Taxpayers pay for Trudeau’s Nannies


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
I have no problem as a taxpayer picking up the nanny tab for the Trudeau's when both are away from home officially representing Canada. But I don't think it's fair if we are stuck with the entire nanny bill for 24/7/365 care.

Is anyone really surprised though that Trudeau is a do as I say not as I do type? It's the Liberal mantra after all.
Probably true. I'm going to grin and bear it for a few years. The price of getting rid of Harper, who is NOT a progressive conservative.


New member
May 21, 2013
judge's laughing
Needless to say I excluded the expense from her report. And she was relieved of her duties a short time thereafter.
your a heartless sob j/k

wow hasn't this turned into a liberal-conserative squabble. seems like the n.d.p ers disapeared just after this yhread got started.

The future will tell us if there is a new way of doing business.


Mar 12, 2004
Hear! Hear!
"Wealthy Canadians who are not prime minister of Canada?"

Except that's exactly what Hair Doo compared Harper AND himself to,... on national television.

His words,...agreed,...they obviously mean nothing now.



Well-known member
Mar 29, 2006
Amazes me how people can't separate a job benefit that was always part of a job versus a tax policy.

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
And hows Alberta tar sands,no Keystone pipeline,zero growth economically,MikeDuffy and C36 work for you???
Alberta tar sands . You wish to blame Harper for the price of oil on the world market . Talk to the Saudis about that . Zero growth ... just check the amount of items that you have bought that weren't made in Canada in the past few years . Mike Duffy ... that's funny . They're all the same . C-36 ... couldn't care less . I don't vote with my dick . Haven't heard of any ladies complaining about loosing any clients because of it .

You want to gab about Wynne . How's she doing so far . LOL Like paying the teachers union's bills so they will still be at the bargaining table . Paying the CEO of hydro millions of dollars where other provinces pay their CEO less than a million a year . Want me to go on . I got a book full of Liberal garbage that has gone on wasting our tax dollars . Your probably one of the dummies that voted for her in the last election . Hydro bills going up and up . I guess that's OK with you . You probably have bags full of money . Do you work for her .

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
Amazes me how people can't separate a job benefit that was always part of a job versus a tax policy.
It amazes me when people say one thing on the campaign trail and do another once they get in . I'm rich , I don't need government money to take care of my family . Yea sure . LOL


Jan 31, 2005
It amazes me when people say one thing on the campaign trail and do another once they get in . I'm rich , I don't need government money to take care of my family . Yea sure . LOL
Except he didn't say one thing and do another. Are you really so dense that you don't grok the difference between an employment benefit and a tax break?

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
Except he didn't say one thing and do another. Are you really so dense that you don't grok the difference between an employment benefit and a tax break?
He said that rich people like him don't need government money to take care of his kids . So when he got in he hired the 2 nannies to take care of his kids . They were to start being paid from government monies the day he got sworn in . They weren't part of the budget that he has . The nannies were an added expense .

Now the Liberals say that they will cut other expenses from the budget to make room for the expense of the 2 nannies so the nannies payroll will come from the existing budget that he has . Why would they do this if the extra expense of the nannies were not part of the employment benefit in the first place ?

I guess you have no problem in Duffy and Wallin with their employment benefits and tax breaks . Go back to the 9/11 thread . We need a good laugh . DAAAAAA


Jan 31, 2005
He said that rich people like him don't need government money to take care of his kids .
Which has absolutely nothing to do with the PM having staff. He isn't receiving benefits from some social program or some tax incentive.

Really if this sort of perversion of the truth is the only way you can criticize him he is a fantastic PM...


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2009
Which has absolutely nothing to do with the PM having staff. He isn't receiving benefits from some social program or some tax incentive.

Really if this sort of perversion of the truth is the only way you can criticize him he is a fantastic PM...
Conservative cunts don't have anything on him!!!

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
Which has absolutely nothing to do with the PM having staff. He isn't receiving benefits from some social program or some tax incentive.

Really if this sort of perversion of the truth is the only way you can criticize him he is a fantastic PM...
Having tax payers pay to have his kids taken care of is a benefit . Instead of him paying we ended up paying extra . Can you not see that . The 2 nannies were added to his budget . People were up set so the Liberals made cuts in other places to allow for the nannies to be paid by his budget not allowing it not to be increased . Still can you not see that ???

The point is that is what he said during his campaign . Rich people like him can afford to pay their own bills . So Mr. Prime Minister pay for your own kids to be cared for . Just like the rest of the country does .

He is a fantastic Prime Minister . You figured that out with him only been in power for 1 month . What has he done so far ??? Cancel tankers along the BC coast line . Tell Obama he is going to pull out our fighters . Gee all 6 of them . Flash , they are still bombing away and they are done in March anyways , geesh . He's had a month so far to pull the plug . To busy travelling around the world taking selfies with other people .

Giving away our tax dollars like there is no end of money . Let me remind you that the government has no money . What they have is our money and there is only 1 taxpayer.

In power for only 1 month and he's a fantastic Prime Minister you say . Are you kidding me . It doesn't take much to impress you . LOL . Canada is back he says . Well I'm waiting for those Sunny Days to appear . LOL


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
This entire thread is based on people being too stupid to understand the difference between an employment benefit and a tax deduction.

Or more likely being intentionally stupid so that they can slur a politician they already dislike.
I think it's great that the Conservatives and Postmedia are making headlines over this triviality. There will be reasons to criticize Trudeau, but screeching about this non-issue will turn actual wrong moves by the Libs into just more static.

And I love that Postmedia, led by an 80 year old Paul Godfrey, keeps trying to use fake righteous indignation to appeal to the retired folks as if that will turn things around and stop the publishing empire from hemorrhaging money. The Cons and Postmedia still completely misunderstand Canada and what issues actually matter, as they continue to circle the drain.
I can't wait for the Next Big Thing that Rona Ambrose and the Sun papers pretend to care and cry about. Maybe Sophie's shoes not matching her handbag, or the Trudeau household overpaying for oatmeal in pouches when it's cheaper to buy that in bulk bags, or some other equally important matter.


New member
Nov 23, 2010
He's taking the money out of his household fund. Harper spent the same money without a nanny.
That's right Trudeau II will fire the maids and force the nannies to do their job now in addition to the child care.

A true humanist. lol


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
It's always the little things that piss people off. The 12 buck OJ. The larger Hotel Suite.

And usually it's about a politicians comment and/or inflated sense of intitlement.

In this case his comments about rich people not needing the money to care for their children and then turning around and adding his personal nannies(and they were there before) are a classic of my not seeing the optics. And not believing everything you say.

When you hold yourself up as a leader and example, especially in this day and age of information then it's issues like this that WILL come back at you.

Nannies, especially two, are a classic example of the one percent. He is a card carrying member. Another phrase that comes to mind.....

Champagne Socialist.

Although his is rooted more in Hipsterism that Communism


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
I think it's great that the Conservatives and Postmedia are making headlines over this triviality. There will be reasons to criticize Trudeau, but screeching about this non-issue will turn actual wrong moves by the Libs into just more static.

And I love that Postmedia, led by an 80 year old Paul Godfrey, keeps trying to use fake righteous indignation to appeal to the retired folks as if that will turn things around and stop the publishing empire from hemorrhaging money. The Cons and Postmedia still completely misunderstand Canada and what issues actually matter, as they continue to circle the drain.
I can't wait for the Next Big Thing that Rona Ambrose and the Sun papers pretend to care and cry about. Maybe Sophie's shoes not matching her handbag, or the Trudeau household overpaying for oatmeal in pouches when it's cheaper to buy that in bulk bags, or some other equally important matter.
You mean like the 12 buck OJ?

The press on ALL sides of the spectrum are happy to play the gotcha game.


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2001
Brian Mulroney classified his nannies as maids during his time in office.

That's right Trudeau II will fire the maids and force the nannies to do their job now in addition to the child care.

A true humanist. lol


Jan 31, 2005
Having tax payers pay to have his kids taken care of is a benefit
It is an employment benefit. Claiming that the employment benefits of any government employee are tax benefits is stupid beyond belief. Dumber than petrified wood. An employment benefit has nothing to do with tax policy or social programs.

Really you make yourself into a figure of fun: what are we to conclude from this thread, that conservative voters are dumber than fence posts? Can't tell the difference between an employment benefit and a tax benefit???

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
Really you make yourself into a figure of fun: what are we to conclude from this thread, that Liberal voters are dumber than fence posts?

Yep . He's a great Prime Minister . He's done great things all in 1 month . LOL


Man are you guys ever sensitive in the Politics section. Exit stage

That's right Trudeau II will fire the maids and force the nannies to do their job now in addition to the child care.

A true humanist. lol
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