Canada Post sucks


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Living in a rural area, Canada Post is forever stepping up their efforts to get away from mail delivery to the address. Two years ago, CP had me install a new mailbox, but now it has become a bit rusted, and the inspector left me a note requesting that I install a new mailbox again. The notice of course came a day after I left for a holiday, so the 10 days to comply with their request is up tomorrow. I called and asked for more time, based on just having returned today, I do afterall have other things to do than this, but the lady informed me, that if I did not replace the box by tomorrow, CP would charge me for holding the mail for me.

Canada Post sucks.


Jiffy Pop

Active member
May 6, 2003
danmand Canada Post is trying as much as possible to piss people off. also repeating volumes are down Every couple of days announcing more places loosing door to door. A normal company would possibly switch to community mail boxes but would have one big announcement saying in 2016 these communities are switching over. Also even a company in trouble like RIM does not continuously announce that things are bad. My prediction is if Harper wins he will privatize Canada Post and there will be lots of interest it is a huge moneymaker.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Living in a rural area, Canada Post is forever stepping up their efforts to get away from mail delivery to the address. Two years ago, CP had me install a new mailbox, but now it has become a bit rusted, and the inspector left me a note requesting that I install a new mailbox again. The notice of course came a day after I left for a holiday, so the 10 days to comply with their request is up tomorrow. I called and asked for more time, based on just having returned today, I do afterall have other things to do than this, but the lady informed me, that if I did not replace the box by tomorrow, CP would charge me for holding the mail for me.

Canada Post sucks.

Lily Tomlin is superb.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
This is the entitlement of Canadians. We don't want to pay more taxes but we continue to want the service we'd always had. Sorry folks, it doesn't work that way.

Canada Post is undergoing tremendous change due to technology and competition. They can't afford to deliver to every single home like they could in the old days. Far too expensive. Jacking the price of mail doesn't solve the problem because that just makes them more even less competitive.

So either we pay more taxes or the services gets cut. You decide.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
This is the entitlement of Canadians. We don't want to pay more taxes but we continue to want the service we'd always had. Sorry folks, it doesn't work that way.

Canada Post is undergoing tremendous change due to technology and competition. They can't afford to deliver to every single home like they could in the old days. Far too expensive. Jacking the price of mail doesn't solve the problem because that just makes them more even less competitive.

So either we pay more taxes or the services gets cut. You decide.
They have been totally incompetent for at least the last 2 decades. When I ran a company I would never send anything by Canada Post, it would at best take a week, and often not arrive at all. Last year, I was sent 4 letters from a company in Markham. 2 arrived. You are taking a chance every time you send something by Canada Post instead of using a courier.

I am for the third option: sell off Canada Post without any monopoly


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2011
I worked for Canada Post as a rural route driver for over 10 years. The company sucked,only good thing is they stand behind their employees. The job sucked also. Only good part was Christmas time, I would clear over 1000 dollars in gifts and multiple bottles of vodka. Word of advice don't piss off your carrier because they have ways of making your life miserable.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
the private companies aint much better. UPS also SUCKS! Got a message that my parcel can be pickup at the location on the card. Went there and the dumb shit couldn't find it for way over 30 min. looking all over the place. Dumb shit 1 then told me to call the 1-800-USELESS number to talk to another dumb shit who was even more useless. I asked why don't you dumb shit 1 call dumb shit 2. some feeble excuse that it has to be the customer that calls. Total; time wasted 2 hours and NO parcel.

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
I guess I have been lucky so far . When I see my Postal Lady I always say hello . Even driving down the street we will wave Hi to each other . On real hot summer days I will offer her a very cold bottle of unopened water . Some times if I have a package and I'm not home she will deliver the mail and drive by to see if I home . Always say hello and be nice to them is what I do.

Now with these new mega boxes I guess I won't be seeing her much at all . Oh well .


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
I guess I have been lucky so far . When I see my Postal Lady I always say hello . Even driving down the street we will wave Hi to each other . On real hot summer days I will offer her a very cold bottle of unopened water . Some times if I have a package and I'm not home she will deliver the mail and drive by to see if I home .
This could be the opening paragraph of a Penthouse Forum letter.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Never had trouble with Canada Post. In fact, they were very helpful when special circumstances arose.

