Club Dynasty

WOMEN: The nice guy space time continuum.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
I think you've got the stages right, but the ages differ for each woman, and there are some women who miraculously don't need to go through the stages to arrive at "enlightenment".

I think young women crave both freedom and status, and often those "bad boys" provide both: they spit in the face of rules and are often the popular ones in the teenage years. Of course, most of us know that these guys often have poor prospects, are general douchebags to those around them, and will eventually be douchebags to the women in question when they grow tired of them. It's a tale as old as time. In terms of evolution, these alpha males were the best providers and defenders. But that hasn't applied for some time now. Evolution has some catching up to do. It's too bad that so many women have to learn the hard way what kind of person they really want to be with; and that so many nice guys go wanting for so long.

That said, this is by no means a female only problem. How many guys chase hot tail over the sweet gals? Fortunately for me, I can tell the difference between love and lust and so even though I've tumbled a few hotties, I would never dream of being in a long-term relationship with them (at least, not unless they had other traits in their favour). I look for certain qualities for a real relationship: dependability, affection, disposition, maternal instincts, etc. Looks do factor in somewhat, but I find that if she has the right personality she tends to become more beautiful by the day. Funny how that works!
Well stated and best post of the thread :thumb:


Jan 2, 2011
The way I see it is never change yourself for anyone, especially some chick. That will make you look weak and insucure. If she dosnt dig u just move on. Theres millonns of girls out there.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
There are stereotypes for sure, but like anything else there is definitely a segment of the population this represents. Although nice guys may not always finish last......a vast majority of them do.Many, many women I've known over the years have uttered that infamous quote "I wish I could just find a nice guy"......I try not to laugh knowing they have spent the previous 20 years looking for anything but
I really have to agree with this as well. But then again how strong you are as a male with good beliefs. Well who knows, especially in this industry !

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Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
A lot of 'nice guys' aren't. They're borderline creeper / stalkers who go out of their way to sabotage their unrequited's various relationships when they should have either: a) nutted up and made their move before they became as familiar as wallpaper, b) threw up their hands and walked away a long time ago, or c) actually figured out how to be a real friend to the woman in question. So basically, f*ck them.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Most of these self-pitying, self-proclaimed "nice guys" in reality are insecure assholes.
Nope and this is wrong. There are different categories of nice. Some people are brought up to be respectful and do not have the motivation to take advantage manipulate or control and choose to live a certain way...maybe holding a door for someone, being considerate if the other person thinks they can take advantage because they sense that you are nice is another story and you can still be nice but make the appropriate adjustments in how you treat this person that thinks they can fuck you over because they think you are nice.

It is okay to be nice. Fearing what other people think of you because you show respect for others or for fear of being labeled a certain way or that you will be taken advantage is truly pathetic and shows weakness in personality and character. These people always morph and change mostly due to common misconceptions and live their life in constant fear of peoples approval, are never content and have low self esteem.

Why would you want to live with someone of the character being described by the OP. The only thing these types are good for are one night stands or just to pay to fuck. Why would you want to live your life always pleasing others for their approval. This IMO is a truly pathetic existence.

Your statement above is pure drivel and truly pathetic if you actually believe it.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
A lot of 'nice guys' aren't. They're borderline creeper / stalkers who go out of their way to sabotage their unrequited's various relationships when they should have either: a) nutted up and made their move before they became as familiar as wallpaper, b) threw up their hands and walked away a long time ago, or c) actually figured out how to be a real friend to the woman in question. So basically, f*ck them.
"A lot of 'nice guys' aren't" ...and you know this how exactly? You conducted a study? You have data to prove your drivel or are just speaking out of your ass and dumping useless facts on us. Do you really know what a nice guy is vs. what you think it is?

I agree with the " They're borderline creeper / stalkers who go out of their way to sabotage their unrequited's various relationships" this holds ground for the ladies also although I do not believe it is a majority.

Actually to be nice is to tell them how it is or how you think it is even though it may hurt them at the time or end ever seeing them again. This would be considered a nice guy, and not some fake pussy bitch white knight just saying shit to get her approval.

There is different levels of nice guys. There are also those wolves, weirdos, creepers, sociopaths and psychopaths trying to disguise as nice guys. Its quite easy to sense them out actually.

You have not convinced me I still see value in being nice to people. I don't think it is that bad.

I consider myself a nice guy overall even though I have my deamons and cheat on my wife with MPAs sometimes and think by doing this it helps me be nice to her and overlook the parts I need from her. Overall, she is a nice person, is happy and content minus the intimacy, so why ruin it by telling her the truth that I need it more then a couple of times a year thus I see the MPA. Does this make me a fake pussy bitch white night? Who knows, I dont think so, but others may see it different. Sometime you need to pick and choose what you disclose to them, none of us are 100% honest, this is not possible. Simple test is to ask yourself how many times have you seen her happy, how many times have you made her laugh, or saw that she is content living with you vs. how many fights have you had how many times have you seen her crying because of you. Its easy to tell if she is happy with you or not just by observing her. If she was not happy overall I'd leave and try to do it on good terms. Now she tells me and shows it to me, and its all I need.

