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Extremely Rude Text Response


New member
Sep 14, 2009
im sure this will not score me any points with you girls but I would likely have not booked you after you suggested i refer to your website for your details. if youre texting with a client, not having the courtesy to provide the information via text seems annoying and while not necessarily rude perhaps lightly condescending. youre a service provider and the fact that you roll your eyes at the location/detail request and push me along to your website speaks volumes of what your proposed service levels are. this is all highly perceptual but remember we have no clue what our connection is going to be like until we meet and in 99% of the case, perception is reality. i agree the guy was a rude asshole but after your initial response i would have lost your number and not booked you.
Here's the funny thing.

When I didn't have a website I was constantly being told that I should get one. Fine, so I take the time to do so and to put all the pertinent info. on it, right down to the closest major intersection when travelling from the West & when travelling from the East, the address of the nearest business that can be used to GPS your trip and get an ETA, etc. I also used to have a very comprehensive ad on here, when I was advertising here, that listed my availability in bold at the very top of it, etc.

Despite all this, day in and day out I get requests for info. that can either be found on my site, in my ads, or both, from people who claim to have read my ad or site. I also explain my availability on my VM. That's 3 different avenues that can be taken to find this info. Remember, he called me first leaving a message asking not only about about my location, but my availability as well. I then further provided him with direct links to where all this can be found, hopefully making it easier for him to access it in the future. Phew, after all that I get told that I'm not being very customer oriented or friendly.

Here's the way I see it. If you can't be bothered to go to my site or ad and actually peruse it for a couple of minutes to gather the basics like location/availability, how serious are you really about booking me? There are plenty of hobbyists that can and do take the time to read it and as a result are a delight to deal with and with whom I'll gladly take the time to discuss matters further.

Speaking of ads, I also remember getting flak on here for my past comprehensive ad and how one needs to be a lawyer to book me. Now the new ladies starting out in a post Bill C-36 environment are given flak for their booking practices (e.g. needing references, etc.). I put all that info. there, not to confuse you, but to provide you with all the pertinent info. needed to book me and still it's not enough. He misconstrued my effort to help make the process easier by laying it all out, including when I start answering my cell, when I start seeing clients and when I stop doing both, etc. as being pushy or bossy, when all I was trying to do is provide you with as many details as possible so as to take the guess work out if it. How refreshing, a woman that gives you the straight goods, no bones about it. Here's the link, read it and see for yourself. The truth is that no matter what you do someone will get offended by it.

Let's be honest here, people are in a hurry and that makes them lazy. I'm the type of person that tries my best to find what I need prior to asking for it, unless I'm in a hurry and will actually apologize to the staff member at Walmart, etc. for bothering them for something I can find on my own, but being pressed for time can't be bothered to do so. I know it's part of their job but I also know that they're busy doing a ton of other duties as well, not to mention getting paid next to nothing for doing it. That's because I'm a truly courteous person who doesn't have the sense of entitlement most have in the world today. Asking someone who obviously accessed my site to get my cell number, but clearly didn't take the time, care and attention to fully read it to do so isn't rude nor condescending as you put it, it's saving myself from what is most likely just another time waster. If he's serious he'll take the time to go back and read my site more thoroughly and then book me in the manner requested in the future. If not, he probably wasn't that interested in the first place, just tire kicking. I can only go so far to accommodate you, after that you're on your own. Newbies I give leeway to as they're learning. Experienced hobbyists should know better!

We'll never know if he was ever going to actually book me or not, but in my experience the ones who anonymously text me, despite my asking them to call me, etc. aren't that serious. When you've been doing this as long as I have, you learn to discern the earnest from the mere window shoppers.
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Aug 19, 2002
Reminds me of something my father often said.
"why are there so many more horses asses then there are horses?"

Merry Christmas SS ��
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