UPS on the other hand, is a giant pain in the ass at the corporate level. Fed-ex is only slightly better. I swear that no one has the authority or balls to do anything at either of those companies, unless it's strictly following procedure to the 9th degree.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Never had trouble with Canada Post. In fact, they were very helpful when special circumstances arose.

UPS on the other hand, is a giant pain in the ass at the corporate level. Fed-ex is only slightly better. I swear that no one has the authority or balls to do anything at either of those companies, unless it's strictly following procedure to the 9th degree.
I agree- I have had more trouble with ups than Canada post


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2011
Another vote of confidence for Canada Post. Not perfect but excellent, and better than the couriers.


Just a bit to the right
Dec 28, 2005
danmand Canada Post is trying as much as possible to piss people off. also repeating volumes are down Every couple of days announcing more places loosing door to door. A normal company would possibly switch to community mail boxes but would have one big announcement saying in 2016 these communities are switching over. Also even a company in trouble like RIM does not continuously announce that things are bad. My prediction is if Harper wins he will privatize Canada Post and there will be lots of interest it is a huge moneymaker.
Anyone who has even glanced at the Canada Post financials would see that the mail delivery services are a huge moneypit. The only thing keeping them afloat is parcel delivery (both through Canada Post and through Purolator).

And we have some politicians promising to restore door-to-door mail delivery if your home is older than what, 25 years old? That's absolutely ridiculous. Sure I'd love to keep door-to-door delivery. But it just is not feasible, and a shrinking fraction of homes had it simply because every year more new homes get built without such service.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Anyone who has even glanced at the Canada Post financials would see that the mail delivery services are a huge moneypit. The only thing keeping them afloat is parcel delivery (both through Canada Post and through Purolator).

And we have some politicians promising to restore door-to-door mail delivery if your home is older than what, 25 years old? That's absolutely ridiculous. Sure I'd love to keep door-to-door delivery. But it just is not feasible, and a shrinking fraction of homes had it simply because every year more new homes get built without such service.
They need to get rid of daily delivery. Deliver mail to residents once a week. Deliver to every home not just older homes. Any mail sent to a residence can wait a week.


Just a bit to the right
Dec 28, 2005
Wtf? What kind of selective policy is that?
Just for clarity - newer homes built in the last couple decades have never had door-to-door delivery of their mail, but have had to go to a community mailbox to pick up their mail. Canada Post, acting independently but under the requirement to balance its books decided to bring all homes on to this system.

The NDP and the Liberals have each made promises to restore home delivery where it previously existed - in exactly the discriminatory, selective policy based on the age of your home.

Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
It's not really Canada post, the changes are being forced by the Federal Government with the intention of exasperating customers for the purpose of sabotaging it;s business and being able to rationalize selling it way bellow value as is the norm with public assets in this country. I suspect the lucky, well connected beneficiary has already been pre determined. Then you'll see what service reductions really look like.


Mar 31, 2009
Canada Post home delivery has been good the past few years, especially after they announced phasing out home to home delivery.

My main beef with private courier service is that they ring your bell once, wait 5 seconds and then leave a note that you can pick up the package somewhere in the wilds of Mississauga. Hence, I told Rogers I would go to one of their stores to pick up the adapter instead of sending it to me by courier.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
It's not really Canada post, the changes are being forced by the Federal Government with the intention of exasperating customers for the purpose of sabotaging it;s business and being able to rationalize selling it way bellow value as is the norm with public assets in this country. I suspect the lucky, well connected beneficiary has already been pre determined. Then you'll see what service reductions really look like.
True enough.
Canada Post turned a profit but Harper still thinks we should get rid of it entirely.


New member
May 28, 2011
True enough.
Canada Post turned a profit but Harper still thinks we should get rid of it entirely.
Not really. Their pension plan is grossly underfunded and they have an exemption for 4 more years to not fully fund it. Otherwise they would be showing their true losses.
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