Its not a fact. It will be hard, but it can be done.
No it can not be done
100 MM bbls / day & growing???
prove that can be replaced with renewables or admit your demands are non-achievable
You will be very fortunate to replace 10-15% of that amount with renewables and by the time you accomplish that 100 MM bbls will have grown to 115 MM bbl.
The facts are we know that doing nothing about climate change will be more costly then doing nothing, as you propose.
There are few facts actually
You have a number of theories which may or may not be true.
The planet may well be warming simply because the sun is getting warmer. (apparently mars is thawing out of a really long cold spell).
How long do you expect a flaming ball of gas to remain stable????
The planets climate may be changing due it its orbit. After all we have only really known the earth was spinning around the sun for maybe 700 years.
The variations in climate may just be the normal cycle of the planet & Man's impact may be irrelevant.
Check the insurance industry as a start, they are already paying out billions in damages from extreme climate events caused by climate change.
And Insurance has a history of maybe 500 years relative to the changes on the planet which occur on a frequency closer to 400,000 years
Again it may be the nature cycle of a planet 5 B years old
Leeson for you, do not get your scientific conclusions from an Insurance salesman
I indicated that he pulled a fast one on you, and you weren't smart enough to pick up on it.
No you did not understand Dr Carters message.
And here you are still defending his work.
A grade 5 answer
I said he may be correct or may not be, either way he raise some very serious issues which really question you absolute position.
Switching from surface temp to satellite temps in the same chart fools only idiots like you.
Where as your Zealot act is expected to fool all of the people all of the time? ??
The fact that you still defend claims built on cheap trickery just show that you are entirely unable to judge the science.
You should leave it to people smarter then you.
Let me know when you find someone who is smarter than me , because you certainly are not
As said earlier I am undecided on this issue, yet you are absolute in your position, how can you possibly be able to objectively judge anything??
Again it is time for you to wake up and understand a Zealot convinces no one, as you just come across as very untrustworthy Groggy/ Frankfooter.
How is one expected to trust the word of a person who masquerades as new person when it is convenient?