That's against all 'natural sources' of climate change, which all at present would have a cooling effect,...
There you have it folks,...our very own BOY WONDER climatologist has declared that eliminating forests has no effect on CO2 and O2 content in the air,...and therefor does NOT contribute to
"global warming".
AND in fact,...the actual result of deforestation, cooling of the earths temp.
So shit,...we have been doing it all wrong,...instead of burning oil,...we should be burning trees,...its a win win,...we get fuel,...and the earth gets cooler,...!!!
Oh,... but that won't work,...because then all the unemployables would be out of work,...!!!
Plus, can see the result of oxygen starvation at an early age,...are very own BOY WONDER climatologist ,...and that result ain't good.
Yup, and 14 of the 15 warmest years on record have happened since 2000.
Another gem,...Even IF that was true,...that statement is absolutely useless,...but expected,...but I don't expect BOY WONDER climatologist to understand why.