Would you marry an SP?


Active member
Jan 15, 2004
I've met a couple of SP's who I would be proud to have on my arm anywhere (one is involved in this thread) both were smart and knew how to fuck. As an aside I would marry Daley for an hour or two any day of the week


Jan 31, 2005
I read the first post. Then skipped to the end.

I think the natural extension I want to ask in response to this topic:
"In all honesty, would an SP marry you?":eyebrows: :p
That is an excellent question, and the first fight would go like this:

"But I was only doing it for work, to make money. You were doing it for fun, you spent your savings to have sex, that is how desperate you are. How can I trust a man like that to stay faithful to me? You are probably still seeing escorts behind my back."

Everybody assumes that it is the man who will have issues with the SP's history, and he might, but I think a former SP will have more issues with a former client then the other way.

|2 /-\ | /|/

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Originally Posted by exnocomment View Post
I read the first post. Then skipped to the end.

I think the natural extension I want to ask in response to this topic:
"In all honesty, would an SP marry you?"

That is an excellent question, and the first fight would go like this:

"But I was only doing it for work, to make money. You were doing it for fun, you spent your savings to have sex, that is how desperate you are. How can I trust a man like that to stay faithful to me? You are probably still seeing escorts behind my back."

Everybody assumes that it is the man who will have issues with the SP's history, and he might, but I think a former SP will have more issues with a former client then the other way.
Exactly, the question at hand should be would an SP or xSP marry YOU, not would an SP marry a client, many SPs have married clients or are open to this possibility.

However, judging by your multiple response here and in the past, you are mainly concerned about the optics of the whole 'arrangement', how will people see you, what will they think, how will you feel once somebody notices her, or how she will react at the sight of her past clients. You are just projecting your insecurities with such a relationship, and any decent SP looking for a true marriage will see right through it and will stay away far away from you.

If you fall in love with her and actually love her, you will accept her for who and what she is, and all this stuff is trivial and will be resolved on its own, because you two love each other and will work through it, will work together through your faults and weakness, will build on each others strength. Not many ladies by choice want a weak and tentative partner always worried how others will see them and how their next fight will end up.

Seriously, and you have the balls to tell others to get help, when you ooze so much relationship and interpersonal deficiencies. Seriously, look yourself in the mirror before casting judgment onto others.

Also, I think we are not being clear when we answer this question. I would marry an SP if we loved each other provided she decided to stop SPing or already did, or I waited for her if she was ready, that's if we both wanted this arrangement. I personally would never marry an active SP.


Active member
Jul 4, 2009
If you marry am SP would you be OK if she receives clients at home when you're there ?
No. No. No. No way. For the guys sake, having another guy (presuming you're suggesting men) being around during your intimate time is NOT okay.

For the record...I think I now have three proposals on here. The answer is...I DO. And yes, Sophie is my dowry.


Jan 5, 2014
Not at all. I'm just saying that one should marry someone of the same values. If your values allow you to be married to someone who commodified the most intimate part of themselves and you think they, somehow, are saving the best parts of themselves for "you" then you deserve what you get. Sex workers have morals and values that are flexible and allow them to do the work they choose. If your values can be as slippery, then have at it son and we will see your posts here in a few years after you are divorced, broke and she's taken all you've worked hard for. Fact of life, men better than you have fallen for the Jezebel charms. Myself, I'd like to know my partner is straight up and consistent in their behaviour and morals
Why rate sex as the most intimate part of oneself?

Physiologically, sex is just another way of achieving a heightened state of sensory awareness, similar to other activities, such as intense exercise, combat, sports or scoring a major business coup. It's all about endorphin release and self-pleasure.

In a neurochemical sense, sex is just the natural extension of a smile and a handshake and may or may not involve the most intimate of human connections, emotional interaction.

You're preaching old-school values that go back to the pre-DNA age when the only guarantee of paternity was for men to put a lock on the vagina until the one true owner was ready to deliver his seed.

The ancient Greeks developed a practical work around and just kept it anal until the eventual owner was ready to impregnate. Modern school girls in the biblical heartland of the US have figured this out too and have anal to preserve their “virginity” and if they slip up, they can always have their hymen reconstructed by a plastic surgeon.

Women still have it rough in modern society. When a man commodifies his physical attributes, he's glorified as an athlete. When a woman commodifies her physical attributes, she's vilified as a prostitute.

And if someone wants their “partner to be straight up and consistent in their behaviour and morals”, which is basically a Stepford Wife, then they should get a dog.


Spinner Seeker
Oct 20, 2002
No. No. No. No way. For the guys sake, having another guy (presuming you're suggesting men) being around during your intimate time is NOT okay.

