$80 - $100 providers - any recommendations?

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John Gilbunni

New member
Jul 8, 2012
As i posted earlier in the thread . you get what you pay for . that's a bit of a generalization tho. here's what i think: if you're a provider and you think the number is too low, say 'no thanks' and move the fuck on. if you're a client (or john haha, and no i don't give a shit what you call me) and you think the number is too high, move the fuck on. stop acting like you have no agency in this. you are (mostly) free to do as you please. seriously, stop blaming the person on the other end.


Mar 11, 2012
Interesting readings but everything discussed here completely sidetracked. This thread should be about good affordable providers.
Amazing, isn't it? All the OP asking for was recommendations for quality SPs at the price range. This doesn't seem disrespectful to me as he was not trying to bargain or negotiate down.


New member
Dec 16, 2014
As i posted earlier in the thread . you get what you pay for . that's a bit of a generalization tho. here's what i think: if you're a provider and you think the number is too low, say 'no thanks' and move the fuck on. if you're a client (or john haha, and no i don't give a shit what you call me) and you think the number is too high, move the fuck on. stop acting like you have no agency in this. you are (mostly) free to do as you please. seriously, stop blaming the person on the other end.
I agree and disagree with you. Ideally that's exactly how it's supposed to work. I personally do that, and many ladies do as well. And yes, good clients too.

I do know that I've received numerous texts telling me my prices were too hight, and that I wasn't worth the price listed ( maybe I am and maybe I am not, but you can't say that without having seen me or experienced my sessions, or with myself being in the field for over half a year.)
I've had bribes for good reviews, and I've had people tell me I'd never find work, and that I should make sure I book their call. That's just the soft part of this. This doesn't include my ' you Fu---ng B--ch texts, or, you're probably ugly anyways txts too. Or the coercion to preform things like Greek, because, again, I'd never find work. It happens daily. All of these have stemmed from people seeking the lowest prices. It's also bullying. And it can get much worse.

I do agree with you too thought- it's not all on the client. Sp's can have a say too (unless they are driven by pimps- and that's another issue, but it's loosely related.) I do still strongly feel that a lot of the issues I listed earlier are part of what makes it a little less out of their control, in comparison to clients. Still, people can change their minds and I hope some girls reading this ( despite the fact that it can add competition for me in my 'price bracket, do change their minds-especially if they have fantastic reviews).


DFKM GlavaMan....
Penelope you are very opinionated and that's great no harm in that, but other people are allowed to have their own opinion also.
I wasn't actually going to reply to this thread cuz in my opinion you took this way overboard and your posts turned into a novel and from what I got out of this is if its not your way its no way.
I know first hand how much it costs to be an escort and keep up appearances and u don't have to charge 200 dollars to do it if u don't want 2. Every girl is entitled to charge what they want as long as they are the one making that decision and no one else. I do have to make one point about something you said. You said this job is emotionally and mentally exhausting if this is truly how u feel then I don't think u should be in this biz. Anything that causes you to feel this way is not worth it. You say that you enjoy this if you truly did ten I don't see how u can feel emotionally and physically exhausted. I may not have reviews as of lately but if u look in the archive u will see I had some many years ago and anyone I have recently seen in Kingston they will tell u that i truly enjoy what I do. Don't take this the wrong way but from what I have read of your posts you seem like a very cold person because of who u want to blacklist just because they don't want to or cant pay high end prices if I was a client i wouldn't see you just because of what you have written but that's just my opinion. Also the comment you made to Glava was so uncalled for calling him a fool really? Tbh I don't know why you even commented on this thread cuz its way beneath u.... This is the reason why people don't wanna post ask questions or give reviews because they are not entitled to their opinion or thoughts if it doesn't go with half of terb. I have been a member for many years and terb is nothing lie it use to be people use to be able to express what they felt or ask questions without being belittled or talked down 2 its really sad over the last 10 years what has happened. Im sure you will come back at me because you don't agree with what I have to say it doesn't bother me I have nothing to prove to u or anyone. You say what you want when u want and how u want.
im not gonna argue with u im 2 old for that now 10 years ago I may have.
Kisses Tracey....
Thanks Tracey! Your ten years in the industry speaks for itself!

She can call me whatever, it means nothing coming from her.


Interesting readings but everything discussed here completely sidetracked. This thread should be about good affordable providers.
OK, in an attempt to get things back on track .................. Tracy who is visiting in Kingston has reasonable rates and is a real gem! Her rates are slightly higher in Ottawa but still great bang for the buck!!

