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President Is Dead Wrong About Climate Change: Nobel Prize Winning Scientist


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Cooling is far more dangerous to the planet than warming, more people die, food production goes way down. And cooling can arrive at ANY time due to volcanic eruptions, never mind the sun cycles.
According to global warming fear monger global warming will cause Mankind to goes extinct therefore they have to saved the planet ... by reducing or and eliminating fossil fuel. Therefore by spending and creating scheme like cap & trade example liberal / NDP ontario government and al ( Al Gore / demorcrat).

Since it going to be getting colder it time to built more nuclear reactors and more fracturing for fossil fuel and drill for more natural gas. And stock up for ten year of Natural Gas!! And stop wasting time and implementing useless scheme like cap & trade.
It the sun cycle and mankind cannot do anything about the sun cycle but prepare for global cooling. BY building large greeenhouses and start to store grain/ food like the Eygptain when they built the pyrmaid.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Your headline news article is outdated an obsolete!!!
Here the latest research JULY 12 2015 or headline maybe you should read the whole latest news articles in my posting see below.
Those are both recent studies about the same effect and prediction.
Your link goes to a press release for a public talk, while mine goes to a released paper.

Go back to your source and tell me exactly what temperature anomaly is she predicting?


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Those are both recent studies about the same effect and prediction.
Your link goes to a press release for a public talk, while mine goes to a released paper.

Go back to your source and tell me exactly what temperature anomaly is she predicting?

Royal Astronomical Society’s National Astronomy Meeting 2015 – report 4
By Kulvinder Singh Chadha
Posted on 9 July 2015 by Astronomy Now

The Venue Cymru conference centre on Llandudno seafront, home of the Royal Astronomical Society’s National Astronomy Meeting 2015. Image credit: Venue Cymru
Around 500 astronomers and space scientists gathered at Venue Cymru in Llandudno, Wales, from 5-9 July, for the Royal Astronomical Society National Astronomy Meeting 2015 (NAM2015, Cyfarfod Seryddiaeth Cenedlaethol 2015).

The conference is the largest regular professional astronomy event in the UK and saw leading researchers from around the world presenting the latest work in a variety of fields. Science writer and editor Kulvinder Singh Chadha presents his fourth and final report from the last day of the event:

The two-hearted Sun beckons new ‘mini ice-age’

Like the enigmatic, eponymous character from Doctor Who our Sun may have two hearts. A new model of the Sun’s interior is producing predictions of its behaviour with unprecedented accuracy; predictions with interesting consequences for Earth. Professor Valentina Zharkova of Northumbria University presented results for a new model of the Sun’s interior dynamo in a talk at NAM2015.

Montage of images of solar activity between August 1991 and September 2001 taken by the Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope, showing variation in solar activity during a sunspot cycle. Image credit: Yohkoh/ISAS/Lockheed-Martin/NAOJ/U. Tokyo/NASA.
Montage of images of solar activity between August 1991 and September 2001 taken by the Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope, showing variation in solar activity during a sunspot cycle. Image credit: Yohkoh/ISAS/Lockheed-Martin/NAOJ/U. Tokyo/NASA.
Our Sun has an approximately 11-year activity cycle. During peak periods, it exhibits lots of solar flares and sunspots. Magnetic bubbles of charged particles (coronal mass ejections) may burst from the surface during this period, streaming material into space. These ejections can affect satellites and powerlines on Earth. During lull periods, such activity may almost stop altogether. But the 11-year cycle isn’t quite able to predict all of the Sun’s behaviour — which can seem erratic at times. Zharkova and her colleagues (Professor Simon Shepherd of Bradford University, Dr Helen Popova of Lomonosov Moscow State University, and Dr Sergei Zarkhov of Hull University) have found a way to account for the discrepancies: a ‘double dynamo’ system.
The Sun, like all stars, is a large nuclear fusion reactor that generates powerful magnetic fields, similar to a dynamo. The model developed by Zharkova’s team suggests there are two dynamos at work in the Sun; one close to the surface and one deep within the convection zone. They found this dual dynamo system could explain aspects of the solar cycle with much greater accuracy than before — possibly leading to enhanced predictions of future solar behaviour. “We found magnetic wave components appearing in pairs; originating in two different layers in the Sun’s interior. They both have a frequency of approximately 11 years, although this frequency is slightly different [for both] and they are offset in time,” says Zharkova. The two magnetic waves either reinforce one another to produce high activity or cancel out to create lull periods.

