Falling in Love with Someone thats Married

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
John give it up man, the artist formerly known as Prince is clearly unstable.
I'd say the same for your little friend above going all ape shit.

Call me what you will at least I have enough backbone to break up to their face, and not pull some bitch move get scared at first sign of emotion and use people then dump them to the curb when they are all used up.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Really . What gives you the right to call this guy a douchebag and a pussy . Are you trying to control how he does things . Making a lot of assumptions about this aren't you yet you dare to say that I am about her . Do you even know this guy at all . I'll bet NO so how dare you call him names . The guy could be a very nice person after all he hung around with Madonna for 3 years . Are you saying that she fell in love with a bad person.

The guy is MARRIED for fu*cks sake . Doesn't being married mean anything to you at all . It's all about going through the good times and the bad times together . The world is not about what a single persons needs . Being married means that you have a partner to consider or does it .

What if you had a daughter that was married for a few years and she caught her husband going out secretly and seeing other women . How would feel about that . Would you say that her husband has a right to be happy in his own way so you would welcome him with open arms . I think not . Would you tell your daughter that her husband has a right to be happy even though it hurts her that he has this thing with another woman . Think about that for a minute . To hell with his wife ( your daughter ) he has a right to be happy . Yea OK . LOL

So he texted her . Does that make him bad person . Maybe he couldn't do it to her face . How do you know what's he's feeling . It would hurt him too much to actually see her again . What right do you have to say what kind of a man is . Many men don't f*ck around their wives no matter how bad it gets at home . They stay faithful to their wives even if it hurts them . That's what a real man does . Real men don't say I have a right to do this or that even because they have a right to be happy. If that's the case then why bother having a relationship or even get married .

Last but not least do not try and control what another person has to say on the board if you don't agree with them . Learn to accept what someone else's views are and leave it at that . When was the last time you walked on water and who made you Mr. Know It All .

You'd make a great marriage counselor . Just tell them do what ever makes you happy .
You have issues and need help. No wonder you are still waiting by the phone and looking at it like a little puppy for your little lady to call you back 15 years later. Get a life, maybe a wife and stop putting others down. Reason why I went after you is because you disrespected Madonna in your first post as shown above. What gives you this right to treat people like shit, and then get all offended when you're called out on it??? Really, so the world only revolves around you and gives you a free ticket to disrespect, belittle and put down others at your choosing? Really, are you this delusional??? I would never use a friend like he did. I don't need flakes in my life nor do I have time for falkes. If a man can't deal with his emotions, and runs like a little bitch from his friends and leaves them hanging he is a little bitch. Simple as this, call a spade a spade.

Newsflash, lots of married people have friends of the opposite sex and get along very well with their current SOs and respect each other enough to be able to do this. Not something your narrow mind can comprehend, however different levels of friendships exists. Google platonic friendship and maybe you'd learn a thing or two and maybe know how to keep that woman you'd fallen for or find attractive vs. looking at the phone hoping one would call you back.

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
You have issues and need help. No wonder you are still waiting by the phone and looking at it like a little puppy for your little lady to call you back 15 years later. Get a life, maybe a wife and stop putting others down. Reason why I went after you is because you disrespected Madonna as shown above. I would never use a friend like he did. I don't need flakes in my life nor do I have time for falkes. If a man can't deal with his emotions, and runs like a little bitch from his friends and leaves them hanging he is a little bitch. Simple as this.
Your an idiot 100% . Who said I was waiting by the phone . Get a life , maybe a wife is advice you should take . He didn't run like a little bitch and left her hanging . He told her that he couldn't see her anymore . Period .

Go back to taking your pictures instead of giving advice to men you don't know . Your idea of a man is yours and yours only . Not everyone can be the same . I see that you didn't respond about the daughter thing . Would you still welcome her husband with open arms if he was seeing another woman . Come on . Tell the truth . The guy has a right to be happy happy . That's what you say . Even if he is married . True love conquers all even if that person is married to someone else . IDIOT thinking .

