Royal Spa

scientists are worried about a surprisingly cold ‘blob’ in the North Atlantic Ocean


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
You gotta admit, the IPCC's projections were spot on.
Talk is cheap.

I gave you the chance to settle up -- you chickened out.

I gave you the chance to settle up at the end of October -- you chickened out.

Based on your record (you threw a temper tantrum when you lost the first bet, and welched on the second), I have no doubt you'll welch on this bet.

No matter. The point has been proven -- the IPCC's predictions have been spectacularly wrong.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Talk is cheap.

I gave you the chance to settle up -- you chickened out.
You sure talk a lot.

Yes, you offered me a chance to settle when you knew the temp was 0.01ºC below the terms of the bet and 4 months before the end of the bet.
What a sincere and honest offer.

I'm content to honour the bet as we made it.
You, however keep trying to weasel out.



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Talk is cheap.

I say the IPCC's predictions have been spectacularly wrong. If you want to settle the bet on NASA's numbers, ....
...Even though you have admitted the current observations (including HadCRUT 4.0 data) are well within the predicted ranges of the IPCC graph you keep posting.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
...Even though you have admitted the current observations (including HadCRUT 4.0 data) are well within the predicted ranges of the IPCC graph you keep posting.

When you plot the current data and the current CMIP5 projections, you still find the data are at the bottom of the projections (only the few model runs that predicted stagnant temperatures in the 21st century got it right) and the IPCC's predictions -- which were based on the average of the model runs -- remain spectacularly wrong.

Furthermore, even if you believe your fairy-tale interpretation of the IPCC graph is correct, it is a blatant lie to say that I "admitted" to any such thing.

I could post all of the graphs again but what's the point? You've made it quite clear that you refuse to believe any data other than the imaginary projections created by Frankfooter and Emma Thompson.

(And speaking of the updated HadCRUT4 data, did you notice that the current update from Oct. 1 confirms that your expert source, Frankfooter, was completely wrong:
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Active member
Aug 30, 2009
You asked me this:

I gave you a page with a list of recent works supporting Michael Mann's work and the hockey stick graph....

Mann's work was based off of tree rings originally, I recall.
Independent investigations of ice cores, done since Mann's work, have also confirmed his findings:

So there you have one easy to read example and a list of other, independent research that back up Mann's findings.

Excerpt from "A Disgrace to to his profession by Mark Steryn".....Here an sample what his fellow climate scientist think of the Mann Fraudent Hockey stick.

Mann of the past ONE TREE-RING TO RULE THEM ALL It is difficult to avoid the impression that the IPCC uncritically accepted scientific work that “repealed” the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age because these two well-known features of the climate record placed Global Warming Theory in doubt, at least for the global public.

DR JEFFREY E FOSS, PHD BEYOND ENVIRONMENTALISM: A PHILOSOPHY OF NATURE (2009) THE HOCKEY stick is what’s known as a “proxy reconstruction”.

There’s only two things wrong with it the proxies and the reconstruction. Other than that, you can take it to the bank. First, the proxies: The hockey stick is generally believed to show global (actually Northern Hemisphere) temperatures for the last millennium. But Mann does not, in fact, have any temperature readings for, say, the year 1143. That’s because your average medieval peasant village did not have a weather station, and neither Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit nor Anders Celsius had yet been born.

So Mann has to divine his 12th century thermometer readings from “proxy data”. What is a proxy? Well, it’s something like an ocean coral or an ice core or some lake sediment from which one can “reconstruct” the temperature history. In Mann’s case, it was mostly tree rings. Much of the world isn’t terribly forested, and most of the parts that are can’t tell you the temperature for 1143. For a shot at that, you need a thousand-year-old tree, and there are only a few of those around, here and there in Siberia, in parts of Canada, in California. That was his first mistake:

His proxy reconstruction uses the wrong proxy. To a kid, a tree ring is simple: Jack counts in and finds out whether his tree is older than Jill’s. But, if you’re trying to figure out the temperature, it’s more fraught. “The original ‘hockey stick’ graph figured strongly in the IPCC 2000,” Professor Anthony Trewavas told the British House of Commons. “But it is an artifice… The size of the tree ring is determined by everything that affects all aspects of plant development. These are: soil nutrients and structure; light variations; carbon dioxide; competition from other trees; disease; predators; age; rainfall; previous developmental activity as well as temperature. Temperature, for which it supposedly acts as a proxy, is just one contributor amongst many and of course reflects local conditions only. Mann’s ‘hockey stick’ failed,” he continued, because “tree rings on their own are not a reliable proxy.” Oddly enough, boreholes and other proxies disagree with tree-rings when it comes to the temperature record. Mann had a few alternative proxies in his mix, but just a soupçon , so he could claim to have included them if anybody asked. And then he further refined the process:

Having chosen the wrong proxy trees he took the additional precaution of using the wrong kind of tree. Those ones in the American west, for example, are bristlecone pines. They’re certainly old: There’s a bristlecone pine in California’s White Mountains that has been precisely dated 5,064 years old in 2015 and is believed to be the oldest tree on earth. Unfortunately, the guys who know bristlecones including the very scientists who collected the data Mann used say they’re unreliable as thermometers. Those California bristlecones are sensitive to higher atmospheric CO2 concentration, regardless of whether the temperature’s going up or down. Mann knew this. As Hans Erren observed, Mann’s North American trees did not match the North American temperature record. Yet he decided that, even if they couldn’t reliably tell you the temperature for the bit of sod they were planted in, they could reliably tell you the temperature for the entire Northern Hemisphere. Even the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences bristled at the cones:

For the earliest part of the 1999 analysis, Mr Mann’s group relied heavily on bristlecone pines from western North America. The original study noted that there were some difficulties in using such trees because of peculiarities in their recent growth, but Mr Mann and his group attempted to quantify those problems and to work around them.

The National Research Council suggested that researchers avoid using trees that are the most difficult to interpret . The NRC can “suggest” all they want: for years, Mann and his Hockey Team continued to rely on bristlecones as failsafe treemometers. Yet, even when you decide to apply the wrong example of the wrong proxy to the wrong part of the planet, repealing the Medieval Warm Period is harder than you think. So Mann additionally decided to apply the wrong weighting to his wrong example of the wrong proxy to the wrong part of the planet by giving tree-ring data that produced a hockey-stick curve over 300 times the value of tree-ring data that didn’t. Wrong proxy, wrong tree, wrong location…

But what else do we need? Ah, yes, the wrong method. Put aside the bristlecones in MBH98 and Mann’s hockey-stick curve for the entire Northern Hemisphere up to 1421 comes from just one tree, and from thereafter to 1447 from just two trees both from Québec’s Gaspé Peninsula . (And from 1400 to 1403 from zero trees: he just extrapolated the 1404 reading.) By contrast, reputable dendrochronologists won’t use data sets with fewer than five trees on the grounds that one or two (never mind zero trees) might not be that representative. But Mann did and then he made them even more mega-representative by double-counting that pair of Gaspé trees in two separate data sets.

And suddenly you can’t see the Little Ice Age or the Medieval Warm Period for the trees or tree. Wrong proxy, wrong tree, wrong location, wrong method = right answer: LIA( liitle ice age) equal to MIA( Missing in Action) . MWP( Medieval Warm Period) becomes RIP ( Retired in Peace).
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Active member
Aug 30, 2009
You asked me this:

I gave you a page with a list of recent works supporting Michael Mann's work and the hockey stick graph....

Mann's work was based off of tree rings originally, I recall.
Independent investigations of ice cores, done since Mann's work, have also confirmed his findings:

So there you have one easy to read example and a list of other, independent research that back up Mann's findings.

“Michael Mann, Phil Jones and Stefan Rahmstorf should be barred …because the scientific assessments in which they may take part are not credible anymore.”

DR EDUARDO ZORITA, PHD Senior Scientist at the Institute for Coastal Research in Germany. Former Head of the Department of Paleoclimate at the GKSS Research Centre, and Associate Researcher at the Laboratory of Dynamic Oceanography and Climatology at Pier re and Marie Curie University. Author of peer-reviewed papers published in Science , Nature Climate Change , The Holocene , The Journal of Climate and other journals, and member of the editorial boards of Climate Change , Climate of the Past and Climate Research . IPCC contributing author.