No ducks were fed white bread during the writing of this post ......


Active member
Sep 16, 2006
Quite an interesting conversation.

As far as the original question goes, I would say $80 is low if you are looking for a good hh in Ottawa. From what I have seen $100 is where you want to start. If you go up to $120 you will increase your options a fair bit. Check the pages or the red board or here. Many providers list their rates in the ads (I wish more ladies would do this, btw). Do a little research, Ottawa has been quite good lately, imho. Any day you can find quite a few good options at the $100 rate you are looking for.

As far as the side conversation goes:

Penelope, I admire you for being direct and honest about how you see things. Your perspective is insightful. Not every lady would be as open as you.

Here are a few thoughts that crossed my mind as I read this thread:

1) $180/hour or $100/hh sound like a lot of money. My guess would be that some clients, maybe most clients, work many hours to make that much. At least some of us have a difficult time thinking of this as a low rate of pay.

2) Many of the most popular ladies in Ottawa, past and current, charge in the range of $100/hh or $180/hr. Comparing them to a "shitty wallet" came across as harsh.

3) You seem to be saying that someone is exploited at $100/hh but not at $140/hh. What is the minimum acceptable rate of pay that you consider to be fair and non-exploitative?

4) To me, the most negative, or exploitative, part of this business is pressure on services provided. This hasn't been mentioned. For example, not that long ago it was quite common to find ladies who provided cbj only. More recently they are hard to find because bbbj has become pretty much standard. The availability of more "extreme" services (greek, cim, etc.) has become more and more prevalent. In another thread, it has been discussed how requests for bbfs are increasing. I remember once booking a session with one of the largest agencies while in TO and when I asked the lady for a cbj she thanked me and told me how she hated the pressure the agency was putting on her to provide cim, sw, etc. Ladies have told me that agencies won't accept them unless they provide a lot of options. This has had a downward pressure on rates because ladies who don't want to provide bbbj, etc. have lowered their rates to compete with the ones who do. Is this a concern for you or other ladies you know?

5) I think I see your point about the Coach wallet. I think from a client's perspective the decision is like this: If I can buy a Coach wallet for $160 or a pretty much identical (maybe even better quality) wallet for $100, I'm much more likely to buy the wallet at $100. The market for good wallets is around $100 so that's what I spend. Stores that charge $160 are quite a bit above common pricing so maybe they get less customers but they make more per sale too. I fully support their right to charge as much as they want. I would too if I was in the wallet business. I hope their business does well and I'm sure it will if they are good at it. I also think they shouldn't be surprised when I buy a wallet somewhere else or ask them if that's really the best price they can offer.

6) I don't think rates have ever been so "all over the place" as they are now. I have seen from $60-$200 per half hour and $140-$400 per hour within the last month or two. It seems a lot of different approaches are working for people. I guess there are many factors to consider such as how much money one wants to make, how much one wants to work, what services will be provided, incall or outcall, looks, age, personality, the type of client one wants to attract, etc. I'm not sure there is much point in worrying about what others are doing. The successful ladies seem to find a model that works for them.

Just my two cents


Active member
Jan 8, 2008
ITD131...probably the best thought out two cents in this thread. Why do you charge so little?


Active member
Jul 8, 2011
Penelope you have the right to blacklist anyone you want. But I can tell you that many people (including those who can afford very expensive escorts) will probably blacklist you. Not because of what you believe, but because of your bad-mouthing of escorts who charge reasonable prices. I think someone mentioned Rebecca (from the rosy board) that often charges 100hh and she provides one of the best services in Ottawa. I have never seen you but it wouldn't surprise me that she provides better service than you, even if she charges a fraction of what you charge.

p.s: you can blacklist me I don't care.


Active member
Jul 8, 2011
Penelope has a point if you think about it. Many providers who charge $80 to $100 for a hh are not going to be seeing clients back to back, they will take a hh break or so in between, so effectively they are making $40 to $50 an hour which is not much when you consider hotel/condo rental costs, advertising, supplies like towels, soap, mouthwash and condoms, clothing, shoes, etc. . .
It's all relative. My cousin makes $13.50 an hour and she is happy and not complaining about her job. Not that it's an easy job, but she considers herself lucky to have a regular job while a lot of people are unemployed. See, not everyone is making $40-$50 an hour in Canada: actually very few people are making that much. If my cousin decides to jump in the escorts wagon, she will be thrilled to make $40 net an hour. Just making a statement on the "non-reasonabless" of the 80hh is non-sense.


