Will the ladies rates go up with the weak looney?


Jan 17, 2004
I am from the south of the border and visit once in a while. How low do you think the looney will be by this summer?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
They didn't go up in the past. Why now? If they do all that will happen in is less local traffic which is the majority of their clientele.

Enjoy the exchange rate and splurge for extra time.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
yur getting a good deal cuz of the exchange rate. cuz of the economy and more unemployment, if anything, u would think rates could go down due to perhaps less demand vs supply


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2008
This might revive Niagara Falls's sex tourism industry/ strip joints, and you will likely see less US based escorts touring here
but I don't see it affecting the GTA as clientele is mostly local

A few ladies will do more US tours, but they will need to be careful, as there are risks involved in crossing the border for sex work and the US is in general less lenient to the sex trade


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
The weak Canadian dollar may affect the talent coming to Canada but the saving grace for us is that many love working here compared to other countries. Maybe instead of working in the GTA though, they may choose to work in other Canadian cities where they can charge more.
due to oil prices which has major effects further down to the indirect businesses too, I think Alberta is hurting. Might be harder to get clients for visiting sps if they want to charge the higher rates


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
I am from the south of the border and visit once in a while. How low do you think the looney will be by this summer?
Since there is no direct affect between the weak loonie and SP rates it should have absolutely no effect on the prices.
In the majority of industries when demand is less prices fall, when demand is more prices increase and when there is no significant changes in demand prices remain the same.


International Courtesan
Nov 4, 2014
New York/Toronto
The dollar has no bearing on the way we price our services...

I'm not about to decrease my rates simply due to the volativity of the market and other industries. The adult industry doesn't work that way.

Like Chloe said though, I love my American clients right now.


Well-known member
due to oil prices which has major effects further down to the indirect businesses too, I think Alberta is hurting. Might be harder to get clients for visiting sps if they want to charge the higher rates
Baffles me what some girls can charge out here ...and get it.3 bills for flab, attitude,pimples, bad teeth and the intellect of a 6th grader. Not all mind you, there are definitely gems out here, but I've not seen a fat/ fit ratio higher any where in Canada where the 3 bill barrier was in place.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Yeah I wouldn't expect to see a change in rates that SPs charge they have remained steady for a long time. I am paying about the same rates that I was paying ten even fifteen years ago.

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
the value of the looney is extremely important as the lower it is the more the world buys our stuff as it is cheaper

there is no economic reason someone in Toronto would raise their service rates to someone else in Toronto, so the answer is no


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Yeah I wouldn't expect to see a change in rates that SPs charge they have remained steady for a long time. I am paying about the same rates that I was paying ten even fifteen years ago.
I'd say rates are up about 20% in the last 15 years.


Jan 31, 2005
Supply and demand drives SP rates. It's a pretty competitive market with a fairly low barrier to entry. There are enough providers and enough customers that no individual or even agency has any market power, pretty much everyone is a price taker. Customers can easily switch to a different SP if she demands too high a price, and a customer to tries to lowball an SP will be turned away, as she has lots of other customers who will pay the market rate.

In such a market price is driven almost entirely by supply and demand. If more SP's enter the market, price will go down. If the supply of SP's diminishes, prices will go up. I would suspect that the number of SP's is more variable than the number of customers, but if for some reason there was a flood of customers then price would go up, and if for some reason there was a significant drop in customers, price would go down. But it seems more likely it's the number of SP's that primarily drives the price.

The economy can influence the number of SP's and the number of customers. In a poor economy, more women may choose to turn to the industry in order to make some extra money on the side. Similarly, some customers may withdraw or reduce their participation in the face of economic hardship. Thus in an economic downturn you would expect some decline in price, as more SP's enter the market, and some customers withdraw. The difference between a recession and full employment, though, is not THAT large--usually the difference between 5% and 10% unemployment. So a shift of 5% shouldn't move prices THAT far. A small change perhaps.

What's likely a larger factor is the sources of SP's, which derive in part from government policy. We have seen in the past an influx of SP's who are foreign, in Canada on some sort of visa (often a tourist visa or student visa) who are working as SP's. This floods the market with SIGNIFICANTLY more SP's than there would be if the supply was generated from domestic talent alone, and that in turn drives down price. That has typically been pretty visible, where a wave of immigrant SP's will be price leaders, with significantly lower prices than the rest of the market, creating net downward pressure on prices across the board.

Therefore, changes in immigration policy are likely to have the most dramatic impact on SP pricing.

Long-term, there's also changing social attitudes. While it's still pretty taboo to be an SP, it isn't nearly as taboo as it was thirty years ago. If an increasing number of women view the industry as an acceptable choice of employment that will obviously increase the supply and drive down prices. This is likely the largest single factor in SP pricing, but it changes very slowly, over time. For the last fifty years attitudes have trended towards increased acceptance and thus there has been a long-term trend towards lower prices. However, that could change, if society were to swing back towards a more conservative outlook and correspondingly more prudish attitudes towards the sex trade.


Jan 31, 2005
I'd say rates are up about 20% in the last 15 years.
Which is a lower rise than inflation, which has risen 30% over the same time period. So net, prices have declined slightly although the nominal dollar figure has risen.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
We have seen in the past an influx of SP's who are foreign, in Canada on some sort of visa (often a tourist visa or student visa) who are working as SP's. This floods the market with SIGNIFICANTLY more SP's than there would be if the supply was generated from domestic talent alone, and that in turn drives down price. That has typically been pretty visible, where a wave of immigrant SP's will be price leaders, with significantly lower prices than the rest of the market, creating net downward pressure on prices across the board.

Therefore, changes in immigration policy are likely to have the most dramatic impact on SP pricing.
I'm curious to see what the Syrian agencies will be charging.
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