Wynne's cap-and-trade plan...


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Convince me that this is nothing more than a government who's been unable to get spending under control (http://www.debtclock.ca/provincial-debtclocks/ontario/ontario-s-debt/) looking for another way to generate revenue. Ontario spends 1 billion a month in interest alone to service the debt.

Wynne warns Ontario drivers will pay at pump for cap-and-trade.

Kathleen Wynne said gasoline prices could rise by 4.3 cents per litre‎ as Liberals ramp up plan to reduce greenhouse gases.

By: Robert Benzie Queen's Park Bureau Chief, Published on Wed Feb 24 2016

Motorists will pay a price at the pumps under Ontario’s new cap-and-trade system to fight combat change, says Premier Kathleen Wynne.

On the eve of Thursday’s provincial budget, Wynne said gasoline prices could eventually rise by 4.3 cents per litre‎ as the Liberals ramp up the plan to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions.

“We need to deal with climate change,” the premier said Wednesday at Ryerson University.

“The cost of doing nothing is much, much higher than the cost of going forward and reducing greenhouse-gas emissions,” she said.

“In terms of gasoline we expect that there would be in the order of an average of 4.3 cents increase.”

Wynne said the government expects natural gas prices to jump by about $5 a month per household.

“It will take some time. These are estimations,” she said, stressing electricity rates may actually decrease as the climate-change plan is ramped up.

Ontario is entering a carbon-pricing scheme with Quebec and California that is designed to encourage businesses and consumers to cut emissions.

Wynne emphasized that that should lead to innovations reducing other costs.

With both gasoline and natural gas costs dropping due to record-low oil prices, Queen’s Park is banking on drivers and ratepayers not being jolted by sticker shock.


Big Sleazy

Active member
Sep 13, 2004
I can't find a single person that can tell me how money is created let alone a Politician. Since we have no manufacturing here any longer ( of substance ) the tax base is eroding. With the hosing and condo bubble peaking Governments ONLY solution will be to raise taxes and to sell off public assets. This will only worsen the situation long term. But sine NOBODY can explain how money is created people like Wynne and her ilk will continue to do the same things that created the problems in the first place. I didn't vote for her. There should be a clause that if you voted and didn't vote for the Party, you are exempt from having to be forced to pay for this BS.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2010
I believe electricity prices will decrease right after I get my 15% car insurance reduction.


Registered User
Oct 23, 2002
here and there
So do we as individuals also get carbon allowances like corporations? if not, it's just yet another "revenue tool" from her. Shocker.


New member
Feb 5, 2006
......and how exactly are these taxes going to fight climate change? Is she going to get on her broomstick, fly to Bejing and had over a cheque to the Chinese and ask say here's a paltry billion dollars (Canadian) could you please refrain from spewing out industrial greenhouse gasses? What a stupid and totally useless policy,it's nothing more than a desperate attempt to squeeze more money out of Ontarians cloaked in the guise of taking a moral stand. It's absolutely laughable, I still don't understand how Ontario voted for her and her gang of misfits. Alas, I have to also state that we here in Alberta have our own version of a special kind of stupid in Premier Notley. I have to say that business has never been better, unfortunately I specialize in restructuring and insolvency law. Good times ahead with these two.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
I really hope there is strong opposition to this from the PC's and other vested groups (COC, Taxpayer's Federation, CME etc). These Liberals are completely out of touch with reality.


Senior Turgid Member
Nov 13, 2003
Durham Region, Den of Iniquity
......and how exactly are these taxes going to fight climate change? Is she going to get on her broomstick, fly to Bejing and had over a cheque to the Chinese and ask say here's a paltry billion dollars (Canadian) could you please refrain from spewing out industrial greenhouse gasses? What a stupid and totally useless policy,it's nothing more than a desperate attempt to squeeze more money out of Ontarians cloaked in the guise of taking a moral stand. It's absolutely laughable, I still don't understand how Ontario voted for her and her gang of misfits. Alas, I have to also state that we here in Alberta have our own version of a special kind of stupid in Premier Notley. I have to say that business has never been better, unfortunately I specialize in restructuring and insolvency law. Good times ahead with these two.
I would suggest that the reasons for the insolvency and restructuring have a LOT less to do with Notley and more to do with world economics and the price of crude. She hasn't been in power to do any sort of serious damage to Alberta.


Senior Turgid Member
Nov 13, 2003
Durham Region, Den of Iniquity
I really hope there is strong opposition to this from the PC's and other vested groups (COC, Taxpayer's Federation, CME etc). These Liberals are completely out of touch with reality.
She has a majority government, and can do whatever her heart desires, much to everyone's detriment.