I didn't attack Madonna in any way . I just said don't look for love in all of the wrong places . EXAMPLE ... a man that's married to another woman . Plenty of single guys around that would make her happy .

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Your an idiot 100% . Who said I was waiting by the phone . Get a life , maybe a wife is advice you should take . He didn't run like a little bitch and left her hanging . He told her that he couldn't see her anymore . Period .

Go back to taking your pictures instead of giving advice to men you don't know . Your idea of a man is yours and yours only . Not everyone can be the same . I see that you didn't respond about the daughter thing . Would you still welcome her husband with open arms if he was seeing another woman . Come on . Tell the truth . The guy has a right to be happy happy . That's what you say . Even if he is married . True love conquers all even if that person is married to someone else . IDIOT thinking .

I didn't attack Madonna in any way . I just said don't look for love in all of the wrong places . EXAMPLE ... a man that's married to another woman . Plenty of single guys around that would make her happy .
You are lying now.Refer to post #38 to see how you disrespected Madonna which quotes your original post of this thread. At least admit that you were a deuchbag or did not think what you were posting or maybe it came out wrong.

Calling me idiot, very classy. So you have nothing to back up your nonsense and resort to calling me idiot. If you are going to call me names at least back it the fuck up please. BTW, he did it via text like she did not mean anything. Really, this is okay to you?

BTW, to answer your question I have a wife and two daughters and would respect them enough to have them make their own choices what makes them happy. If they want an open marriage so be it, and I'd respect their guy friends. If they don't want marriage so be it. I'd love them regardless of what they choose. If my wife wants to leave fine. She seems happy enough to stay. No she does not know about the hobby and I have not been back over a year.

Now let's hear your side. What happened to this little lady from 15 years ago. Why did it not work out? You asked me a personal questions, I answered, now your turn big boy. Let's hear your side?

BTW, my wife is okay with my "girl" friends and I am OK with her guy friends. You know, people do have friends outside their marriage.

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
You are lying now.Refer to post #38 to see how you disrespected Madonna which quotes your original post of this thread. At least admit that you were a deuchbag or did not think what you were posting or maybe it came out wrong.

Calling me idiot, very classy. So you have nothing to back up your nonsense and resort to calling me idiot. If you are going to call me names at least back it the fuck up please. BTW, he did it via text like she did not mean anything. Really, this is okay to you?

BTW, to answer your question I have a wife and two daughters and would respect them enough to have them make their own choices what makes them happy. If they want an open marriage so be it, and I'd respect their guy friends. If they don't want marriage so be it. I'd love them regardless of what they choose. If my wife wants to leave fine. She seems happy enough to stay. No she does not know about the hobby and I have not been back over a year.

Now let's hear your side. What happened to this little lady from 15 years ago. Why did it not work out? You asked me a personal questions, I answered, now your turn big boy. Let's hear your side?

BTW, my wife is okay with my "girl" friends and I am OK with her guy friends. You know, people do have friends outside their marriage.
First of all maybe the fellow doesn't have an open marriage . Maybe that's why he stopped seeing Madonna . Could be that she was getting too close for his comfort .

Now back track 15 years ago . I had a lady friend but she also had a boyfriend at the same time. I was at the Cancer Clinic about 1 month after my operation . No cell phones were allowed in the building . I was getting tested for chemotherapy all day long . She called me early afternoon and left a message . I checked my phone after I got home and gave her a call where she worked . She seemed angry that I hadn't called her right away . It was I'm busy now and I'll call you later . If some one says I'll call you later then you better do so . I'm not the kind of person to call when she should have called me back . She didn't even give me a chance to explain why I didn't call her in a timely manner . I was taking care of my health with just recently having a Cancer operation .

