You can go to booster juice and get a shoot of it to try. It has a distinct and strong taste.just eat your greens
go to 2:45
I usually get a double of wheatgress and a double shoot of acai when I dont feel like making a mess and cleaning up. Your set and will be fucking like a bunny all night long. Its good to have it once a week. Reason they dont market it is becuase it is dirt cheap and you can grow it yourself. Just try it and see if you feel any different, that is the best way. I think it has a lot of benifit, and like the guy in the benning about acai, people dont pimp it out becuase there is not much profit to be made on something you can easily grow yourself.
BTW...that video is bullshit. Just opinion no substance. I hope you don't take one video or one post and accept it as the truth.
Wheatgrass is not a magical super food. Neither is grapefruit. However, there are benifits to drinking/eating wheatgrass just as there are eating other greans. Some are a bit better some are not as good. However if you eat different types you cant go wrong, especially if they are grown in your own garden and you are active. Just eat a balanced meal and exercise and you should be fine.