If global warming is, as Dr Giaever says, a religion, then Mann is the world’s least infallible pontiff. After Stephen McIntyre & Ross McKitrick’s attempts to reproduce the hockey stick, and Mann’s refusal to release his data, and two major investigations that found severe problems with his methods, it was still just about possible to believe that the creator of the hockey stick was an ethical scientist who was simply in way over his head. The release of the Climategate emails in November 2009 made the theory that Mann was a naïf with a propensity for major errors harder to credit. The correspondence exposed a malevolent clique at the highest levels of climate science determined to prevent any dissenters getting a foot in the door. Perhaps the most obvious question, after Climategate, is why anybody still pays any attention to these guys. On November 27th Dr Zorita wrote on the GKSS website a piece with an arresting headline : Why I Think That Michael Mann, Phil Jones and Stefan Rahmstorf Should be Barred from the IPCC Process Short answer: because the scientific assessments in which they may take part are not credible anymore.
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Active member
Aug 30, 2009
You asked me this:

I gave you a page with a list of recent works supporting Michael Mann's work and the hockey stick graph....

Mann's work was based off of tree rings originally, I recall.
Independent investigations of ice cores, done since Mann's work, have also confirmed his findings:

So there you have one easy to read example and a list of other, independent research that back up Mann's findings.

Excerpt from "A Disgrace to to his profession by Mark Steryn".....Here another sample what his fellow climate scientist think of the Mann Fraudent Hockey stick.

“We now know that the hockey stick graph is fraudulent.”

DR MICHAEL R FOX, PHD (1936-2011) Nuclear scientist, Professor of Chemistry at Idaho State University and researcher at the National Engineering Laboratory. Chairman of the American Nuclear Society’s Public Information Committee. In 2008, in evidence submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency, Dr

Fox said the following : The hockey stick is a name given to a graph of reconstructed temperature data… The “handle” of the hockey stick graph is intended to portray rather flat, constant global temperatures extending from about 1000 AD to about 1900. At this time the global temperatures turn sharply upward indicating the “blade”… The overall message is/was that after about a 900 year period of constant temperatures, the global temperatures rose sharply upward beginning around 1900, allegedly. This is often assumed to be the beginning of the industrial age, and therefore the presumed beginning of significant man-made CO 2 emissions. This is incorrect… This hockey stick graph has been featured prominently and globally in a major scientific journal…

It has been given pivotal importance in several of the IPCC assessment reports, and featured prominently in Al Gore’s documentary An Inconvenient Truth , which now is discredited too. This section of Dr Fox’s remarks is a useful précis of how the hockey stick was wafted up on ever wider circles of deceit: It is useful to list some of theapproval processes which led to this global deception . The authors, scientists themselves, obviously approved of their own creation. The peer reviewers assigned by the science journal approved it, the editors of the science journal who reviewed, checked, and approved it, and the reviewers of the IPCC reports, the editors of the IPCC documents. The producers of Gore’s documentary approved it, presumably Mr Gore himself, and the thousands of school teachers around the world who required millions of students to view and analyze it. The extent of global fear inspired by the educational systems around the world is incalculable.

We now know that the hockey stick graph is fraudulent. How should we treat those who approved it? What should the EPA do now proposing to adopt rule making for CO 2 mitigation? To do so they must embrace the underlying fraudulent science , and the terrible harm it will bring. EPA action seems simple: do not proceed with the rule making for greenhouse gas mitigation. Have the courage not to mitigate man-made CO 2 and avoid joining with the scientific deceptions. Close analyses of the hockey stick scandal are essential for policy makers, educators, media, and many scientific institutions and their PhD staffers. All of them played a role in creating and/or spreading the deceptions. It has shaken the pillars of institutional science to its foundation and undermined the public trust science once had. We are either dealing with willful scientific deceptions or woeful and lazy scientific mediocrity from PhDs
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Active member
Aug 30, 2009
You asked me this:

I gave you a page with a list of recent works supporting Michael Mann's work and the hockey stick graph....

Mann's work was based off of tree rings originally, I recall.
Independent investigations of ice cores, done since Mann's work, have also confirmed his findings:

So there you have one easy to read example and a list of other, independent research that back up Mann's findings.

Excerpt from "A Disgrace to to his profession by Mark Steryn".....Here another sample what his fellow climate scientist think of the Mann Fraudent Hockey stick.

“The behavior of Michael Mann is a disgrace to the profession.” DR HENDRIK TENNEKES, PHD Former Director of Research at the Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute and member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science. Former Professor of Aeronautical Engineering at Pennsylvania State University (now Michael E Mann’s employer). Author of The Simple Science Of Flight From Insects To Jumbo Jets (MIT Press, 1997) and co-author of the classic A First Course In Turbulence (MIT Press, 1972).

Long before Climategate, a few principled scientists had spoken up against Mann and an IPCC that put all its eggs in his basket. As Dr Tennekes said : We only understand ten per cent of the climate issue. That is not enough to wreck the world economy with Kyoto-like measures. Henk Tennekes is one of the most far-sighted men in his field that’s to say, in a famous speech on climate science in 1987 he predicted the limits of our ability to predict. No one familiar with Tennekes would have bet the farm on those turn-of-the-century climate models. On February 22nd 2005 Dr Tennekes sent the following email to Stephen McIntyre in Toronto :

1) The IPCC review process is fatally flawed. 2) IPCC willfully ignores the paradigm shift created by the foremost meteorologist of the twentieth century, Edward Lorenz. 3) The behavior of Michael Mann is a disgrace to the profession. 4) Hans von Storch and Steve McIntyre have shown the courage of their convictions. The names Dr Tennekes mentions may not be known to all: Stephen McIntyre is the Toronto mining engineer who received, as did every Canadian, a pamphlet from the government with a prominent reproduction of Mann’s graph.

To Ottawa, the hockey stick was the easiest way to sell Canadians on the need for the Kyoto Accord. When Mr McIntyre saw it, it reminded him of the type of prospectus he’d seen many times in the mining industry, and which often turned out to be too good to be true. And he wondered whether this might also turn out to be too good to be true. And then he put his statistician’s hat on and got to work… Hans von Storch, by contrast, is a climate scientist who has long been “convinced that we are facing anthropogenic climate change brought about by the emission of greenhouse gases”, as he told the US Congress in 2006. But, among such believers, he wasto be not quite so “convinced” by Mann’s hockey stick… And Edward Lorenz? Not so long ago, he was all the rage. Lorenz (1917-2008) was dubious of linear statistical models in meteorology and pioneered “chaos theory”. He was the first to use the term “butterfly effect”, and not just his fellow scientists but the general public picked it up, too. But “chaos theory” faded quickly in a world in which almost everyone who mattered assumed that governments could restore the climate of the planet to some Edenic idyll if only they were permitted to tax and regulate us enough. And the surest marketing gimmick for that proposition was the antithesis of “chaos theory” and the “butterfly effect” Michael Mann’s hockey stick.
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Active member
Aug 30, 2009
You asked me this:

I gave you a page with a list of recent works supporting Michael Mann's work and the hockey stick graph....

Mann's work was based off of tree rings originally, I recall.
Independent investigations of ice cores, done since Mann's work, have also confirmed his findings:

So there you have one easy to read example and a list of other, independent research that back up Mann's findings.

We need to remember what science is it is not a compilation of facts. Rather it is a set of processes used to gather relatively reliable information about the world we live in, our societies and ourselves. It is the formality of these processes that gives science its privilege and validity over other claims to knowledge about our world that can only come from belief, received wisdom, or anecdote. When this formality is broken whether by unsupported claims , hidden biases , lack of reproducibility , and inadequate peer review public trust in science is harmed and its privilege is undermined.