Dec 7, 2014
This irony here is that you are telling me 'how you REALLY feel about me'- snotty, elitist, and like a douche-bag.
Which is fine by me; it seems to be lost that I was happy to post this in part, because it weeds specific kinds of people out. You are not one I would be spending time with either.
Sex and companionship are absolutely integral to proper human growth, development and happiness- I am working on a psych degree, and intend on going far in the field. The fact that it is core essential need, along with being part of a rare, socially unacceptable, dangerous field is exactly why it is so expensive and should be. You are not innately entitled to intimacy- it's a need that either must be earned or bought. I am coming off as snotty and elitist because we are having an academic discussion on ethics, exploitation, and SES stratification within this subculture. It makes me passionate, and angry that not only is it tolerated; it's condoned. Whats more, I happen to deal with the repercussions of said exploitation day-in-day-out as I work. I also witness many upset SP's deal with such things and it is very heartbreaking and unnerving. I have come from an agency setting( again, not Mirage) and have witnessed alcoholics, drug addicts, and insecure girls be taken advantage of, and clearly so, day in and day out. I have been taken advantage of, I get requests for bookings from some very undesirable people. I've had to bite someone's face because they tried to have sex with me without a condom- agency setting ( not Mirage). You may not treat 80-100$ girls and no restrictions girls poorly- but there are many John's who do. Those girls seem to get the largest influx of poor clients because people who are entitled to sex, to deals, to women's bodies, are often the worst client you can have. Low charging girls are not the only escorts who get said people- we all do. The core of the issue stems from here.
First of all - I would NEVER see a no-restriction girl. Second - if it takes me MONTHS to "save up" enough money to spend time with the likes of a spoiled princess like you, I will GLADLY spend it elsewhere - maybe on electronics, or vehicle repair, house maintenance, etc. You see, people have to live within this thing called a "budget". There is no "money tree" in the back yard where I can go and pick $400 of the branches to "pay for time" with a girl that has a snotty attitude. We have agreed that we will not see each other, and I would like to leave it at that. I will never say another word to you or, most importantly, ABOUT you, after this post. I can only hope that you are princilaled enough to do the same.


Active member
Jan 8, 2008
I don't get your point unless your cousin has to rent a hotel room or condo, buy towels, condoms, mouthwash, soap, wipes, toys, have her hair done regularly, nails, makeup, expensive lingerie, shoes, etc.and take hh breaks during which she's not paid. You completely missed the boat.
I'm pretty sure he didn't miss the boat. $40 per hour NET would suggest AFTER expenses.


New member
Nov 25, 2009
It's all relative. My cousin makes $13.50 an hour and she is happy and not complaining about her job. Not that it's an easy job, but she considers herself lucky to have a regular job while a lot of people are unemployed. See, not everyone is making $40-$50 an hour in Canada: actually very few people are making that much. If my cousin decides to jump in the escorts wagon, she will be thrilled to make $40 net an hour. Just making a statement on the "non-reasonabless" of the 80hh is non-sense.
I always love when y'all try to figure out how much money we make. I don't know of a single person who sees anywhere near the number of bookings per day, consistently, that you all think we get.

But just for shits and giggles, let's look at expenses:
- Backpage ads are now up to $12 an ad. Some folks bump theirs more than once a day.
- Lyla pricing: ads are free, but to pay for a banner/ad space, it varies from $50-$150 per month.
- Terb: about $100 per month.
- Escorts-Canada: $60 per month.
- Hotels run about $100-200 per day, depending on city, location, time of year, etc.
- Incall spaces vary, depending on if the provider works from home (and if they have a second bedroom or host from the same space they live in) or if they maintain a space solely for hosting (and if they share said space).
- Lingerie, condoms, lube, sheets, towels, body wash, hair removal, nails, laundry, etc etc etc. These are ongoing expenses, not just a one-time expense. Lube can stain sheets. Condoms are not super cheap, although you can occasionally get not-shitty brands from public health/planned parenthood/etc.
- Photoshoots can range from $200-$500+++.
- Website design/hosting, costs vary depending on whether you pay for someone to do it for you or put the time in yourself.
- A secondary phone, depending on the plan, about $20-$40+ per month.