For the record...I think I now have three proposals on here. The answer is...I DO. And yes, Sophie is my dowry.
Well, then Daley

My question to you would be......what will you do when you stop SP-ing? Are you going to school now. Have you ever met someone during SP-ing that you think HMMMM, I would love to be more than just a provider to this guy


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Not at all. I'm just saying that one should marry someone of the same values. If your values allow you to be married to someone who commodified the most intimate part of themselves and you think they, somehow, are saving the best parts of themselves for "you" then you deserve what you get. Sex workers have morals and values that are flexible and allow them to do the work they choose. If your values can be as slippery, then have at it son and we will see your posts here in a few years after you are divorced, broke and she's taken all you've worked hard for. Fact of life, men better than you have fallen for the Jezebel charms. Myself, I'd like to know my partner is straight up and consistent in their behaviour and morals
Someone of the same values? In this very thread you have been shown to be an amoral shameless liar. You want to pretend to have clean hands so you can look down on the rest of us, while the truth is your hands are dirty and soap won't get out the damned spots.

There are many professions which make individuals give their hearts, bodies or brains in exchange for money. Some ask for their souls. You want to pretend that selling their bodies to make others happy is better than a corporate lawyer who helps a corporation get away with polluting the environment or a lawyer who defends a murderer or ghomeshi?

Your thinking is medieval when actors and scientists were considered immoral. Get your head in the 21st century or leave the board and join a church quilting circle where you can gossip about the bad people on terb.


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2012
Someone of the same values? In this very thread you have been shown to be an amoral shameless liar. You want to pretend to have clean hands so you can look down on the rest of us, while the truth is your hands are dirty and soap won't get out the damned spots.

There are many professions which make individuals give their hearts, bodies or brains in exchange for money. Some ask for their souls. You want to pretend that selling their bodies to make others happy is better than a corporate lawyer who helps a corporation get away with polluting the environment or a lawyer who defends a murderer or ghomeshi?

Your thinking is medieval when actors and scientists were considered immoral. Get your head in the 21st century or leave the board and join a church quilting circle where you can gossip about the bad people on terb.
So let us all know how your marriage to one works out in 2 yrs


Active member
Sep 1, 2001
Well, then Daley

My question to you would be......what will you do when you stop SP-ing? Are you going to school now. Have you ever met someone during SP-ing that you think HMMMM, I would love to be more than just a provider to this guy
I'm pretty sure just like anyone here, if Daley met the right person, quit being a SP and settle down having a normal life. Her decision, her right to choose.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
I would marry red. Our puns would keep us going.
Buns for puns.

PS: I hope you realize that your post will create a deluge of puns.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001

So let us all know how your marriage to one works out in 2 yrs
Listen torquemada I have one song for you

Hit the road jack
And don't you come back
No more no more no more no more
Hit the road jack
And don't you come back no more


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
Listen torquemada I have one song for you

Hit the road jack
And don't you come back
No more no more no more no more
Hit the road jack
And don't you come back no more
Lol :rofl:


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
This idea that some guys have that all escorts are just gold-diggers who will divorce you and take your money is ridiculous.

Some of us are quite normal (and boring). Sometimes even domesticated! I like to do laundry (I'm weird), cook, garden. I think I'd make a good wife actually. Have had several men tell me that and have had offers of marriage - I will do it when I feel it's right and I won't look back.


New member
Sep 9, 2010
An easier question would be "Would you marry a retired SP?" . The answer for a great many would probably be Yes. There certain occupations that don't lend themselves well to marriage. To name a few - fisherman or sailor, soldier, cop, actor etc. A think being an active sp ia one of those.


Active member
Mar 10, 2010
Listen torquemada I have one song for you

Hit the road jack
And don't you come back
No more no more no more no more
Hit the road jack
And don't you come back no more

Well said. It's people like Jack that allowed Harper to pass bill C-36. Bunch of hypocrites


Active member
Jul 4, 2009
Well, then Daley

My question to you would be......what will you do when you stop SP-ing? Are you going to school now. Have you ever met someone during SP-ing that you think HMMMM, I would love to be more than just a provider to this guy

Well then justawildchild, your question is valid. It also tells me that we have likely not met (at least within the last year). I am done my education, which is what moved me to Toronto. I have two degrees. I currently work in my field and love my day job. I am an SP for fun and for the obvious extra income. And yes I have dated a client in my past. It was a great relationship while it lasted, and for reasons completely unrelated to the industry, we amicably parted ways. I am happy to answer any questions like this as I have very strong feelings regarding this topic.
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