Nonsense. High ground remains strategic, particularly when it effectively controls Israel's water supply. No way is Israel going to allow an Arab military there. It will never happen.The artillery argument has been long obsoleted by technology. Its just a land grab.
Israeli citizenship has been offered to all, and they enjoy the full protection, privileges, and services extended to anyone in Israel regardless of whether they accepted the offer of citizenship.Not all meaning ?? 90% as it turns out. Nice to try and under state that. lol. Funny how you are all cozy with this yet in Crimea over 90% accepted and you are all wound up about Putins "imperialism." lol
Or more likely because the Golan doesn't claim to be an independent state. Meanwhile West Bank Palestinians want their own state and overwhelmingly reject being Israeli.Actually, I applaud Israel's offer to Golan Arabs but you didn't answer my question why Israel didn't expand it to West Bank palestinians ? Probably because 20 000 Golan Arabs don't represent a demographic threat to the Jewishness of the state ?
So does the rest of the world.Or more likely because the Golan doesn't claim to be an independent state. Meanwhile West Bank Palestinians want their own state and overwhelmingly reject being Israeli.
Actually what is stopping them from having a state is their racist hate war against Jews. If they would give up on the idea of ethnically cleansing the Jews from Israel they would have had a state in 1947, or really any year since.So does the rest of the world.
Its only Israel that's stopping them.
Yep, Hamas terrorists openly refusing to make peace as long as Israel is on any of historic Palestine has nothing to do with it.So does the rest of the world.
Its only Israel that's stopping them.
Still lying about Hamas quotes to justify refusing to discuss peace?Yep, Hamas terrorists openly refusing to make peace as long as Israel is on any of historic Palestine has nothing to do with it.
Of course you refuse to address that Palestinians overwhelmingly reject a One State solution.
You are the only one lying about the Hamas quote. It's crystal clear. You are also lying about Israel being apartheid.Still lying about Hamas quotes to justify refusing to discuss peace?
I'm sure that Palestinians do totally reject the apartheid one state solution you back.
You mean the Opposition Motion. Not Canadian policy.They also maintain that Hamas are terrorists and that Israel isn't Palestine.
Meanwhile Canada has this to say about you:
"That, given Canada and Israel share a long history of friendship as well as economic and diplomatic relations, the House reject the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which promotes the demonization and delegitimization of the State of Israel, and call upon the government to condemn any and all attempts by Canadian organizations, groups or individuals to promote the BDS movement, both here at home and abroad."
Unfortunately it says "Opposition Motion" in your own link. That's got to be embarrassing.It's actually Canadian policy, it's a position strongly held on both sides of the aisle with broad bipartisan support. Even the NDP chimed in to denounce BDS in speeches to Parliament.
You are just going to look silly disputing it. are backtracking fast. Now it's just "broadly denounced by the Canadian Parliament". You are slowly reconciling yourself to the fact that it's only an Opposition Motion.Keep squirming. That motion has the full throated support of a supermajority of MP's.
You have lost the debate, not only here on terb, but nationally. Your tactic of constantly demonizing Israel was noticed not only here on terb, but broadly denounced by the Canadian Parliament.
You lost.
Syria could poison Israels water supply tomorrow if they decided to. To think otherwise is childish nonsense. It will just take a GPS guided rocket to shower the area with some sort of biological agent.Nonsense. High ground remains strategic, particularly when it effectively controls Israel's water supply. No way is Israel going to allow an Arab military there. It will never happen.
90% have declined it which means they prefer to be Syrian citizen then Israeli citizens... and therefore they are essentially prisoners of an occupying force.Israeli citizenship has been offered to all, and they enjoy the full protection, privileges, and services extended to anyone in Israel regardless of whether they accepted the offer of citizenship.