Yes, I make good money comparatively. However, I personally don't make a lot of money compared to what magic figures get concocted on these forums. Part of that is that I don't want to see multiple people per day; a good number for me is a few people in a week, although I do have school and a secondary job, and spend time volunteering (and I love that this allows me the time to do all of that AND have somewhat of a social life). That is also balanced by the fact that I don't have to spend a lot of money on advertising to get a higher number of bookings.
But WOW the numbers that get thrown out here make me laugh. And sure, especially if someone is new, it might be possible to see multiple people per day on a regular basis, but it would not be long-lived, either through burn-out (because if you're going to be high volume, you're going to either lower screening expectations, or just be physically/emotionally overwhelmed) or through the fact that the market can't support those numbers. Realistically, seeing 5 people a day x 7 days = 35 people per week = 140 people per month; let's just say that you get maybe a handful of repeat clients, that's 100 new clients per month. How many people in Ottawa (accounting for travelers) do you think see providers?


New member
Dec 16, 2014
Quite an interesting conversation.

As far as the original question goes, I would say $80 is low if you are looking for a good hh in Ottawa. From what I have seen $100 is where you want to start. If you go up to $120 you will increase your options a fair bit. Check the pages or the red board or here. Many providers list their rates in the ads (I wish more ladies would do this, btw). Do a little research, Ottawa has been quite good lately, imho. Any day you can find quite a few good options at the $100 rate you are looking for.

As far as the side conversation goes:

Penelope, I admire you for being direct and honest about how you see things. Your perspective is insightful. Not every lady would be as open as you.

Here are a few thoughts that crossed my mind as I read this thread:

1) $180/hour or $100/hh sound like a lot of money. My guess would be that some clients, maybe most clients, work many hours to make that much. At least some of us have a difficult time thinking of this as a low rate of pay.

2) Many of the most popular ladies in Ottawa, past and current, charge in the range of $100/hh or $180/hr. Comparing them to a "shitty wallet" came across as harsh.

3) You seem to be saying that someone is exploited at $100/hh but not at $140/hh. What is the minimum acceptable rate of pay that you consider to be fair and non-exploitative?

4) To me, the most negative, or exploitative, part of this business is pressure on services provided. This hasn't been mentioned. For example, not that long ago it was quite common to find ladies who provided cbj only. More recently they are hard to find because bbbj has become pretty much standard. The availability of more "extreme" services (greek, cim, etc.) has become more and more prevalent. In another thread, it has been discussed how requests for bbfs are increasing. I remember once booking a session with one of the largest agencies while in TO and when I asked the lady for a cbj she thanked me and told me how she hated the pressure the agency was putting on her to provide cim, sw, etc. Ladies have told me that agencies won't accept them unless they provide a lot of options. This has had a downward pressure on rates because ladies who don't want to provide bbbj, etc. have lowered their rates to compete with the ones who do. Is this a concern for you or other ladies you know?

5) I think I see your point about the Coach wallet. I think from a client's perspective the decision is like this: If I can buy a Coach wallet for $160 or a pretty much identical (maybe even better quality) wallet for $100, I'm much more likely to buy the wallet at $100. The market for good wallets is around $100 so that's what I spend. Stores that charge $160 are quite a bit above common pricing so maybe they get less customers but they make more per sale too. I fully support their right to charge as much as they want. I would too if I was in the wallet business. I hope their business does well and I'm sure it will if they are good at it. I also think they shouldn't be surprised when I buy a wallet somewhere else or ask them if that's really the best price they can offer.

6) I don't think rates have ever been so "all over the place" as they are now. I have seen from $60-$200 per half hour and $140-$400 per hour within the last month or two. It seems a lot of different approaches are working for people. I guess there are many factors to consider such as how much money one wants to make, how much one wants to work, what services will be provided, incall or outcall, looks, age, personality, the type of client one wants to attract, etc. I'm not sure there is much point in worrying about what others are doing. The successful ladies seem to find a model that works for them.

Just my two cents
Hello lovely. Thanks so much for being really logical, insightful, and interesting about your reply. Most of all, you didn't resort to childish self-promoting or bashing me as a person. While we are probably not friends just for talking on here, and you may dislike me- I've got to absolutely respect you. Reading your post gave me a lot to think about-.

