President Is Dead Wrong About Climate Change: Nobel Prize Winning Scientist


Mar 12, 2004
Here you go.

Are you now accusing NASA, NOAA, AAAS and now the UN and Guardian of all lying?
Or of being hoodwinked by a handful of scientists tricking the world out to make thousands of dollars from those incredibly lucrative research grants?

You should apologize and admit you are wrong.
I see you ran away from the deforestation issue,...AGAIN, expected.

You still have NOT made a point regarding your claim from the UNEMPLOYABLE,...that 14 of the 15 hottest years occurred in the last 15 years,...still waiting.

I have NOTHING to apologise for,...BOY WOUNDER,...!!!



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I see you ran away from the deforestation issue,...AGAIN, expected.

You still have NOT made a point regarding your claim from the UNEMPLOYABLE,...that 14 of the 15 hottest years occurred in the last 15 years,...still waiting.

I have NOTHING to apologise for,...BOY WOUNDER,...!!!

Oh, I forgot you still can't read scientific reports so you couldn't figure it out for yourself.
Too bad for you.

You still need me to explain the basics for you?

As for this 'unemployable' business, you realize how idiotic that claim is, don't you?
That claim is made by well employed folk much smarter then you, who are well educated and respected in their fields. Its backed by NASA, NOAA and supported by reports by the UN and other organizations. Denying it just shows how lame you are.

Who do you get your numbers from?
'unemployable' ex-tobacco lobbyists or retired geology professors?

Go ahead, provide a more reputable source, or admit you are wrong.


Mar 12, 2004
Oh, I forgot you still can't read scientific reports so you couldn't figure it out for yourself.
Too bad for you.

You still need me to explain the basics for you?

As for this 'unemployable' business, you realize how idiotic that claim is, don't you?
That claim is made by well employed folk much smarter then you, who are well educated and respected in their fields. Its backed by NASA, NOAA and supported by reports by the UN and other organizations. Denying it just shows how lame you are.

Who do you get your numbers from?
'unemployable' ex-tobacco lobbyists or retired geology professors?

Go ahead, provide a more reputable source, or admit you are wrong.
So that's 3 for 3,...LITTLE BOY,...sorry you lost the WONDER BOY title,...maybe you earn it again,...but for now,...its just,... LITTLE BOY.

You ran away a hid on the simple YES OR NO question about your Bloomberg site

You ran away a hid on the deforestation effect on so called "global warming",...

And now you ran away a hid on your latest cop out,...the 14 of 15 highest temp.,...claim.

But I like to give the disadvantaged a second chance,...what is the significance of the unemployables claim of the last 15 years having set 14 of 15 high temps.

Now bare in mind,...if you can't answer,...or don't have the guts to answer,...we will all understand,...

Come on frank,...grow up to be a man,...make mommy proud.



Active member
Aug 30, 2009
A scientific expedition to study “global warming” was delayed by record ice in the Arctic.

The icebreaker ship used for the 115-day expedition had to be rerouted Tuesday to break ice for commercial ships in the Hudson Bay because the ice conditions are the worst they’ve been in 20 years, according to the Canadian Coast Guard.

“Obviously it has a large impact on us,” said Martin Fortier, the executive director of the “global warming” research institute ArcticNet, which was spearheading the expedition.

The ice is so thick that ships are having to skirt around it.

“The same ice has also been blamed for bringing two polar bears into the community last week — a highly unusual event,” CBC News reported.

The volume of Arctic sea ice has increased by 33% since 2013, although scientists who are funded to promote the government-driven “global warming” agenda are claiming the record ice is a freak occurrence.

Their claim, however, runs contrary to satellite data showing there’s been no global warming for over 18 years.

“For 222 months, since December 1996, there has been no global warming at all,” weather researcher Lord Christopher Monckton reported. “[June’s] Remote Sensing System temperature – still unaffected by a slowly strengthening el Niño, which will eventually cause temporary warming – passes another six-month milestone, and establishes a new record length for the pause: 18 years 6 months.”

“What is more, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s centrally-predicted warming rate since its First Assessment Report in 1990 is now more than two and a half times the measured rate.”

“On any view, the predictions on which the entire climate scare was based were extreme exaggerations,” he added.