Dec 22, 2001
......and how exactly are these taxes going to fight climate change? Is she going to get on her broomstick, fly to Bejing and had over a cheque to the Chinese and ask say here's a paltry billion dollars (Canadian) could you please refrain from spewing out industrial greenhouse gasses? What a stupid and totally useless policy,it's nothing more than a desperate attempt to squeeze more money out of Ontarians cloaked in the guise of taking a moral stand. It's absolutely laughable, I still don't understand how Ontario voted for her and her gang of misfits. Alas, I have to also state that we here in Alberta have our own version of a special kind of stupid in Premier Notley. I have to say that business has never been better, unfortunately I specialize in restructuring and insolvency law. Good times ahead with these two.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
It's just another tax.

Anyone who believes any differently is stupid.

They say they will use the money to build infrastructure, but here's how it works.......

The money all goes into General Revenue. If they were to build a new GO Transit line from say Union Station to Hamilton, now they would say that the money came from this new tax. The reality is that that new GO Line had been in the planning works for years. The amount of money spent on Public Transit Infrastructure such as mass transit will not be increased by 2 cents. They will simply say that they are paying for it using the new tax and we're all so better off.

If they could show that the 2017 public transit infrastructure budget was (say) 20 billion dollars and as a result of the new tax, it is now (say) 25 billion dollars, I might believe them.

But that won't be the case.

The public transit infrastructure budget will still be 20 billion, but they will say that they are using the money from the new tax.

It's all bullshit for the weak minded.

Kathleen Wynne really needs to go. (And I voted for the liberals last time because I thought Hudak was a nutbar (and he was)).


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
can anyone make head or tails of the drive clean changes? No fee but still mandatory? Who will do them? :confused:


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2002
can anyone make head or tails of the drive clean changes? No fee but still mandatory? Who will do them? :confused:
No fee if the car is 7 year and older, but you still have to do the test. If you don't pass you still have to do all the work.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2002
It's just another tax.

Anyone who believes any differently is stupid.

They say they will use the money to build infrastructure, but here's how it works.......

The money all goes into General Revenue. If they were to build a new GO Transit line from say Union Station to Hamilton, now they would say that the money came from this new tax. The reality is that that new GO Line had been in the planning works for years. The amount of money spent on Public Transit Infrastructure such as mass transit will not be increased by 2 cents. They will simply say that they are paying for it using the new tax and we're all so better off.

If they could show that the 2017 public transit infrastructure budget was (say) 20 billion dollars and as a result of the new tax, it is now (say) 25 billion dollars, I might believe them.

But that won't be the case.

The public transit infrastructure budget will still be 20 billion, but they will say that they are using the money from the new tax.

It's all bullshit for the weak minded.

Kathleen Wynne really needs to go. (And I voted for the liberals last time because I thought Hudak was a nutbar (and he was)).
Exactly Another money grab, bunch of thieves.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
Kathleen Wynne really needs to go. (And I voted for the liberals last time because I thought Hudak was a nutbar (and he was)).
Not trying to put you on the spot captain, but that is the part I don't understand, not back then and not now.

True, Hudak had nutty a quality to him, but I though we were clearly better off taking our chances with him then more Socialist/Liberals of Wynne, the McGinnty leftover.

Same thing with Rob Ford and John Tory. Tory's first budget was $1 billion dollars more than the previous Ford budgets give or take a few cents.

After 4 years of Tory, that's $4 billion dollars or more taxes, that if he tried to hold the line, he could have done a better job.

$4 billion in 4 years for this city is not a small amount, and what will we get out of that?

We know the answer.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Kathleen Wynne really needs to go. (And I voted for the liberals last time because I thought Hudak was a nutbar (and he was)).
He was truthful about his intentions and it cost him the election
100,000 public sector job cuts would have been painful, however, it was necessary
After four years of Wynne's mismanagement the provinces finances will be such a mess the number will be closer to 300,000 and it likely be too late to right the ship

You made your choice, now you need to live with the consequences


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
He was truthful about his intentions and it cost him the election
100,000 public sector job cuts would have been painful, however, it was necessary
Yes, conservative goals aren't popular right now.
As 10 years of Harper conservatism shows, it doesn't lead to financial prosperity or greater happiness for the country.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Yes, conservative goals aren't popular right now.
As 10 years of Harper conservatism shows, it doesn't lead to financial prosperity or greater happiness for the country.
You really do not have a clue
Had the lying Federal liberals been in power the size of the public sector would be much larger and there would not be any financial flexibility to employ infrastructure spending.

Popularity and greater happiness ?

You are so naïve
It is about responsible management of the provinces / countries finances


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
You really do not have a clue
Had the lying Federal liberals been in power the size of the public sector would be much larger and there would not be any financial flexibility to employ infrastructure spending.

Popularity and greater happiness ?

You are so naïve
It is about responsible management of the provinces / countries finances
Yes, they were trying to abolish a number of agencies including those serving the veterans just so they could "balance" the budget. When confronted by the veterans and relatives we all know how that "honest" Fantino dude bolted. So this was the type of honest government that the Canadians wanted to serve them?? Really?? Your dogmatic ideas are so laughable.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts