Extremely Rude Text Response

I had a supposed member (handle not asked for nor indicated) call me leaving a VM looking for an appointment at an acceptable time schedule wise but not certain as to my availability and location.

I sent a detailed message including links to that info. and he responded that the location didn't work and that he'd reschedule.

I assumed that his lack of knowledge about me was due to being new to this process and not knowing where to go for that info. I then gave him some tips on how to research a lady prior to contacting her and indicated that I too look forward to meeting in the future. Interestingly he knew my cell number, which can only be determined from my website, but none of the other info. found there.

His text response, "Wow, what's with the bitchy message? I do my research, hence the reviews, what is your problem you ignorant fucking whore?" & "What the fuck was the point of that? No wonder you suck dick for a living."

Please PM me for his full name and cell number!


May 25, 2008
Just about 2 miles past appropriate
Jesus. I normally don't respond to these posts (seems redundant) but why would someone even contact an SP if they have such a low opinion of the profession? Sounds like he has issues and would be miserable in person. Maybe he's just pissed because no one would ever pay HIM for sex.

I responded to his VM with this,


Here's my schedule pg. (link), making me avail. 8 pm - 9 pm this eve.

The address to go to in Woodbridge is found at the top of my tributes pg. (link).

I'm guessing from ur VM that you're 30 + as I don't c younger gents as can b seen on my welcome pg. (link).

Please come to (address) & text me upon arrival for the condo address, which is within walking distance. Lots of free parking either in front of or behind the market or on the street. (8 pm - 9 pm)

Miss SS"

His response, "Thank you so much. Location wise that's not gonna work for me but I look forward to meeting at another time."

SS: "May I quickly ask how u learned about me?"

Potential Client (PC): "Reviews on terb."

SS: "K, many of them include a link 2 my site as does my Profile pg. under (info.) and my posts under "Location" (info.).

Wisdom 4 a newbie like urself is it's always a good idea 2 do a little research b4 contacting a lady. (e.g. link to a review indicating my location).

Hope 2 c u in the future as well!

PC: "Wow, what's with the bitchy message? I do my research, hence the reviews, what is your problem you ignorant fucking whore? " & "What the fuck was the point of that? No wonder you suck dick for a living."

SS: "A quick search of my name would have found the readily available info. u asked about. What's most curious is how u discovered my cell # w/out going to my site as it's not listed anywhere else.

My attitude is fine when dealing w respectful gents. Your rude response will be reported to Fred Zed, owner of TERB & a "Public Service" announcement will be posted about u on TERB so that other providers may avoid u as well.

Enjoy the rest of ur day NAME!"

PC: "Actually, I was not rude to you, you we're rude to me, but I guess you wouldn't understand that, np."

SS: "If u misconstrued my helpful advice as rude that's ur issue not mine, but profanity is never called 4 & a complete negative reflection on u, not me. Here's the link https://terb.cc/vbulletin/showthread.php?543432-Extremely-Rude-Text-Response&p=5389091#post5389091 2 the PSA, verified by Mod99."

PC: "Helpful advice ha? If somebody called you names like "newbie" and talked down at you like you're an idiot, I wonder if you would take their words as helpful advice. Somehow I doubt it, and funny that you forgot to mention that part in your psa. It's not my issue, it's yours if you don't understand that you probably shouldn't address people like that, and what is the point? You lost a client and gained a whole lot of aggravation. For what? You really don't get how that's just bad business. Good luck with that."

He just had to have the last word and fails to realize what you so aptly point out. I don't need business from someone who resorts to such rude behaviour at the drop of a hat.


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
what is your problem you ignorant fucking whore? " & "What the fuck was the point of that? No wonder you suck dick for a living."

Sorry to hear that. :( I had a guy write something like that to me in an e-mail (almost the exact same wording) earlier this year. Can you PM me his info? Thanks.


Nov 1, 2001
This is a good example why I hate most people. Look on the bright side, its better you found out that this guy was psychotic before you ever had a chance to meet him. Once a dick always a dick so I wouldn't bother getting too upset with one ill-bred individual and look more to the positive and that's be happy as hell that you never met up with this individual. Even if you were being rude there are other ways to point that out to a person then to spew the crap that he sent to you. So if I were you I would forget it and move on and be grateful. This might also want to give you a better idea on how you want to screen and possibly improve on your screening process after a situation like this.


Active member
Jul 4, 2009
WOW that's intense.

My favourite part is "No wonder you suck dick for a living. My question to him its guys like you - among other quality one" that PAYS my income. In my opinion is that I'm a whore then all of the guys I have dates with me are just that. Whores. Takes two to do the bang bang.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
eastern frontier
WOW that's intense.

My favourite part is "No wonder you suck dick for a living. My question to him its guys like you - among other quality one" that PAYS my income. In my opinion is that I'm a whore then all of the guys I have dates with me are just that. Whores. Takes two to do the bang bang.
+1 Daley. There are no innocents here and that guy is an asshole for his conduct.


New member
Dec 28, 2010
Sophia. I know you as a very sincere and sensitive person, who is a real gem in this industry. You give the time of day to any and all. In my opinion you are one of the very best. The idiot who treated you this way has an ego and intellect the size of his dick! He reminds me of the kind of guy who cuts you off in his car on the road and even gives you the finger. However when you catch up to him, and confront him, you see what a coward he is. You deserve better and his kind need to be flushed out. Good for you in calling his kind out.


Jan 19, 2004
wow, that escalated quickly. I never knew the term "newbie" was an offensive insult for some. I know stuff can get misinterpreted in texts/email but going from offering advice using the word "newbie" to extreme profanity and personal insults is surprising. I'm sorry you had to deal with this.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
"Newbie" apparently set him off but it's obvious that he didn't do his research, so he should've apologized for acting like a newbie and/or for not doing his homework when he insisted that he did.

I've been reminded by Sophia to check her schedule on her website. It's okay to 'train' customers to rely on her website so that we don't send unnecessary texts or intrude on her time off.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Sounds like you dodged a bullet honestly.
Someone with that much resentment toward sex workers who can turn abusive and cruel so quickly is likely not a good client and we really shouldn't be seeing them.
I'll PM for info. Thank you for the warning.
Exactly. A passive aggressive personality. Hot tempered.


New member
Oct 4, 2015
I'm surprised you even answered that text where he called you bitchy, I would have ignored that one and just ended it there. Clearly he has some issues.
I'm surprised you even answered that text where he called you bitchy, I would have ignored that one and just ended it there. Clearly he has some issues.
I guess I'm just a bugger for punishment RobinL. lol

Seriously though, my reason for responding was twofold.

A) Misery loves company and when you don't get upset as well, even going so far as to wish someone who's being so obnoxious a "good day", it usually sets their teeth on edge.

B) People need to understand that although this is an anonymous site, there can still be repercussions to their actions.

I realize that the point can and will be lost on some, but hopefully others will think twice before behaving in this manner, not just to me but to other providers as well.


Aug 21, 2001
What a creep! OK, so if that's the level of respect he has for such an obviously beautiful soul who happens to be a SP (to the delight of the overwhelming majority)... what does it say about him? How can this guy so rudely insult you and your profession, yet continue to use such services?
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