Another scientific ship carrying “global warming” researchers was similarly stopped by record ice in the Antarctic back in 2013 and the researchers were ultimately evacuated from the ship after several botched rescue attempts.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
But I like to give the disadvantaged a second chance,...what is the significance of the unemployables claim of the last 15 years having set 14 of 15 high temps.
I'll give you a bit of pity, since its just mean to taunt you about your inability to read scientific reports, as its mean to repeatedly taunt moviefan for his inability to read charts.

The same people who just sent a spaceship to Pluto within minutes of their predicted time have reported that 14 of the 15 warmest years have happened since 2000. For the mathematically challenged (and unemployable), that means we have incontrovertible proof that the global surface temperature is rising as a result of anthropogenic climate change, since as moviefan has admitted, there is no other explanation for the rise in surface temperature, since the only 'natural' forcings are having a downward effect, though a very small downward effect.

As noted in the Rolling Stone article, ocean acidification (from CO2 in the ocean) is starting to melt snail shells, dead zones are increasing, marine life is migrating north and the changes in the oceans are massive. Surface temperature is up, extreme weather events are up, ice is melting globally in glaciers, the thermohaline current is slowing and oceans are rising.

And all you have as an argument is that those effects are not real and its all a conspiracy by a few scientists who have duped the world.

You are an idiot.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
I'll give you a bit of pity, since its just mean to taunt you about your inability to read scientific reports, as its mean to repeatedly taunt moviefan for his inability to read charts.
Regardless of each person's position on this issue, there seems to be agreement (a "consensus", if you like) that what's really mean is comparing a TERB member with you, Groggy.

As for my ability to read a chart, I have no difficulties reading charts with real observed data on them. The fairy-tale ones you keep trying to create that show imaginary warming are another matter.

Let's face it -- even Michael E. Mann and his buddies admit there is a "discrepancy" between the models and the observed data: http://www.reportingclimatescience....y-narrows-gap-between-models-and-reality.html


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
...since as moviefan has admitted, there is no other explanation for the rise in surface temperature...
An imaginary quote to go along with the imaginary warming on the graphs. I never said any such thing.

In fact, I've been quite clear that it is widely acknowledged that the dominant cause of most of the warming over the past 150 years was natural factors. Even the IPCC doesn't dispute that point.

(Groggy admits it, too, when he's sober. :thumb:)


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
An imaginary quote to go along with the imaginary warming on the graphs. I never said any such thing.

In fact, I've been quite clear that it is widely acknowledged that the dominant cause of most of the warming over the past 150 years was natural factors. Even the IPCC doesn't dispute that point.
Nope, as noted in the Bloomberg chart, natural factors had a cooling effect, not warming effect.
You are incredibly wrong on that point.

Your only explanation is dead in the water.
Which leaves anthropogenic forcings.

You lose again.


Mar 12, 2004
The same people who just sent a spaceship to Pluto within minutes of their predicted time have reported that 14 of the 15 warmest years have happened since 2000..
Thanks for that LITTLE BOY,...that is the funniest thing today,...climatologists sent a "spaceship" to Pluto,...:frusty:

For the mathematically challenged (and unemployable), that means we have incontrovertible proof that the global surface temperature is rising as a result of anthropogenic climate change, since as moviefan has admitted, there is no other explanation for the rise in surface temperature, since the only 'natural' forcings are having a downward effect, though a very small downward effect..
That is absolutely ridiculous,...even for you,...NASA sent a space craft to Pluto,...that means we have incontrovertible proof ,...:frusty:

And all you have as an argument is that those effects are not real and its all a conspiracy by a few scientists who have duped the world..
Oh you mean from these unemployables,...

A new study by researchers at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration finds that the world’s warming never really stalled during the last 15 years—it was just masked by incomplete data records that have been improved and expanded in recent years.

That is just too hilarious,...and we are supposed to take these clowns seriously,...:frusty:

And as far as your other"experts",...Bloomberg,...which you claim use IPCC "facts",...

To put things in perspective, deforestation globally accounts for about 12% of total man-made greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In other words, deforestation causes roughly as many emissions as all the world's cars, planes, ships and trains taken together. So forests are a big deal. But forests do much more than just cause GHG emissions: they also soak up a portion of humankind's greenhouse gases. That means that deforestation delivers a double whammy, forest destruction releases emissions into the atmosphere (mostly carbon dioxide) while at the same time reducing forests' ability to soak up greenhouse gases.And as the climate changes and resources become scarce, we are going to need to forests to be in tact so that we can adapt to a changing climate.