Comparison of three images over four years apart illustrates how the level of solar activity has risen from near minimum to near maximum in the Sun's 11-years solar cycle. Image credit: SOHO/ESA/NASA.
Comparison of three images over four years apart illustrates how the level of solar activity has risen from near minimum to near maximum in the Sun’s 11-years solar cycle. Image credit: SOHO/ESA/NASA.
She and her colleagues used magnetic field observations from the Wilcox Solar Observatory in California for three solar cycles, from the period of 1976 to 2008. In addition, they compared their predictions to average sunspot numbers — another strong marker of solar activity. All the predictions and observations matched closely. Their predictions using the model suggest an interesting longer-term trend beyond the 11-year cycle. It shows that solar activity will fall by 60 percent during the 2030s, to conditions last seen during the Maunder Minimum of 1645-1715. “Over the cycle, the waves fluctuate between the Sun’s northern and southern hemispheres. Combining both waves together and comparing to real data for the current solar cycle, we found that our predictions showed an accuracy of 97 percent,” says Zharkova.
The model predicts that the magnetic wave pairs will become increasingly offset during Cycle 25, which peaks in 2022. Then during Cycle 26, which covers the decade from 2030-2040, the two waves will become exactly out of synch, cancelling one another out. This will cause a significant reduction in solar activity. “In cycle 26, the two waves exactly mirror each other, peaking at the same time but in opposite hemispheres of the Sun. We predict that this will lead to the properties of a ‘Maunder minimum’,” says Zharkova.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Do you even read your own posts?

Try again.
Go back to your source and tell me exactly what temperature anomaly is she predicting.
"Mini-ice" age is self explantory.. That mean no global warming and it global cooling will occur in 15 year from now. .. Hence " Maunder miniumium. That when the Thames river( England) was frozen the middle age period of 1645-1715.
PS you can try google thames river frozen and Maunder mininium period.
PPS Global warming cannot explain the Maunder miniumium period.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
"Mini-ice age is self explantory.. That mean no global warming and it global cooling will occur in 15 year from now. That when the Thames river froze the middle age- hence ' Maunder minumium"
No, that's just the headline, written to grab attention.

You'll have to wait until the paper is out and judged, but a similar paper on the exact same thing stated this as its prediction:
However, the study said any potential weakening in solar activity would have only a small effect on temperature rises at a worldwide level, delaying the warming caused by emissions from cars, factories and power plants by around two years.
Links above.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
No, that's just the headline, written to grab attention.

You'll have to wait until the paper is out and judged, but a similar paper on the exact same thing stated this as its prediction:

Links above.
Her paper is just been out and the latest researched and just been presented now at the conferences and it probably published
Gettting reviewed and published as she speak in the conferences.

Her mathematical model is 95% is accurate and how how accurate is your peer researched paper mathematical model? PS We will know in 15 year from now when Thames river freezes again!


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
See...I knew climate change was lie......
Climate changes is really gobal warming the left wing and environmentist and the left wing climate scientist rebrand term or wording "global warming to climate changes " in order to sell it better to the general public. That is the first clue make me realize it is all a lie!!


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Her paper is just been out and the latest researched and just been presented now at the conferences and it probably published
Right, so you haven't read the paper?
You don't know what her predictions are for temperature changes?


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Duh!!! Term mini-ice age mean opposite of global warming!!!


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Climate changes is really gobal warming the left wing and environmentist and the left wing climate scientist rebrand term or wording "global warming to climate changes " in order to sell it better to the general public. That is the first clue make me realize it is all a lie!!
More of this crazy conspiracy business.

You must think the money in research is massive, that you could convince thousands and thousands of scientists in more then 100 countries to all play along without anyone finding out.

Do you also think cigarettes are good for you?
How vaccines, you must stay away from them as well, right?
How about Jimmy Hoffa, who do you think killed him?
And 9/11, what's your theory?


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
More of this crazy conspiracy business.

You must think the money in research is massive, that you could convince thousands and thousands of scientists in more then 100 countries to all play along without anyone finding out.

Do you also think cigarettes are good for you?
How vaccines, you must stay away from them as well, right?
How about Jimmy Hoffa, who do you think killed him?
And 9/11, what's your theory?
I go by the common sense theory KISS .. Keep it simple stupid!!
Cigarette bad !
Dont know about Jimmmy Hoffa. All i know it he a mobster.
Vaccine do have some side effect but the majority it work well for the majority of the population with the exception of the unlucky few who may experience side effect.
Elvis is dead !
9/11 the fucking Muslim terrorist is responbile for it " Al Qadea" !


