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Would you marry an SP?


May 19, 2009
Wow, this thread's got legs.
I think it's pretty clear that most guy's wouldn't date an SP. And even less would marry one who's working in the business. Human beings are selfish. We don't like to share a good thing. I know I don't :D.

Here's a question - How would an SP feel if her man whom she was in love with decided to get into the business? I would think even less women would be into that.


New member
Feb 27, 2016
It's only cheating if it's free.
I love this. PS, we met before and you were pretty awesome in person, too.

Having talked to a few SPs in/out of the professional setting where I pay them for sex, I get the impression that most of them don't like our particular demographic of guys anyways. We write dissertation length essays about how their pussies feel; collectively disprove/approve of them and based on whether or not they'll let total strangers stick their tongues or uncovered dick down their throats; creep them on twitter, and do all this freaky shit that makes "unsolicited dick pictures" seem like a fucking compliment.

The real question should be - would any of these SPs ever think of marrying us?

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
For sure, probably would prefer red ladies over the civies if I had this knowledge going into the game again.

First they'd know exactly what type of a man they want, they'd be loyal to you, can probably treat you better then your average civie physically and emotionally, and are fucking bass ass bitches that make their living fucking over clients, treating them like ATM, and making them believe they have something going on like suckas, and then they decide to surrender to you, man, what more can you ask.

That's not to say there are no jaded stuck up hollow red bitches out there, there are all types, and obviously you'd need to filter them out.

However, there are the rare gems in the rough, I believe there are really good women to found in this industry for your long term contention and happiness vs. what we find now civiverse.

Obviously, I am presently not interested to end my marriage and will do what it takes to make it work even if it means smearing my soul with the red dust from time to time.

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
What if she was genuinely interested in you but wanted to continue working (maybe not for the rest of her life, but for now and during a marriage in the short run while she can earn good $)?
The money aspect would be nice but to be honest here the answer is still no . What a girl does or do's in her life before she met me is one thing but to continue in that line of work is another matter. People will say what's the big deal here . What if she was a very loose woman who hung out in bars and such places and left with a new guy every night . Sorry but not for me as well .

I did date a SP way back in the early 80's . Every where we went guys recognized her all the time . They even said hello using her working name . WTF . Did she bang the whole city ??? If so then why I'm I paying for every thing when she was making good money. What if I introduced her to my boss or someone like that and he saw her . I don't need those thoughts going thru my mind .

It maybe different if a client and a SP fell in love but what happens if a SP dates a guy who knows nothing of what she is doing. When is she going to tell him or is she going to stop seeing clients for him .

May SP's have chimed in on this thread but as far as I know none of them have said that they met a guy , dated and told him what she does for a living and now they live happily ever after that .


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
My answer is NO . I would never let it get that far to fall in love with her . It's a business transaction , I give her what she wants and I get what I .
No one said it was necessarily an SP you met as a client. What if you met her outside of that context? That is, you meet a girl socially, get along, start seeing more of each other, at some point early on she says she is an SP... do you keep dating? If it goes brilliantly well, would you marry her?

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
No one said it was necessarily an SP you met as a client. What if you met her outside of that context? That is, you meet a girl socially, get along, start seeing more of each other, at some point early on she says she is an SP... do you keep dating? If it goes brilliantly well, would you marry her?
Only is she decides to quite after she tells me. I'd be too selfish and would want her all to myself. Obviously, I would have to compromise on her wants as well, i.e. if she wanted to move town or country, however it would work as long as we both are ready to make changes in our present life for each other, with good intentions. Then yes.

No way in hell would I marry an active S/M/P/A, although I would not mind dating her provided she was okay that I fuck other bitches.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Only is she decides to quite after she tells me. I'd be too selfish and would want her all to myself. Obviously, I would have to compromise on her wants as well, i.e. if she wanted to move town or country, however it would work as long as we both are ready to make changes in our present life for each other, with good intentions. Then yes.

No way in hell would I marry an active S/M/P/A, although I would not mind dating her provided she was okay that I fuck other bitches.

