emerg, they only know your sex from your government ID, same thing for any day surgery. Now, most people are easily identifiable biologically, but there are some that are not.

If you're a trauma patient, unless they look, they won't know. They'll know if they cut the clothes off of you though. But run of the mill, day surgeries and emerg visits, nobody would know.

It's easy to sit here and say that's a man and that's a woman, but there are some, by the way they dress and look, you could be fooled to think otherwise and that's what they are striving for.

I really doubt that a hospital will strictly or only rely on the gender classification shown on your DL, especially in this day and age of LGBT civil rights, assuming it is relevant in the first place to any diagnosis or medical treatment.

If the patient is conscious, they can ask for further clarification. If the patient is unconscious, they will check themselves.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Well, in a hospital setting it is an important fact, whether someone is born male or female. From possible treatments to rooming assignments, the biological designation we are given and identified by is very significant. What isn't important or significant is how one identifies sexually, this is a personal preference, nothing more. So this gender neutral government ID, health card and licensing is a stupid idea. Let people identify as they please, but government ID should identify one as they are, biologically speaking, not what they identify as.
If a medical doctor is unable to ascertain the status of a persons genetalia, maybe he/she/X should go back to medical school.

This change in Ontario health and drivers cards has absolutely no impact on the medical profession. It gives people of Ontario the freedom to state what gender they prefer to be part of. Means nothing for the rest of us.


Apr 8, 2014
Perhaps if we walked around naked it might be somewhat relevant, but we do not expose our genitalia to identify ourselves in public.
Speak for yourself!


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
... Whether your a male or female is very much going to relate to SOME of the scientific medical treatment you are going to receive.....
Such as?

The only thing I can see that comes remotely close is a woman is pregnant might impact some emergency treatments. Of course the vast majority of women aren't pregnant and even if they are the EMT's first responsibility is stabilizing the mother for transport to hospital.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

If you're a trauma patient, unless they look, they won't know. They'll know if they cut the clothes off of you though. But run of the mill, day surgeries and emerg visits, nobody would know.
Again, how many trauma treatments are gender dependent?


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
How does indicating a sex on an identification document violating someone's rights?
It's not that indicating gender or sex on an I.D. violates rights per se; it is NOT having a CHOICE that violates someone's rights.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
I would think that gender would be important information on an ID that gets you medical assistance.
So if I need stitches on my forehead, it is a pre-condition for treatment by the hospital to know my gender at birth?


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
Maybe I'll get a new license with an "X". It may come in handy when I try to get in to Curves for some exercise.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
If a medical doctor is unable to ascertain the status of a persons genetalia, maybe he/she/X should go back to medical school.

This change in Ontario health and drivers cards has absolutely no impact on the medical profession. It gives people of Ontario the freedom to state what gender they prefer to be part of. Means nothing for the rest of us.
Right. And probably for the vast majority of the population.


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
It's too bad that the Wynn government doesn't mandate an additional code - S for Stupid Driver.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Quote Originally Posted by lomotil View Post

The next step is to have age neutral cards by the same logic. Photographs could be used to discriminate according to race, so maybe cards issued with no picture?

Not analogous and illogical. Sorry.

Age is not an externally derived identifier.

Discrimination has nothing to do with someone's photo I.D.
My post was sarcastic but your post is non sequitur as you are defending unfortunate and tormented individuals. Rather than have any gender, why not let persons who do not want to be identified by gender to call themselves whatever they please on their government issued id?


Jul 20, 2012
It's not that indicating gender or sex on an I.D. violates rights per se; it is NOT having a CHOICE that violates someone's rights.
So you are saying that having a choice to indicate gender or not indicate gender on a government issued ID is a RIGHT? If that is what you are saying, since when was this choice a right? It's a government ID. I mean at some point INDIVIDUALISM has to give way to rules and regulations for orderly conduct of a society. Sorry but liberalism sometimes goes too far. This is a case in point.
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