To this day she doesn't know why I didn't call her back right away . I have helped her in many many ways to make her life a lot easier and this is what I got for my troubles . It took a while to get over her but I did . So much for her being a friend . I'm kind of glad that it happened because I got to see the real person that she was . Yes I'm a Cancer Survivor and darn proud of it . I had chemo for 6 months strait . By the time I was finished I wish I could curl up and die but I pulled through it . To this day I laugh at people that go ape shit on stupid things that bother them . Going to the doctor and being told that you have Cancer makes all the other stupid problems in the world mean nothing .

So I survived Cancer and lost a good friend which I thought she was and Chemotherapy all at the same time . Plus I even went to work each day during Chemo . Anyone man enough to go through all of that at the same time ?????

So no I'm not waiting by the phone like a puppy for her to call me back . If she ever calls I will tell her why I didn't call her right away and tell her to F*ck *ff .

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
First of all maybe the fellow doesn't have an open marriage . Maybe that's why he stopped seeing Madonna . Could be that she was getting too close for his comfort .

Now back track 15 years ago . I had a lady friend but she also had a boyfriend at the same time. I was at the Cancer Clinic about 1 month after my operation . No cell phones were allowed in the building . I was getting tested for chemotherapy all day long . She called me early afternoon and left a message . I checked my phone after I got home and gave her a call where she worked . She seemed angry that I hadn't called her right away . It was I'm busy now and I'll call you later . If some one says I'll call you later then you better do so . I'm not the kind of person to call when she should have called me back . She didn't even give me a chance to explain why I didn't call her in a timely manner . I was taking care of my health with just recently having a Cancer operation .

To this day she doesn't know why I didn't call her back right away . I have helped her in many many ways to make her life a lot easier and this is what I got for my troubles . It took a while to get over her but I did . So much for her being a friend . I'm kind of glad that it happened because I got to see the real person that she was . Yes I'm a Cancer Survivor and darn proud of it . I had chemo for 6 months strait . By the time I was finished I wish I could curl up and die but I pulled through it . To this day I laugh at people that go ape shit on stupid things that bother them . Going to the doctor and being told that you have Cancer makes all the other stupid problems in the world mean nothing .

So I survived Cancer and lost a good friend which I thought she was and Chemotherapy all at the same time . Plus I even went to work each day during Chemo . Anyone man enough to go through all of that at the same time ?????

So no I'm not waiting by the phone like a puppy for her to call me back . If she ever calls I will tell her why I didn't call her right away and tell her to F*ck *ff .
OK, this explains a lot, and wow, good thing you got out of that relationship. Maybe it saved you 15 years of grief if she was capable of being this cold and so full of herself. Probably worked out for the best not keeping this person in your life.

Way to go for surviving cancer and thanks for sharing your story. Life is not worth fighting with good people, better to focus on the positive. I did not know you before this post so sorry if it came out to this. Just that Madonna made such a personal post, opened herself up to everyone like this, and made it so easy to be criticized for it. I can understand now that your post may have had some history behind it and maybe it came out wrong. I know its easy for us to think of it a maybe as home wrecking, or being deceitful. From her few posts on it feels like she got played and betrayed in a way and the guy was a jerk similar to what I feel reading your story and about your lady friend. The guy maybe has a good enough reason for stopping it, OK fair enough, but at least end it properly, give your friend this courtesy, just like it would have been nice for your friend to give to the courtesy to explain your situation. But maybe from your point, just avoid this in the first place could have worked.

Stay well, you seem like a decent guy, and don't let this stuff get to you, its not worth it.

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
Stay well, you seem like a decent guy, and don't let this stuff get to you, its not worth it.
Thanks . You seem to be a decent guy as well . I like the way you put your family first and you can't wait to get home and hold your kids after work . That's what good fathers do .