1) You're right, and I forgot. It does seem like a lot of money. Especially when you assume someone can easily obtain 5-6-7 solid hours of work each shift. Then it seems like infinite amount of money. The reality is even busy girls at an agency,( I've been and seen other), or solo does not always mean many clients in a day. For myself and others I have seen as low as ) clients, and 9 or 10 clients in a day. (6+ clients seems to be an agency thing, but I could absolutely be wrong). Our money has to account for our expenses as well as days where is very slow. I know for sure in agencies it gets very slow around the holidays e.t.c You have to save money for those days and weeks. As well as for HPV/ hepatitis vaccines, and taking additional time off for STD tests too. Still, with all the risks this should cost a lot more than minimum wage. But you're right- I should understand that it is a lot of money for clients, just like an expensive dress or nice pair of shoes can be a lot for me too.

2) I think I clarified in a post that I absolutely do not think of myself as a high-end wallet and lower-charging escorts as 'shitty wallets'. I was comparing low and high end wallets to escorts being high-end luxuries to save for. "shitty wallets' were kind of like daily monotony or boring treats like food. I'm very sorry I came off unclear and more so if I've hurt anyone's feelings.

3) When you mentioned this I actually had no idea what to say- that's what makes you so smart and awesome. How was I, or anyone else actually going to say that? I feel the minimum charge should be what the lowest agency is charging, maybe a bit more because we have more daily expenses ( additional rent) and make less money than an agency because they have several girls working. This amount is much more likely to cover our working expenses, as well as our basic living expenses and allow us to have some savings. Going much lower than seems to cause too much variation in the market.

4) I absolutely agree with this and I think I touched based on it a tad. Many people are upset and concerned with how BBBj's are the new standard. When super cheap, all inclusive fees are the standard it puts pressure on everyone else to lower their rates, not charge for extra's ( which I find help prevent catching something- fewer people wanting to pay for CIM means less exposure). Lower prices also pressure others to lower their price. Not charging for Greek as well pressures more people to include Greek in prices, or the girls who only did it because of the extra charge will no longer do it- it's not worth it. This is indeed a concern for myself and other ladies.

5) I understand that, but it really bothers me when people compare humans to Wal-Mart, Nordstorm, or look at it as strictly business and getting the best deal. Very dehumanizing. It's also hypocritical- many people get upset over SP's treating clients like business only. For good reason too, it is dehumanizing. I don't treat my clients that way ( I really hope not, and hope someone mentions it if I do). So why treat Sp's that way?

6) I think in terms of prices, people are all over the place because they are trying to adhere to the requests for specials, full service, no extra charge e.t.c. Some people charge super low to get you in, then increase by 'extra'. Some girls set a price that encompasses extras, but are low enough to undercut people and get noticed. Others like myself go by agency standards and try to get paid what they already know ' they are worth. Some people charge low because their self-esteem is low. Some charge a lot because their self-esteem is very high. There are all sorts of models- it's not to say they all work. Or the reasons for them working are not innocuous and just 'good business'.

Thanks for your two cents. Again, it gave me a lot to think about. My word isn't law. I'm sure more experiences Sp's have different things to say.


New member
Dec 16, 2014
It's all relative. My cousin makes $13.50 an hour and she is happy and not complaining about her job. Not that it's an easy job, but she considers herself lucky to have a regular job while a lot of people are unemployed. See, not everyone is making $40-$50 an hour in Canada: actually very few people are making that much. If my cousin decides to jump in the escorts wagon, she will be thrilled to make $40 net an hour. Just making a statement on the "non-reasonabless" of the 80hh is non-sense.
Is your cousin also at risk for contacting HIV, HPV, Herpes, genital warts, chlamydia, and ghonnorhea at her job? No? How about HPV, chlamydia or ghonnorhea down her throat? Can she be fired from future jobs? How about being social ostracized? Is she put in a position where she can be beaten, raped, have someone rip off a condom while in doggy? Do 'Greek digits' too roughly and cause tearing? No wonder she is happy at 13.50 an hour.
Great! I hope when she jumps on the EScort wagon she realizes she may not make 40$ a day, some days she will have no clients, sometimes 2, sometimes 6, sometimes 4. This is every good, well reviewed agency girl I've met, myself, and other awesome independent Sp's life. What about slow holidays? Is she willing to save for those?
Oh, is she also looking forward to answering all of the emails, txts, phone calls, and messages on terb and lyla that she has to answer- with no extra pay? What about dealing with other time wasters and expenses only models seem to have, plus having an additional apartment to host?

Hmm... looks like that 40$ an hour isn't going to go far or even make the job worth it... bumping it up to 100$ a half hour... yikes... just barely worth it. Oh no, wait, what about other life expenses, and university....


