Leaving your pet alone over night


Well-known member
Are there general rules on this?Are there any laws that state at what point it becomes animal cruelty? We had a "stimulating" conversation tonight during a house party tonight.We have 3 dogs.We have left them overnight on many occasions if we know we are going to be drinking , or doing an overnighter somewhere.We leave them the correct food and water and "pee pads" that we have trained them to go on.

There was a " animal militant" as my wife called her, who basically called us and 2 other couples who were part of the conversation cruel and terrible pet owners for doing this.The gent who stated he had done it for a weekend before really got the "Bad owner" of the year award from this lady.She even said if she knew about it she would have called the SPCA.Would something like that constitute animal cruelty?


Jan 27, 2011
I am not an expert on the law. But my neighbors who has a dog with separation anxiety, left him or her over the weekend alone and it kept barking and howling all weekend. I would say that's pretty cruel. Dogs are very social animals they want to be by your side 24/7. Owning a dog because it's cute does not make you a good dog owner.

St Nick

Mar 28, 2005
There should be laws. But not really.

But it's not cruel at all if you walked them before you left and you get back early the next day. And they use the pee pads as an emergency. But if you use pee pads all the time, then you probably don't walk your dog enough which is cruel, but common. Dogs deserve to be outside and not cooped up inside.


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
I have done it but felt quilty. :( Dogs are very social so if it was just one dog, it's a bit mean but in your case, with three dogs, I think that's okay. They have each other to socialize and play with.

I would also leave a light on and maybe the t.v. or radio.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
I have done it but felt quilty. :( Dogs are very social so if it was just one dog, it's a bit mean but in your case, with three dogs, I think that's okay. They have each other to socialize and play with.

I would also leave a light on and maybe the t.v. or radio.
You are right, with my 5 cats and two dogs, there is no issues. Mind you my younger female dog likes pestering the cats Lol


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Saying it's cruel to leave a dog alone over night is ridiculous. As long as its food and water needs are accounted for, there shouldn't be a problem. As MissCroft mentioned, leaving the light and tv on does wonders.

If you're going to be gone for more than a day though, it's time to find someone to care for your pet while you are.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
As with people, much depends on the animal involved. Clearly, food, water and toilet access have to be provided. Working-type dogs like shepherds and retrievers are being 'jailed' if they can't get out to run, but so are you if you're confined—like at a conference—in one place for up to 24hrs. After that, we're all social creatures and need some company as well as clean litter and fresh food and drink. Most of us animals can cope with a bit of un-freedom and lonliness for awhile. But some cannot, like the dog who barks all night. Or the person who hangs himself in a cell.

No general answer or standard, don't ask for one unless you're inviting reproaches. Ask if your pet is happy.
There are doggy daycare services if must leave your dog for an extended period of time.
There are kennels as well as "day kennels" as well as house-sitters who will look after pets. There's a world of difference between leaving a cat/fish/hamster/snake for a couple of days, compared to a dog. They'll survive ok, but they won't like it.

I have two large dogs. If I put a weekend's food out for them, they'd wolf it down before I left, shit on the floor several times, then eat the couch just to make it clear they weren't happy to be left alone.

To the OP, the fact that you have more than one dog helps from the socialization perspective, but I hope that you "child-proof" your home before you leave for a couple of days...


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Leaving a dog either in a house for over eight hours without a way of getting out to relieve itself or outside without a way to come in, is to me inhumane.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
My cat gives me shit when I leave her for a few days. When I return home she trots up to me and starts to meow at me as if she is complaining. Then the next minute she is rubbing her face on me and purring loudly.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
My cats adore me. Do you know why ? Cause I feed them. I mean this is not rocket science.


Active member
Feb 28, 2005
Time to call the authorities.
Here's a dude admitting he keeps dogs indoors (with the light on), he feeds them unnatural foods, he provides pads from them to pee on, he takes them for walks on a leash? WTF?
The cruel bastard has taken these animals out of their natural habitat, for no reason other than his own selfish pleasure. String him up.


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
Dogs age a 7 times our rate so 12 hours feels like 84 hours to them, over a weekend should be reported to the humane society. You shouldn't have dogs yourself, you made the choice to buy or adopt them, not them, you have to properly care for them.

One of you two drunks should stay sober and go home after 6-8 hours.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2011
If I'm going to be gone for longer then 12 hours , I always hire a dog sitter. Usually one of my nephews or nieces. I pay them well and they get the run of my house for the whole time I'm gone.

Mr Bret

Well-known member
Aug 13, 2012
There's an online service that allows you to find a pet sitter in your area.


I have a pet sitter who has a key to my house who I can call almost anytime for short term needs.
If I know I'll be away for more than 8 hours, I make sure arrangements are in place before I go.
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