
Discretion Please


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
Discretion is very important in this business. I never call back a client without permission and don't send text for him. Sometimes the wife or GF pick up the phone and see the incoming message. But it's two way. I hate when a client arrive in my building and call me from the lobby for the buzzer and apt. number. Call or text me from the car or from the street is right. Call me from inside of the building is very unprofessional.


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
Precautions? Yes. But remember he wasn't a client of hers. He had contacted her and never booked. Maybe there are customer who like texts out of the blue but the default should be no contact unless the client has said it's ok.
That is the story he told the OP. He may not have wanted to tell the OP that he was flirting with and seeing another SP thinking it would hurt her feelings. One text would be easy to dismiss as a wrong number, but a conversation would be hard to explain.

Yes, in a perfect world the girls would only text when they had permission. If he stuck to his disciplined regular or better agencies this would likely not have happened. But this guy was venturing out looking for new girls. Some of these new girls are going to be very proper, some the flirty texting types, some are going to be crazy girls.
Feb 27, 2015
The other day I just missed a call from an unknown number in which no VM was left. I find that many guys are either too impatient to listen to my message or are adverse to leaving one. A quick Google search turned up a kijiji ad so I texted him that I was interested in buying the item. He immediately called me back and after a brief discussion it was unfortunately discovered that he was only 24, well below my acceptable age range. Bear in mind that this all transpired within a five minute time frame, if that and if no ad had been discovered I simply wouldn't have reached out/responded at all.
I must be missing something. How did you text him if his number was unknown and no VM was left?


Jan 31, 2005
She, wondering why and in an attempt to garner his patronage very unwisely randomly texted him, " Hi hun it's _ _ _ _ _ _". Given the time of day it normally wouldn't have presented a problem but he just so happened to have left work early to go on a trip with his wife. He was driving and not expecting anything so senseless agreed to his wife reading the text.
If wifey is computer savvy she has by now found terb, read this thread, seen the above information that is specific enough to confirm her worst suspicions, and is now trolling the forum trying to find out which account is her husband.


Jan 31, 2005
Seriously, if you have not manipulated the details of this story to obscure the events, and it was recent, delete the thread. If she is on the trail now she really could find terb, and if she recognizes herself in the story above (yup left work early for trip, yup asked me to read that text, yup that's the text) then it is game over.

If you changed more of the details or it was long ago no worries, but if that is accurate and recent I suggest you delete the thread.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Yup....there definitely APPEARS to be something really wrong with this whole thing...starting with the guy "accidentally" getting caught like that. Who does stupid things like that anyways, then blasts it all over terb, the main site for adult play in the GTHA. You don't even need an account to be on here, the public forum.

Come on guys people are not this naive, are they? :confused:

There are many reasons why guys "accipurposedentally" want to get caught like this.

Seriously, if you have not manipulated the details of this story to obscure the events, and it was recent, delete the thread. If she is on the trail now she really could find terb, and if she recognizes herself in the story above (yup left work early for trip, yup asked me to read that text, yup that's the text) then it is game over.

If you changed more of the details or it was long ago no worries, but if that is accurate and recent I suggest you delete the thread.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Good story. A good warning. Never text us out of the blue but if you do make it innocuous like "would you donate to the conservative party?" so it looks like spam.
Unless someone is single (and says it is okay), texting out of the blue can be dangerous.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
First I feel for the guy that was caught. However, different girls have different business models, you can't expect everyone to follow your business model. There are many girls who flirt in text with customers, and I think these customers like the connection and flirting. For the guys, they need to take precautions if needed.
Precautions? Yes. But remember he wasn't a client of hers. He had contacted her and never booked. Maybe there are customer who like texts out of the blue but the default should be no contact unless the client has said it's ok.

Both good points.

I stay in touch all the time, but if I'm on a date or with someone else, I usually silence my phone. The odd message sound is okay if ignored (not good to be rude to your guest).

OTOH, the DEFAULT POLICY (unless permission is given to the contrary) should be no lone or unsolicited texts or instant messages.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
I guess if you buy into the whole, "for better or for worse" angle. I.e. she no longer has a libido, so he should just bury that aspect of his persona.