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I go by the common sense theory KISS .. Keep it simple stupid!!
Cigarette bad !
Dont know about Jimmmy Hoffa. All i know it he a mobster.
Vaccine do have some side effect but the majority it work well for the majority of the population with the exception of the unlucky few who may experience side effect.
Elvis is dead !
9/11 the fucking Muslim terrorist is responbile for it " Al Qadea" !
So the only wacko, crazy assed conspiracy theory you buy is that all climate scientists (or 97% of them) in every country in the world are all in on a scam to get rich off of research money by faking results?


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
So the only wacko, crazy assed conspiracy theory you buy is that all climate scientists (or 97% of them) in every country in the world are all in on a scam to get rich off of research money by faking results?
It not a conspiracy theory at all!
It all about job security...just follow the money. Ask yourself this question who benfits on this Globel warming theory? Examples let start with Al Gore ( left wing democrats) every since he start with this craps /lies his net worth went from 2 million dollar to 100 millions dollar all because of global warming theories. Obama / President ( democrats) what he gain the most funding for,reelection and votes from the special interest,groups.

Climate scientists governments employee what they need or want the most is job security!,When you elected a right wing govertment they always emphasis in smaller,goverrtments. Job laid off. Hence's job security what matter to climate scientists that why they stay employed less laid off and more funding to do research. Remember Global warming is only a theory is not a fact and That why more research is required buy you more time hence you stay employed.
Examples are leftwing goverments in Greece hence lots of public employees on payroll and that way you bought their votes when you hired them or give them raises. When you have a
Leftwing goverments in ontario more public employee and more teacher get hire,and or get more money in salaries hences you got their vote. Hell if i am a governments employee i will always vote for the governments who give me more,money / raises or job securities. Just like the ontario provincial police highest salaries in Canada. Ontario Teacher goverments employee averages,salaries,after ten year of employment is $89,000 per year.

The people who support global warming like scientist and leftwing govements they benefits by getting thier votes and bring in carbon tax/ cap & traded ..need to find more revenue tools for the govnment like what Wynn ( ont liberal) says all the time! Look at Europe they have Cap & Trade. Austraila was moving toward,cap & trade but they may had cancelled it too inefficient mostly likely will moved to carbon tax.

That why the left believe in gobal warming and the right believe it all a lies.

PS In 15 year we will know the truth when the mini ice age occurs. Which computer mathmatics models is correct. Remember all this predictions are,computer mathametics simulation models they are not fact!


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
It not a conspiracy theory at all!
It all about job security...just follow the money. Ask yourself this question who benfits on this Globel warming theory?...
Lots of people do. For example there are a number of prominent climate change deniers that are well paid by the oil industry.

In fact scientists are more likely to get funded if there is controversy. No one will pay to fund research into whether arsenic is poisonous. The scientists get funded to research (and no, the government of Canada is not the major source of research funding). Their results are there for all to see. Of course politicians of all stripes and various other groups like to use the science to score points or make money and that occurs on all sides of the discussion but the science is the science and there is no better hypothesis.

The fact that you consider it "all a lies" sure makes you seem to accept the conspiracy theory.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
It not a conspiracy theory at all!

... the right believe it all a lies.
Maybe its more about intelligence.
Right-wingers tend to be less intelligent than left-wingers, and people with low childhood intelligence tend to grow up to have racist and anti-gay views, says a controversial new study.

Conservative politics work almost as a 'gateway' into prejudice against others, say the Canadian academics.

The paper analysed large UK studies which compared childhood intelligence with political views in adulthood across more than 15,000 people.

The authors claim that people with low intelligence gravitate towards right-wing views because they make them feel safe.

Right wingers are stupid and refuse to accept that they are stupid.

The Far Right's Assault on Science Won't Help Economy | Commentary


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Lots of people do. For example there are a number of prominent climate change deniers that are well paid by the oil industry.

In fact scientists are more likely to get funded if there is controversy. No one will pay to fund research into whether arsenic is poisonous. The scientists get funded to research (and no, the government of Canada is not the major source of research funding). Their results are there for all to see. Of course politicians of all stripes and various other groups like to use the science to score points or make money and that occurs on all sides of the discussion but the science is the science and there is no better hypothesis.

The fact that you consider it "all a lies" sure makes you seem to accept the conspiracy theory.

Hey i know that rightwing governments also receives money from the oil industry for campaign fund for elections also and climate denyers recieves fundings from the fossil fuel industries and leftwing governmets recieve from unions & scientists & envirnomentalists groups.

