City Hall Racist Ad


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Canada man is a prime example.
He likes to quote jihadwatch, a racist extreme right wing blog who's author Robert Spencer said:

Racism is racism, even if its targeted towards 'cultural racism'.
That is a very racist and Islamaphobic individual. Fast,... Dude will also believes the idea that if you stand up for the law abiding Muslims, then you are a "jihadist". Incredible stuff he learned in school. Maybe he was tutored by that Robert Spencer individual.


Jan 31, 2005
Agreed, BUT, as has been used by some here, racism takes many forms.

How would you know what racist comments are made by other cultures about "whites".

Shit, even Latinos have a derogatory word for whites.

Well Donald Trump is a racist, and Donald Trump is white. Or does that logic only work when white Trump supporters use it to smear all Muslims by pointing to a handful of extremists?


Jan 31, 2005
How many people do you believe accost Amal (née Alamuddin) Clooney or Huma (née Abedin) Weiner? Perhaps the woman allegedly from North York would have been accosted because she looks like she just got off the boat, and not so much because of the hue of her skin.
Let me know when they wear a headscarf in public.

Oh, is that your point? It's OK to be abusive towards a Muslim woman but only if she publicly displays her faith?


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
They were both found guilty of raping an unconscious woman. They were both standout student athletes. Do you have any evidence of any past crimes committed by either party? Did you even read the article in the link?
I am wondering myself if you did

Black guy - Cory Batey guilty of aggravated rape, two counts of attempted aggravated rape, facilitation of aggravated rape and three counts of aggravated sexual battery.
White guy - He was eventually convicted of three sexual assault charges. (other 2 counts not guilty)

You do understand regardless of race, 8 convictions will always get you longer jail time than 3 convictions right


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
If a person defends someone it doesn't necessarily make them an apologist or supporter of that person's race, religion or anything else.

I've defended muslims being painted all the same, blacks being generalized as criminals, Asians being bad drivers, feminists are not a bunch of militant extremists. That doesn't make me a supporter of all those people. I just happen to believe that painting large groups in one colour is stupid.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
They both raped an unconscious woman. One was alone when he raped the woman, while the other was found guilty of helping his friend rape the woman as well, hence the extra charges. Where are these past crimes you speak of? Do you think its fair that one received 6 months for raping an unconscious woman, while the other rapist is facing 15-25 years in prison? Stop running from the question.
Pretty sure if the situations were reversed, you'd be all up in arms screaming, "Travesty of justice!" or something like that.
Oh for the billionth time give up the white guilt
They were NOT convicted of same crime
You yourself even acknowledged this after I practically force fed you the answer

1 is convicted for rape PLUS other crimes
1 is convicted for rape

The PLUS is why he spends extra years in prison

I mean for crying out loud even a persons demeanour in a court room will effect sentence
Otherwise we would not need judges, we could have a one sentence fits all mentality


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Likewise Basketcase you have several times proved my point.

It is tragic when stating that first and second generation immigrants to Canada should embrace the history and values of Canada is regarded as being racist if not outright antediluvian.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Likewise Basketcase you have several times proved my point.

It is tragic when stating that first and second generation immigrants to Canada should embrace the history and values of Canada is regarded as being racist if not outright antediluvian.
What I have stated is to expect any Canadian to know the iconography of a two hundred year old militia unit is more than just asinine.

And I never brought up that knowledge of Canadians history is racist but simply pointed out how ridiculous it is to expect anyone to know that level of minutiae.

And being a 7th generation Canadian I know that being able to describe the role of your militia unit has nothing to do with Canadians values. You might be proud that one of your ancestors met Simcoe but most of the country couldn't care less.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Been thinking about it...... given how many whites are in Toronto..... the odds of a racist incident involving a white male is higher than other races. But only due to number of whites vs other minorities. Males are more likely to approach a stranger. Bullies also choose weaker people so picking a female is also probablye.

So the ad is not wrong to choose a likely scenario.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Also what are Canadian Values exactly?

How do we know how closely immigrants follow those values let alone how many immigrants follow those values?

I think it is pretty presumptuous to assume many muslims are extreme in their views. I mean I see many female Hijab wearing university students with high aspirations like medical doctor. I think many parents bring their kids here for the same reason our families came here..... a better life.

Even if all muslims were extremists it just means that they are further behind and given time I would expect to see progress and change.

I mean I think it was amazing that the Pope said that the Church should apologize to gays. That's huge. Catholocism has room for change as well.

Hopefully we all get to the same place of enlightenment. But we are not helping others in their journey if we exclude/fear/hate them.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
The problem is that some/many/most exclude us.
Who are we talking about? The reason that I ask is that I'm talking about immigrants and I don't think that is a fair statement to make without proof. I might agree with some but not sure I would go with many or most.

But I'll also go and say that some "Canadians" don't demonstrate what I believe is a core value of Canadians which is being welcoming.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
From the article I posted earlier.

Pretty much what your article is saying.

I was using these cases as examples because they are current, because of the similarities in each case, and because of the outrage Turner's case has generated due to the extremely lenient sentence he received.
I am in agreement with you. I just felt that you guys got tangled up in the specifics of those two cases. It seemed like the other person felt that if they could prove the two cases were significantly different that it would disprove your assertion that there is a racial bias.

That is why I jumped in and added that article. It was the first that I found and I am sure there is a lot of research on the topic.
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