Really? You can tell what a cat is feeling? Who are you, Ace Ventura?
I can tell if a cat is frightened or content - most people can. You don't have to have a Harvard degree in animal studies to observe fundamental behaviour in animals. I get it - you have absolutely no idea looking at a cat if it is ready to scratch your eyes out or if it is content. Unless the cat can speak English or write down it's thoughts - the behaviour of the cat, any animal or human is a complete mystery to you. Is it frightening not to be able to figure out if a dog is ready to attack or welcoming a pat ? Or the smiling doorman is about to beat you ... all mysteries because you can't read simple body language but need the detailed thoughts in their minds to figure out their mood.
As for Terb members knowing everything - since you are a terb member, I suggest you just supplied an effective rebuttal to your own statement.
I don't know if this will help you - this is not the actions of a terrified 400 lb gorilla :
'New video footage of Harambe shows the 400-pound gorilla HOLDING HANDS with the boy who fell into exhibition moat..'
'The clip shows Harambe standing guard in the corner of the moat (left, with the boy behind Harambe), and witnesses said the gorilla looked like he was trying to protect the boy from panicked bystanders'
I'm not judging the actions of the zoo officials as the gorilla was being subjected to screams of observers and the gorilla has the same language barrier that people had. I understand the gorilla could hurt the child even if it was not the original intent simple because of it's size. To suggest you needed telepathy to figure out if the gorilla behaviour towards the child was hostile from the beginning is sad.