Right now both sides global warminng believers and global warming denyers have a conflict of interests.

I more inclined to believe in the global warming is a lie because when they rebranded global warming to climate changes to sell it to the general public show me how deceiving they are! If you cannot sell the truth then you use a old marketing trick just rebranded or in this case rename global warming to climate changes and it become easier to sell to the general public. So if you get a hurricanes. Like katarines or a drought in california you can now blame it on global warming aka climate changes.

Example which is easier to sell to general public raise tax or find new revenue tools! ( Cap & Trade aka Carbon tax which Wynn goverment is in favour of) So obiviously revenue tools is eaiser to sell to general public.

I never says it a conspiracy theory. What i am saying it a conflict of interest and for a scientist who worrys about job security and hates Harper who harper dont believe in gobal warming it easier to them to believe in that theory of Global warming!

Hence more research money need more funding to prove an impossible theory. Global warming is just a theory! USA just spended 32.5 billions of dollars on the climate changes studies.
So as a scientist there the money to fund my research & my salary and hence job securty until global warming / climate changes is disproved / your job is no longer need and fund is cut and job security is cut that mean i get laid off.

Data compiled by Joanne Nova at the Science and Policy Institute indicates that the U.S. Government spent more than $32.5 billion on climate studies between 1989 and 2009. This doesn’t count about $79 billion more spent for climate change technology research, foreign aid and tax breaks for “green energy.”
See link below!

Bottom line follow the money and also who benefit the most or who get the most votes from the special interest groups...It's not about saving the planet or any such driven, it’s about power politics and big money. Nothing more and nothing less. Man cannot alter the global climate at the present time. And, even if he could, it would take hundreds of years to know if the experiment worked. With those who enslaved people and bled the treasury dry long dead.

PS In 15,year from now when the mini ice age occurs this will put the matter to rest .
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K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
hundreads of nobel prize winning scientists agree with climate change.... and 1 guy says opposite and you go with him? lol
1 guy? There are thousands upon thousands of scientists who disagree with the bogus consensus.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
You can follow the trail.

Tim Ball (research fellow at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy) >
Look at the the board members, they seem to be very "energetic" type folk if you catch my drift.

One of the members, Wendell Cox ->
Guess who he advised. LMFAO -> consultant for a variety of corporate-funded and Koch Family Foundations-funded think tanks

Yeah KD, that Tim Ball, those are some associations he has there. :thumb:
I take it you didn't watch the video. The usual Liberal tactic of shooting the messenger but not the message. Do you seriously think that by quoting desmogblog and sourcewatch you're getting independent objective facts about climate debate? These are blogs created by alarmists, eco-terrorists and social justice types. They are simply propaganda tools to herd in the cattle. Nothing more than smear merchants and political hit men, they infer that legitimate climate scientists like Dr Tim Ball are compromising their belief system, putting their integrity and reputation on the line and wanting to attract ridicule and threats from their academic peers. All to get a few thousand bucks a year to sit on an advisory panel, speak at a Heartland Institute symposium or write a technical paper that will be ignored by the peer review community that is controlled by the IPCC. It’s nothing short of professional character assassination.

Here are the facts on what levels of funding are available to the two factions of climate scientists.

Private funds contributed annually to over 100 climate skeptic groups in North America amounts to about $80 million. The largest donors are Koch Industries ($4M), Donors Trust & Capital Fund ($10M) and the Scaife Affiliated Foundation ($5.5M). In case you were wondering Exxon Mobil Foundation is about $1.7M. Of that amount I’d say maybe 15% (being generous here) is made available to skeptical scientists for research, speaking engagements, advisory panels and committee work. Total available funding $12 million.

The US government spends about $2 billion and the European Commission $3 billion per year on climate studies alone. Now all of that doesn’t get into the pockets of the scientists but a sizeable portion does, let’s say 25% for arguments sake. (BTW, spending on green technology development dwarfs these figures). Not to mention that we haven’t even touched on the funds raised by Gore’s network at Kleiner Perkins or all the private green energy foundations out there. Those figures aren’t available (quelle surprise) but my guess would be similar to what the skeptical scientists get. It’s a moot point anyway. Total available funding $1.25 billion

$12 million vs $1.25 billion! Calling out scientists who disagree with AGW as on the take is nothing more than Liberal obfuscation. If these #'s aren't a total indictment of their sheer hypocrisy I don't know what is.
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