PROFESSOR SIR PETER GLUCKMAN, ONZ, KNZM, FRS, FMEDSCI, FRSNZ ARTHUR E MILLS MEMORIAL ORATION TO THE ROYAL AUSTRALASIAN COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, MAY 18TH 2014 P ETER GLUCKMAN is the Chief Scientific Advisor to the Government of New Zealand, and broadly supportive of the general line on "climate change”. His emphasis on the formality of scientific processes is not contentious, and his list of breaches in that formality and their harm to public trust is worth considering with respect to Michael E Mann and his work:

1) Unsupported claims In the Summary for Policy Makers of its Third Assessment Review, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change made the single most dramatic assertion in the history of the global-warming movement: The increase in temperature in the 20th century is likely to have been the largest of any century during the past 1,000 years. It is also likely that, in the Northern Hemisphere, the 1990s was the warmest decade and 1998 the warmest year. The only evidence offered in support of this statement was Michael Mann’s hockey stick. Does it, indeed, support such a claim? Not according to many of the scientists in these pages. The Danish climatologist Bo Christiansen examined nine Mann “hockey sticks” and says it is “almost impossible to conclude” from any of them that “the present period is warmer than any period in the reconstructed period”. Professor David Legates writes that “one can have no confidence in the claim that the 1990s are the warmest decade of the last two millennia” (by then Mann had extended his flexi-shaft back another millennium.) Almost every other serious reconstruction shows much greater natural climate variability, and the 1990s within the bounds of that. And, as Professors McShane and Wyner point out, most of these reconstructions look nothing like hockey sticks. Indeed, it remains an open question whether what his oeuvre purports to divine a “global temperature” is in a scientific sense “supportable”. In the absence of reliable tropical data, says Dr David Rind, “we have no way of knowing how cold (or warm) the globe actually got”. So unsupported claims: yes.

2) Hidden biases Later in this book, Nobel Prize winner Ivar Giaever reminds us that “in pseudoscience you begin with a hypothesis which is very appealing to you, and then you only look for things which confirm the hypothesis”. Mann began with a hypothesis that the global temperature record had been pretty stable for 900 years and then in the 20th century it soared up and out the roof. And so he looked for “things which confirm the hypothesis”: As Mann put it, “one set of tree-ring records” was “of critical importance” in conjuring his stick .So his hypothesis that it looks like a hockey stick is confirmed only because a tree ring that produces a hockey-stick shape is given 390 times the weight of a tree ring that does not. That tells you nothing about what the temperature was in the 15th century, but a lot about Mann’s biases. He chose a statistical method that, as the US National Research Council noted rather primly, “tends to bias the shape of the reconstructions”. Furthermore, the scientists who actually collected the tree-ring data that Mann cannibalized insist they’re primarily an indicator of CO 2 fertilization, not temperature. At the IPCC level, he maintained his bias against anything that contradicted his hypothesis. As Professor John Christy testified to Congress, Mann “misrepresented the temperature record of the past thousand years by (a) promoting his own result as the best estimate, (b) neglecting studies that contradicted his, and (c) amputating another’s result so as to eliminate conflicting data”. Hidden biases: yes.

3) Lack of reproducibility Is Mann’s work “reproducible”? They gave it a go in Berlin. “She came to the conclusion that she cannot reproduce his diagram,” says Professor Ulrich Cubasch. “The real problem in this case, in my view, is that Michael Mann does not disclose his data.” Except for a small trusted coterie, Mann declined for years to release the elements needed to reproduce his stick. In evidence before the House of Commons in London, Professor Darrel Ince noted Mann’s refusal to cough up his computer code, and said that he would “regard any papers based on the software as null and void”. His stick could be neither proved nor disproved and, as Professor Vincent Courtillot reminded European climatologists, if “it’s not falsifiable, it’s not science”. Lack of reproducibility: yup. So three strikes, he’s out. No, wait, that’s another sport entirely.

For hockey, you need four.

4) Inadequate peer review “The hockey stick is an extraordinary claim which requires extraordinary evidence,” wrote Oxford physicist Jonathan Jones. Nature never asked for any and, when it fell to others to demonstrate the flaws of the stick, the journal declined to share their findings with its readers. Mann and a few close allies controlled the fora that mattered, and banished any dissidents. “It’s a completely rigged peer-review system,” concluded CalTech’s Dr David Rutledge. Fourth strike. The unsupported claims, hidden biases, lack of reproducibility and inadequate peer review of Mann have surely harmed “public trust in science”. What follows is one scientist and his science, by those who know both the work and the man.
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Active member
Aug 30, 2009
You asked me this:

I gave you a page with a list of recent works supporting Michael Mann's work and the hockey stick graph....

