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2-year-old boy dragged into water by alligator near Disney's Grand Floridian


Active member
Jul 17, 2007
The incident happened in a sandy waterfront area outside of the hotel near the Seven Seas Lagoon on hotel property around 9:30 p.m. Tuesday.

The 2-year-old boy was on vacation with his family from Nebraska and arrived at the resort on Sunday, the Orange County Sheriff's Office said.

Witnesses said the family was on the beach and the boy's 4-year-old sister was in a play pen about 20 to 30 yards from the water on the sand, according to Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings. The toddler was wading in the water nearby.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
eastern frontier
Very sad news. This area was posted as a no swimming area.

I can see the lawyers lined up now, with a lawsuit already drawn up, that Disney is at fault here in this tragedy.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Desperately tragic, I can only suppose that being from Nebraska, the parents didn't grasp the extreme danger of splashing along the shoreline and that it has to be assumed that every natural body of fresh water in that part of the world has alligators (as it is the Florida Fish and Wildlife officers have already caught four alligators in this pond).


New member
Apr 14, 2002
Where in the hell were the parents? Why were these kids out at night at 9:30PM? At 2 and 4 my parents would have had me in bed by then. I guess times have changed.


New member
Apr 14, 2002
And the 2 year old was allowed to run amuck, running to the water's edge, while the 4 year old was in a play pen 20 yards from the shore??? Something about this whole thing does not add up.


Twitter: @JessyCeleste1
What kills me is the combination of how the parents allowed their 2 yr old anywhere near a lagoon in Florida of all places, in an area COVERED with 'NO SWIMMING' signs everywhere, AND he was not only near but IN 1-2 FEET of water AND it was 9:20 at night.... greeeeat! The term 'begging for it' comes to mind. And what in the world is a 2 year old doing up and playing at that hour anyhow. This one is fully on the parents if you ask me. I really hope they get the book thrown at them. There's no excuse for even 1 of these displays of neglect, let alone the combination. Poor little boy. :-(

On a lighter note thanks for the LOL u gave me with the trump jokes. Its nice to lighten the mood when thinking of something so senseless and tragic.


Mar 31, 2009
Sorry to hear about the kid but parents need to watch them like a hawk. I would propose a leash but I fear being accused of child abuse.

Keep your kids away from alligators, gorillas, lions, tigers, naked people and maybe even some dogs!


New member
Apr 14, 2002
Sorry to hear about the kid but parents need to watch them like a hawk. I would propose a leash but I fear being accused of child abuse.

Keep your kids away from alligators, gorillas, lions, tigers, naked people and maybe even some dogs!
Better to watch them like an alligator when in FLA.

Chances are that gator was there the whole time, just waiting for an opportunity.

I still say something is fishy about this whole thing.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
Sorry to hear about the kid but parents need to watch them like a hawk. I would propose a leash but I fear being accused of child abuse.

Keep your kids away from alligators, gorillas, lions, tigers, naked people and maybe even some dogs!
There are some very cool backpack style get ups with leashes which a lot of parents use. My daughters twin two year olds would be lost in an instant when she goes to overcrowded shopping venues in England. they are essential and no one considers them abusive. On the other hand it would be considered neglect were they to disappear from her care. So here's to the leash!


New member
Apr 14, 2002
There are some very cool backpack style get ups with leashes which a lot of parents use. My daughters twin two year olds would be lost in an instant when she goes to overcrowded shopping venues in England. they are essential and no one considers them abusive. On the other hand it would be considered neglect were they to disappear from her care. So here's to the leash!
The 4 yo was in a pen. So obviously the parents had enough sense to use a device to keep track of one of them. So why was the 2 yo allowed to wander?


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Come on people. Enough with the scolding and let the parents have their peace. It's so easy to criticize other people for ignoring warning signs. Yet, I routinely see people doing that all the time: crossing the road where they're not supposed to, jaywalking, no seat belts, texting while driving, ignoring speed limits and other warning signs, etc, etc, etc. It's a lapse in judgement that any of us could have made.


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
A lot of stupid comments on here, they were on holiday at Disneyland Fer Christ's sake, had their guard down, who cares if the kid was up late, that's what holidays are for. Do you really think an alligator is gonna attack at Disneyland.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
A lot of stupid comments on here, they were on holiday at Disneyland Fer Christ's sake, had their guard down, who cares if the kid was up late, that's what holidays are for. Do you really think an alligator is gonna attack at Disneyland.
Exactly. This happened at 9:30 pm, not 3 am while the parents were stoned out of their mind.


New member
Apr 14, 2002
Come on people. Enough with the scolding and let the parents have their peace. It's so easy to criticize other people for ignoring warning signs. Yet, I routinely see people doing that all the time: crossing the road where they're not supposed to, jaywalking, no seat belts, texting while driving, ignoring speed limits and other warning signs, etc, etc, etc. It's a lapse in judgement that any of us could have made.

Because some people act stupid, that is OK for everyone to act stupid. Nice.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Because some people act stupid, that is OK for everyone to act stupid. Nice.
That's not what I said FFS!

It's just amazes me that some people are quick to judge these parents when they would likely have make the same mistake. Then they compound it by saying, why are the parents letting their toddler be up so late, etc. etc. The right fighters should protest for more 'parental responsibility' at the funeral for this child and see how that goes. As if, we're all model parents.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
A lot of stupid comments on here, they were on holiday at Disneyland Fer Christ's sake, had their guard down, who cares if the kid was up late, that's what holidays are for. Do you really think an alligator is gonna attack at Disneyland.
You think the parents thought it was animatronic?
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