I guess she is expecting him to accommodate her. He's a flesh and blood man and he is desirous of sex by virtue of who he is. It's wrong of her to expect him to simply turn it off. Frankly, I don't know how guys can do that.
That is an interesting perspective. Another one is "she's not doing enough to please me at home".

But you know that most women would say it's not an excuse to cheat (IOW, you must settle for a sexless marriage).


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
This might help fix his marriage, a platform to tell her his frustrations. If a wife isn't giving it up at home, the husband's gotta get it somewhere. Why can't the wife be happy she doesn't have to please him sexually, she can do it in other ways, let him get his sex elsewhere. Like if she hates cooking he can eat out every night, or cook himself, cooking himself would be like jerking off, eating out would be like having sex with an escort, see the similarities.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Amen brother...truth spoken with wisdom :thumb:

This might help fix his marriage, a platform to tell her his frustrations. If a wife isn't giving it up at home, the husband's gotta get it somewhere. Why can't the wife be happy she doesn't have to please him sexually, she can do it in other ways, let him get his sex elsewhere. Like if she hates cooking he can eat out every night, or cook himself, cooking himself would be like jerking off, eating out would be like having sex with an escort, see the similarities.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
I don't think it is an organized, or even admitted basis for opposing prostitution but I suspect that more than a few women recognize that the coercive influence of the universal rationing of access to vagina will become more and more seriously undermined by p4p.

That has gotta scare some of the more egregious extortionists! :eyebrows:


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
I don't think it is an organized, or even admitted basis for opposing prostitution but I suspect that more than a few women recognize that the coercive influence of the universal rationing of access to vagina will become more and more seriously undermined by p4p.

That has gotta scare some of the more egregious extortionists! :eyebrows:

Put in another way, P4P undermines Pussy Power.


Jan 31, 2005
That is an interesting perspective. Another one is "she's not doing enough to please me at home".

But you know that most women would say it's not an excuse to cheat (IOW, you must settle for a sexless marriage).
What most women would actually say is if you don't like it, leave. I think most women would not say you must settle, they would say the choice is yours. Most women have more backbone than most men when it comes to relationship ultimatums.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
What most women would actually say is if you don't like it, leave. I think most women would not say you must settle, they would say the choice is yours. Most women have more backbone than most men when it comes to relationship ultimatums.

You think ? Even the ones being abused at home by their faithful husbands. And there are probably many of those I suspect.

Getting back on the subject, if your married and you want to partake in this industry, take all the precautions possible.
Don't get too comfortable and never once think your so won't find out, for granted, Anything can happen.
One member on this board got caught by leaving his i pad on and unattended. Not sure what his so found
but I suspect, it was enough for him to leave this industry and the board. As far as what happened to this
gentleman the op speaks of, he got too comfortable.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
What most women would actually say is if you don't like it, leave. I think most women would not say you must settle, they would say the choice is yours. Most women have more backbone than most men when it comes to relationship ultimatums.
Most women probably have more to gain by making such an ultimatum but I doubt most women who aren't interested in sex, would say 'leave'. (They may want to torture him ha ha).

Of course, the dynamics of marital woes are much more complex.

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
The other day I just missed a call from an unknown number in which no VM was left. I find that many guys are either too impatient to listen to my message or are adverse to leaving one. A quick Google search turned up a kijiji ad so I texted him that I was interested in buying the item. He immediately called me back and after a brief discussion it was unfortunately discovered that he was only 24, well below my acceptable age range. Bear in mind that this all transpired within a five minute time frame, if that and if no ad had been discovered I simply wouldn't have reached out/responded at all.

I have also had to field a few calls from SO's whose mates had forgotten to delete my number/text(s) from their cell. In one instance the client had mentioned that he was selling some puppies. Thankfully I remembered this tidbit (who doesn't like puppies) and gave that as the reason and she didn't press the matter further.

If one uses their wits no problems should ensue.
Didn't you violate your own idea of discretion by texting someone who didn't leave a message and/or explicitly ask you to contact them? All that person's SO had to do was Google your number and jackpot!

Further, as mentioned earlier, perhaps you should consider deleting this thread or severely editing some of your posts so that if the wife finds this, there is no trail of clues to piece together.
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