Dec 1, 2012
Said good bye in a text ? WOW ....all I can say is maybe his feelings were not as deep as yours ? Maybe his wife caught wind of his attachment to you ? Woman can tell these things . I wouldn't be surprised if she was sitting right there watching him text you and sending the text . Remember he has to live with her so of course he is going to do what it takes to keep the peace . I'm not making excuses I'm just relaying the possibilities of what may have happened . Maybe at a later date he will call you and explain ? Don't hold your breath though . Emotional attachments are in many ways stronger then the physical ones . It will be a period of adjustment for you but in a way consider yourself lucky , you dodged a bullet getting deeper involved with a married man . You would have always come second , you would have not been able to share him as your boyfriend with friends and family , romantic dates and stay overs would be few or never , vacations would be rare if ever . And once you did share intimacy so much would have changed , the dynamics of the relationship would then have been heightened so hats to you both for not taking it there . Don't let this keep you from exploring future relationships and allow yourself time to heal .

P.S. '' When people walk away from you , let them go . Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you , and it doesn't mean they are bad people . It just means that their part in your story is over ! "

thank you for the wise words :)


Dec 1, 2012
Well tonight i was stranded for a ride and i hate calling cabs so i texted him if he could give me a ride and he did so now he says if you need me call ugh its complicated lol


You caved in Madonna lol. Maybe his feelings were getting too strong and needed to back off, just don't get hurt, don't want to see anyone get hurt.


New member
Nov 3, 2007
Did i plan on falling for him ? absolutely not but i realized it when he said he can't see me anymore.
this is the main reason you still want to be with him. women enjoy the idea of taboo and also cannot accept rejection as well as men and will create a situation where they will be the one to drop the guy. once you realize this you can move on and avoid potential for greater emotional pain for all parties involved. don't be the 'other' woman, you're better than that.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
Well tonight i was stranded for a ride and i hate calling cabs so i texted him if he could give me a ride and he did so now he says if you need me call ugh its complicated lol
Sorry Madonna, you are a glutton for punishment. I do realise that woman think from the heart, but sometimes its either bad boys or inaccessible men. Unlike most male providers in a family unit, where by these types of feelings
have to kept in check. I'm surprised he called you back, not much backbone on this guy. Especially knowing he ended the relationship.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
I would never fall for a taken guy but then it happened

We hung out for about 3 years he knew about my job and he didn't judge me. He wasn't a client

Then I got the dreadful text that he can't see me anymore and he wishes the best for me

I didn't realize that i fell for him til I stopped seeing him ......we always got along and had good conversations

I miss him and it taught me a lesson to never fall for a married man again

Have you ever fell for someone thats married ?

I may be in love (and she may be with me), but I can't say more, and I'm keeping my wits about me, and not putting false hope on anything.

Thank you for your candid post.

You are human and can't be faulted.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Well tonight i was stranded for a ride and i hate calling cabs so i texted him if he could give me a ride and he did so now he says if you need me call ugh its complicated lol
Complicated is indeed the right word.

Perhaps you can still be friends. Don't let other options pass you by Madonna.

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
Well tonight i was stranded for a ride and i hate calling cabs so i texted him if he could give me a ride and he did so now he says if you need me call ugh its complicated lol
Lets put this in another perspective . If you told a guy that you couldn't see him anymore for what ever reason and he called you up for a phony excuse what would you say that he was doing . STALKING . This thing about not like taking a cab is pure nonsense . It was an excuse to call him . Pure and simple .

You are a mature grown up woman . Start acting like one .

The guy is MARRIED . Maybe his wife doesn't like him seeing other women . Do you really want to be the one to break up his marriage ??? This could happen you know .
If he contacted you first then his being married would be his problem but he didn't . You contacted him because you use the feeble excuse you don't like using a cab .

Like the old saying , If you really love someone then let them go and they will come back to you if it was really meant to be that way . If he really loves you like you love him then tell him to get separated from his wife and you will see him . If he doesn't do that then forget about him .

Love is very powerful at times but Love can get people into a lot of trouble . Leave him be . That's what a mature person would do.

Guys can fall in Love with SP's . What do SP's call a guy like this . A STALKER when the guy tries to contact them after the SP says that she can't see him any more .

He already told you that he can't see you any more . Accept that and move on .

Leave him alone . Your just asking for more hurt down the line .

I know it sucks but no one said life was fair .
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