Mann's work was based off of tree rings originally, I recall.
Independent investigations of ice cores, done since Mann's work, have also confirmed his findings:

So there you have one easy to read example and a list of other, independent research that back up Mann's findings.

MADHAV KHANDEKAR, PHD Meteorologist and climatologist. Research Scientist with Environment Canada for 25 years. Editorial board member of The Journal of Natural Hazards , and former editor of Climate Research . Member of the American Geophysical Union, the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, and the American Meteorological Society. Former World Meteorological Organization lecturer in meteorology. MSc in Statistics from Pune University, PhD in Meteorology from Florida State University.

MADHAV KHANDEKAR, PHD Meteorologist and climatologist said before the hockey stick, climate science was a complicated business: a vast Amazonian river (as Professor Kiminori Itoh of Yokohama National University characterized it ) with many tributaries from aerosols and volcanoes to solar variations and land surface modifications. What if all that complexity could be simplified? Really simplified into “a nice tidy story” (in Professor Keith Briffa’s words) about “unprecedented warming in a thousand years” .

In 2009 Dr Khandekar was interviewed by Canada’s Frontier Centre for Public Policy. Asked whether Michael E Mann’s hockey stick was “a smoking gun that proves the alarmists right”, he replied :

The hockey stick was a graph constructed by some scientists about ten years ago. What it was meant to show was that the earth’s temperature from about 1080 till about 1850 remained essentially constant and then it started to shoot up. Lots of problems have been found out in the graph. The most glaring error in the hockey stick was that it did not show the Little Ice Age, which was significant. It did not show the Medieval Warm Period from the 8th to 12th century, which was also significant. There were errors in the use of the tree-ring data and also other errors. So today, most scientists dismiss the hockey stick. They do not consider the hockey stick graph to be a correct representation of the global mean temperature.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Pornaddict, if you're going to spam us with random, irrelevant posts, can you at least spell the name of your Heartland funded lobbyists correctly?
His name is Mark Steyn, not Steryn.

Steyn has nothing to add to the debate, he's just a loud mouthed, warmonger, right winger who has taken Heartland Institute money.

Meanwhile, look at this chart and tell me that its not going up, like Moviefan likes to do.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
Pornaddict, if you're going to spam us with random, irrelevant posts, can you at least spell the name of your Heartland funded lobbyists correctly?
His name is Mark Steyn, not Steryn.

Steyn has nothing to add to the debate, he's just a loud mouthed, warmonger, right winger who has taken Heartland Institute money.
I'm sorry to hear you feel this way, since Steyn's book is one of the ones you're going to be reviewing. :thumb:


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I'm sorry to hear you feel this way, since Steyn's book is one of the ones you're going to be reviewing. :thumb:
As if, we are 0.01ºC away from you losing the bet with 1/4 of the year's data remaining.

Besides, Steyn is already being sued by Mann.
With the quotes being taken out of context, its quite likely he'll be sued by those same scientists he pretends to quote.
That book won't stay in print.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
Besides, Steyn is already being sued by Mann.
With the quotes being taken out of context, its quite likely he'll be sued by those same scientists he pretends to quote.
The full context for each quote is provided in the book -- as you'll discover when it comes time for you to review it.

And I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for climate researchers to jump in to support Mann.

Two years ago, Mann predicted: "You'll be seeing more scientists speaking out." -

The actual number of scientists who filed amicus briefs to support Mann: Zero. :biggrin1:


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The full context for each quote is provided in the book -- as you'll discover when it comes time for you to review it.

And I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for climate researchers to jump in to support Mann.

Two years ago, Mann predicted: "You'll be seeing more scientists speaking out." -

The actual number of scientists who filed amicus briefs to support Mann: Zero. :biggrin1:
You are just as credible as Steyn here.
Nice work on drawing a land in the sand, only to show that you are defending shit.
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