New member
Dec 16, 2014
I'm pretty sure he didn't miss the boat. $40 per hour NET would suggest AFTER expenses.
It really isn't after expenses. What's more- no one is guaranteed their rate per hour, several hours a day. It seems super awesome, but then you realize you're not getting a full 20-40 hours a week in. That's a huge part of what's not understood.


New member
Dec 16, 2014
First of all - I would NEVER see a no-restriction girl. Second - if it takes me MONTHS to "save up" enough money to spend time with the likes of a spoiled princess like you, I will GLADLY spend it elsewhere - maybe on electronics, or vehicle repair, house maintenance, etc. You see, people have to live within this thing called a "budget". There is no "money tree" in the back yard where I can go and pick $400 of the branches to "pay for time" with a girl that has a snotty attitude. We have agreed that we will not see each other, and I would like to leave it at that. I will never say another word to you or, most importantly, ABOUT you, after this post. I can only hope that you are princilaled enough to do the same.
I know it seems like you don't want a response, but there seems to be a bit of confusion. One, I charge 250 an hour, not 400, which is the rate my agency had. Two, I too have a budget, the expenses were listed for work only, not including my other rent, food, clothes, occasionally going out, and university fees. I have to work for my education, which is why lower fees would not support my budget. I'm not rich either, and yes, my money doesn't come from a money tree either. It comes from working hard and setting up a price that can allow me to live decently, go to school, and pay off a good chunk of my schooling.
Thirdly, there is no context to talk poorly of you anywhere else. I will not say another word too you unless there are important things to address in your response. I will not speak of you, and I really appreciate your ability and desire to do the same.


New member
Dec 16, 2014
No, I've never asked them why they charge the low rates that they do, just like I've never asked the higher-priced girls why they charge the high rates that they do. You can imagine what would happen if I asked the higher priced girls why they charge the high rates that they do. You already know what the answer is going to be, right: "I charge the rates that I charge because that's what I feel like charging, now mind your own business!" So this question is just as insulting to ask a high-value girl.

Your protests of the high cost of escorting don't fly, other girls have already told you they don't need to charge exorbitant prices to make a decent living. Even the lowest price girl makes more per diem than a consultant, and it's not tax-free for a consultant.

That's no problem, I've already stopped reading the rest of your response after that too.
A) I never said 'ask a high-value girl. Again, these girls are not low or high valued- they are just setting their rates low- big difference. I also said ask one who charges less. We were not talking about insulting other escorts.
B) You're assuming that's the answer I knew and the only answer you'd get. That's a crock of shit and we know it. Whatever you need to tell yourself to feel better
C) While I don't know about consultants, I do know my nutritionist makes more than those girls. She's not risking anything social, physical, or interpersonal- just like a consultant.
This field is expensive for a reason. All dangerous jobs make a lot of money. Look at the salaries for underwater welders, iron workers, and any other job that puts themselves at risk.


New member
Dec 16, 2014
No, I've never asked them why they charge the low rates that they do, just like I've never asked the higher-priced girls why they charge the high rates that they do. You can imagine what would happen if I asked the higher priced girls why they charge the high rates that they do. You already know what the answer is going to be, right: "I charge the rates that I charge because that's what I feel like charging, now mind your own business!" So this question is just as insulting to ask a high-value girl.

Your protests of the high cost of escorting don't fly, other girls have already told you they don't need to charge exorbitant prices to make a decent living. Even the lowest price girl makes more per diem than a consultant, and it's not tax-free for a consultant.

That's no problem, I've already stopped reading the rest of your response after that too.
You mean Tracy? She is one Sp not 'othr girls"
Hmm... looking at her profile she... shamelessly self-promoted on another post, and put her foot in her mouth.. resulting in her being told off....
hmm.... she's clearly brown nosing here;only saying anything that is insulting to me personally, and not the argument, while not giving any reason why she charges so low other than ' she is not mean and cold like me'.
Maybe she works from home and has no other office. Maybe she has no post-secondary ( that's not a problem, but it is less of an expense.)
Hmmm.. no mention of how she manages her expenses just fine, while having her own phone... website.... apartment. Gosh, I have no idea how she manages with her lower prices because she just chose to insult me on a personal level and conveniently not mention her expenses.
and... oh, right... she got banned from the Rosy board! I've never been on Rosy, but I'm willing to bet they don't bust out the ban hammer for nothing.
Hmm... analyzing things all in all.... Wow! What a credible source!
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