I think nice guy means respecting people, not trying to use and manipulate people, unless they give you an excuse or try to fuck you over first. I see no point in being nice to people who try to use manipulate and control unless you see hope that its worth your time investing in someone despite the fact that they may be aiming for your throat.

Thus like I said there are different categories and levels of nice.


New member
May 21, 2013
judge's laughing
I still see value in being nice to people. I don't think it is that bad.
I don't see value in being nice to people, I just am. It is probably one of the "list" of things that my wife doesn't agree with. BUT if I wasn't nice I would never have gotten the opportunity to "score" her. See it isn't only me that says I am the nicest guy in the world.

BTW. I certainly know how to defend myself.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015

This nice guy fear mongering thing is just a brainwashing technique created by the media and intended to control and manipulate the sheep.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
I don't see value in being nice to people, I just am. It is probably one of the "list" of things that my wife doesn't agree with. BUT if I wasn't nice I would never have gotten the opportunity to "score" her. See it isn't only me that says I am the nicest guy in the world.

BTW. I certainly know how to defend myself.

I get a chuchle reading your response sometimes. Nice to see you back.


New member
May 21, 2013
judge's laughing

I get a chuchle reading your response sometimes. Nice to see you back.

Even though the line of life doesn't run straight, we still try to see it as linear.


Active member
Sep 8, 2008
As a guy who some women might consider a bit of a "bad boy" I have seen women take advantage of good, solid men who might be slightly on the meek side to opt for guys who are obviously not good for them, they just can't stay away. It feels almost evolutionary.

And yes that has included me, I am not particularly proud to say.

Women usually reject this characterization but we men see it all the time. Since it is men that usually do the courting, men have a different vantage point than women, as we are the ones doing most of the "hunting".

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
As a guy who some women might consider a bit of a "bad boy" I have seen women take advantage of good, solid men who might be slightly on the meek side to opt for guys who are obviously not good for them, they just can't stay away. It feels almost evolutionary.

And yes that has included me, I am not particularly proud to say.

Women usually reject this characterization but we men see it all the time. Since it is men that usually do the courting, men have a different vantage point than women, as we are the ones doing most of the "hunting".
Fine hunting for pussy, there is a certain attractiveness for women who consider themselves bad bitches and find powerful bad boys attractive

However, do you see yourself marrying these bad bitches looking for bad boys. Do you see yourself content after 10-15 years of marriage.

They may be good for fun, but who really wants to spend quality time with them?



Active member
Sep 8, 2008
Fine hunting for pussy, there is a certain attractiveness for women who consider themselves bad bitches and find powerful bad boys attractive

However, do you see yourself marrying these bad bitches looking for bad boys. Do you see yourself content after 10-15 years of marriage.

They may be good for fun, but who really wants to spend quality time with them?

Definitely not marriage material. But god damn you can have some fun!

These are usually the ones that look older than they should after a while because of all the hard partying.


New member
May 21, 2013
judge's laughing
They may be good for fun, but who really wants to spend quality time with them?
LOL, catch and release

Most people become a product of their upbringing/surroundings. How shallow to not give these hood-rats a shot.

I am such a nice guy, I built a snowman for the kids. Caught the bastard yesterday. I feel like taking a hair dryer to him.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Fine hunting for pussy, there is a certain attractiveness for women who consider themselves bad bitches and find powerful bad boys attractive

However, do you see yourself marrying these bad bitches looking for bad boys. Do you see yourself content after 10-15 years of marriage.

They may be good for fun, but who really wants to spend quality time with them?
Can't put much value in this post as you are trying to compare men to women as apples to apples. A losing strategy every time.


New member
May 21, 2013
judge's laughing
As a guy who some women might consider a bit of a "bad boy" I have seen women take advantage of good, solid men who might be slightly on the meek side to opt for guys who are obviously not good for them, they just can't stay away. It feels almost evolutionary.

And yes that has included me, I am not particularly proud to say.

Women usually reject this characterization but we men see it all the time. Since it is men that usually do the courting, men have a different vantage point than women, as we are the ones doing most of the "hunting".
I seem to attract the CRAZIES.
Although I can fix them, I would rather someone else have the problem. That is where the nice guy ends and self-preservation takes over


Active member
Jan 5, 2010
Are these so-called nice guys whining over the homely overweight girls who won't fuck them or only the hot ones. It's the same old male entitlement that says that just because a girl is sexually desirable then she should be sexually available, boo-fucking-hoo...go call an sp.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Are these so-called nice guys whining over the homely overweight girls who won't fuck them or only the hot ones. It's the same old male entitlement that says that just because a girl is sexually desirable then she should be sexually available, boo-fucking-hoo...go call an sp.
You are the only one doing the wining around here and talking out of your ass and spewing useless drivel at an attempt to make yourself seem special by trying to put others down and start shit with others that you have no
idea about or what you are saying. Another pathetic troll spewing and swimming in his own shit...
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