Should i go?


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2014
Recently got invited to a Christmas party with a girl I've gone out with three times. She's a 21yr old receptionist at a company I deal with, not uber hot but sexy in her own way & tall & slim. First time I went out with her all I could think about was nailing her. No amount of charm is getting this one into bed on the first date, she confessed she's only been with one guy since high school & it took a LONG time. I'm ok with that, even respect it for that matter. Last time we were out she asked if i'd like to come to her family Christmas party. I'm not one for passing up a party, but she showed me a pic of her parents & I was like wow their young looking. Now as young as I feel I can't help but think if the shoe was on the other foot & I had a 21yr old daughter how would I feel about her showing up with someone my age. Turns out moms is 4yrs my senior & pops is 7, something tells me I could be getting the cold stare through din! Think i'm gonna skip this one

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Go, have a good time. What do you care what they think. If they give you the malocchio ( evil eye ) Just discreetly crook your finger and point to your crotch and whisper to them Ginseng, then nod and wink.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Mom is only 4 yrs your senior. So you can't be a young
boy in her eyes even if her daughter is going to
be your child-wife. Mom is hot like her daughter.
Obviously, two birds with one stone is the way to go.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
Parents who are openly judgemental of their adult children's decisions have some growing up to do. They aren't being respectful of their daughters choices, but that doesn't mean you can't be. Fuck the parents go with how you and the young lady feel about each other. Turds can never be pleased. That remains the daughters problem to sort out, not yours


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
I'd suggest that you tell your friend that, while you have no problem going, the age difference would likely cause some (needless) tension between her and her family. That you respect her and her family time at Christmas and that we'll revisit things again at Easter.

Especially if all you are going to do is bang her, there is no need for you to cause any sort of temporary or permanent damage to her family relationships.

She'll stil bang you!


Active member
Aug 4, 2008
Dog House
Who know you might have dated the mom back in your hockey playing days.
Anyone say mother/daughter duo under the mistletoe.
Also if it happens make sure to post in the most taboo sex thread....
we are getting down to stories about funeral sex.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2014
Do you like this girl or do you only want to have sex with her?
I like her, something quirky & different about her. Actually like the fact she's only been with one guy

Or let him go first on the stairs and you can bang the mother too. :)
Like the way you think Iris:wink: Mom looks pretty serious, think she could use a good bangin! Odds are against that

Is there any chance she is using your age to piss off her parents?
Don't think so, she really likes them

Who know you might have dated the mom back in your hockey playing days.
Anyone say mother/daughter duo under the mistletoe.
Also if it happens make sure to post in the most taboo sex thread....
we are getting down to stories about funeral sex.
I could bet my left nut on no mother/daughter duo, but wouldn't it be funny if she was a hockey groupie from back in the day!

She really wants me to go whats the worst thing that could happen
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