I'm sure you're gonna have to empty your PM box to accommodate all the offers!

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
No one said it was necessarily an SP you met as a client. What if you met her outside of that context? That is, you meet a girl socially, get along, start seeing more of each other, at some point early on she says she is an SP... do you keep dating? If it goes brilliantly well, would you marry her?
Can't speak for anyone else but would I marry her . NO . I have broken up with women for far less reasons . A few have put their girlfriends needs ahead of mine . Goodbye . Some never shut up and are always talking . Goodbye . Others like to play the devils advocate when I give an opinion . Why ?? It's like they are always looking for an argument . Goodbye .

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
I'm sure you're gonna have to empty your PM box to accommodate all the offers!
As long as you have the money bad bitches will like you, so no worries about the PMs filling up.

So last time I checked we were talking about marriage right? Dating an SP and marriage are two complete different worlds. Dating is more like fun, however marriage I would want her to be mine.



serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
So many splendid fellows in this thread. "bitches be this, bitches be that" and "I break up at the drop of a hat". It comes as an absolute shock that such charmers actually have to pay for sex!

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
So many splendid fellows in this thread. "bitches be this, bitches be that" and "I break up at the drop of a hat". It comes as an absolute shock that such charmers actually have to pay for sex!
I just call them what they want to be called. You have to respect the game, don't hate the playa, hate the game.

How many of them ladies call each other bitches or your bitch etc...who are you to disrespect them and tell them what they can and can not call themselves or tell us what moral code to abide by and what we can and can't say. It's fucking slag and street talk you stuck up ahole. Its some peoples way of life, their world, their reality.

I personally find girls who refer to themselves as bitches as really fun and exciting.

Stop judging others based on your shady moral criteria. Let people call each other what they want.

You must be really fucking old to assume that its a derogatory term. A lot of them say it with pride and is a sense of sisterhood.

Fucking kettle calling the teapot black. Pat yourself on the back big boy.



Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
Can't speak for anyone else but would I marry her . NO
If she is not working any more then unless she told you - how would you know ? I am curious about the reverse point of view ... would a SP marry her client ? It's a guy who has to pay for sex and he is probably cheating on his significant other. Not a prime specimen for a SP.

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
If she is not working any more then unless she told you - how would you know ? I am curious about the reverse point of view ... would a SP marry her client ? It's a guy who has to pay for sex and he is probably cheating on his significant other. Not a prime specimen for a SP.
That's right a guy would not know that his girlfriend was a SP in her past unless she told him . The question at the beginning of the thread was would you marry a SP knowing she is a SP . I said NO . Her keeping it a secret from the past is a whole another matter if they didn't meet that way.

Her keeping it a secret is just wrong . Sooner or later it will come to past and he will find out . It's a very small world out there. Then watch the fireworks .

Not all men who pay for sex have a SO. Many marriages break up because of cheating and in some cases the cheater will marry the person that they are cheating with . It happens . The party usually thinks " Oh he/she won't cheat on me because they love me . Yea OK and money grows on trees . LOL


Jan 31, 2005
I would never marry a woman who IS an SP, not even if she was promising to quit. Promises are cheap. Who knows if it will really happen? First time the marriage his a road bump she might go back to it.

I would have no problem with a woman who WAS an SP, who quit the business for her own reasons unrelated to me. She's is likely to stay quit, and the past is the past.

Paradigm Shift

Active member
Mar 31, 2011
The person I marry WILL know what I've done at this stage in my life, regardless of who they are, where/how/when we met whether it be on terb, in the bedroom or at the grocery store. This is who I am and the person I will marry is going to accept it or they're not worth my time.

Cherish the relationships you have made because these days they can sometimes be few and far between.
I have always enjoyed your posts. It's obvious that you are quite intelligent.
While each lady's situation is different (for example, someone who only worked for a few weeks and then decided it wasn't for her), you need someone who is always going to have your back. You also want to enjoy your wedding day, not to have to worry who among the invited guests might have been a former client who has a little too much to drink who then spills the beans to your unsuspecting husband and other guests...assuming you get married and stay in the same city where you worked.
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