And no surprsise, STILL haven't responded to what the significance of the supposed,... that 14 of the 15 warmest years have happened since 2000

But I'm not going to hold my breath,...because we all know you run from any challenge,...LITTLE BOY,...



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Thanks for that LITTLE BOY,...that is the funniest thing today,...climatologists sent a "spaceship" to Pluto,...:frusty:
NASA posts climate data, keeps track of temp and is generally a conduit for climate change data.


That is absolutely ridiculous,...even for you,...NASA sent a space craft to Pluto,...that means we have incontrovertible proof ,...:frusty:
The fact that 14/15 warmest years globally have happened since 2000 adds to the incontrovertible proof.
That is unrelated to Pluto.

Oh you mean from these unemployables,...
That is your opinion.
If you accept opinion as 'fact' then you must accept my opinion as another 'fact'.
You are an idiot.

Calling researchers and scientists as well as all of NASA and the AAAS 'unemployable' is idiotic.
Lets just point out that you couldn't even get your CV through their doors without uncontrollable laughter, you are the 'unemployable'.

A new study by researchers at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration finds that the world’s warming never really stalled during the last 15 years—it was just masked by incomplete data records that have been improved and expanded in recent years.
That's the way science works, you keep at it, researching, adding better data, refining theory....
What do you think they should do, publish a paper then retire?

To put things in perspective, deforestation globally accounts for about 12% of total man-made greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In other words, deforestation causes roughly as many emissions as all the world's cars, planes, ships and trains taken together. So forests are a big deal. But forests do much more than just cause GHG emissions: they also soak up a portion of humankind's greenhouse gases. That means that deforestation delivers a double whammy, forest destruction releases emissions into the atmosphere (mostly carbon dioxide) while at the same time reducing forests' ability to soak up greenhouse gases.And as the climate changes and resources become scarce, we are going to need to forests to be in tact so that we can adapt to a changing climate.
That's part of 'anthropogenic' climate change.
That's not 'natural forcings'.

Maybe some day you will understand.

And no surprsise, STILL haven't responded to what the significance of the supposed,... that 14 of the 15 warmest years have happened since 2000
Here you go.
The significance is that it shows the surface temperature of the planet is getting hotter.
Is that simple enough for you?


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
Nope, as noted in the Bloomberg chart, natural factors had a cooling effect, not warming effect.
You are incredibly wrong on that point.

Your only explanation is dead in the water.
Which leaves anthropogenic forcings.

You lose again.
Sure. That's why the NOAA had to bastardize the numbers (and NASA went along with the bastardization) to create imaginary warming in the 21st century.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
Thanks for that LITTLE BOY,...that is the funniest thing today,...climatologists sent a "spaceship" to Pluto,...:frusty:
They've created imaginary warming that is supposedly sending temperatures skyrocketing to the moon. Does that count? :p


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Sure. That's why the NOAA had to bastardize the numbers (and NASA went along with the bastardization) to create imaginary warming in the 21st century.
Wow, so now you are accusing NASA, NOAA and the IPCC of fraud.
You really are a total idiot.

Either show us some proof they committed fraud or admit you are a lying idiot.
Or are you going to tell us this was another 'metaphor'?



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
They've created imaginary warming that is supposedly sending temperatures skyrocketing to the moon. Does that count? :p
Are you really claiming that the warming reported and experienced globally is 'imaginary'?
You are a total idiot.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Who on earth would pay Michael Mann millions to draw a phoney graph? I mean, wouldn't other scientists see that bullshit? What do you mean that most scientists don't subscribe to their beliefs? Most scientists believe in AGW I thought.
GPI, I implore you to do some research. Did you watch that video link I posted of Dr Tim Ball's lecture. I am the furthest from a conspiracy theorist but in this case the public has been totally hoodwinked to believe in something that may or may not exist. I didn't realize the depth of the fraud until I started reading and watching.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Wow, so now you are accusing NASA, NOAA and the IPCC of fraud.
You really are a total idiot.

Either show us some proof they committed fraud or admit you are a lying idiot.
Or are you going to tell us this was another 'metaphor'?

Climategate is proof of the fraud at IPCC. NASA and NOAA have become political organizations which taints the science. It is well known that they have adjusted the temperature record of the past 150 yrs and not explained the scientific merit of doing so. I can't call that fraud per se, but lack of clarity and dishonesty comes to mind.
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