9/11 was ‘mother of all false flag attacks’: US scholar


Oct 20, 2010
I've learned a great deal in this thread. It turns out that:

  1. You don't have to do anything "scholarly" to call yourself a scholar in the US.
  2. You can trot out just about any load of feces and some idiot in the media will give you a soapbox.
  3. No matter how far-fetched and inane your topic, there will be plenty of idiots who fall for your nonsense.

"Dr." Barrett's website was only able to sign up 486 members but it looks like well over half the posters in this thread are candidates for his particular brand of inanity.
You seem to act surprised? Havent you ever watched Fox 'News"??


Apr 24, 2014
Kleinburg. Ontario.
GP this will probably answer that question. 10 months prior to the disaster, there was a massive renovation of the elevators within the towers. Which would have been a perfect cover up to plant these explosive devices. Timeline 10:00

That's makes sense. With 10 months time you can see the amount of explosives in the key areas to bring down the towers.


Apr 23, 2014
I haven't delved into the free fall issue much, or watched entire videos on it.

Is it possible that the enormous weight of the floors above the collision point was big enough to maintain a free fall rate below it.
According to science, NO.
You don't have to delve into anything for too long, it's only ten seconds for you to understand the science behind the "free fall" collapse of the 2 tall towers and the shorter 3rd one.
Just watch from 0:14 to 0:24 it's that simple and fast.

here's another interesting question.

Why would any conspirators need to plant explosive charges when two large airliners crashed into these buildings? Isn't that enough damage and mayhem to justify the need to seek out those responsible or wage war against terror?
Well this is where science questions how it's NOT possible for the two planes to bring down the buildings the way they did.
Therefore, something else was needed to bring them down the way they did.


Apr 23, 2014
Your superkook crazy conspiracy leaves a zillion times more questions unanswered.

Posting a bunch is dubious YouTube videos just makes you a gullible fool.

Dubious videos? WTF? If not for videos, then what would appease you? lol

The videos are simply recordings of people of expertise speaking on the matter.
In order for something to free fall, there has to be NO support structure underneath it. Like the example in the (OMG dare I say it and show it) VIDEO, drop a set of keys and from your extended arm and it'll fall freely to the ground without any resistance.
Pay attention to

1:31--->2:35 or to the end, which I doubt you will.

Gullible? Not so.
You however, because you believe anything the government says as well as the media? I could possibly make a case.
But really, watch at least 0:14-0:24 and understand what free fall means and understand that in order for something to free fall, there has to be absolutely NOTHING below it to "stop it" or "slow it down", so to speak.


Apr 23, 2014
Oh yeah, can anyone please explain how on EARTH, through all that inferno, debris, the mess of everything, they managed to find a perfectly intact passport of one of the hijackers? lol

Same goes for the flight that crashed in the field, they found a passport and bandana. Very interesting I must say.

How about the videos surrounding the Pentagon, amazingly, no video showing the plane, no fuselage of the plane.
Apparently there are quite a few (80+ cameras) that surround the Pentagon, yet no video. Hmmmm, convenient.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
EXCEPTIONALISM, PRIDE, definitely a key thing for those who believe what they were told by the media and their government. lol
So a post or two earlier you say the towers were hit by two planes and now you support this no plane post?

That is why I love conspiracy theorists.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Actually GB those airliners are made if very thin Aluminum for obvious reasons and should have never penetrated those concrete and 4" thick Steel girdered buildings,...
There is this thing called physics you might want to look into. Try looking up the term kinetic energy.


Apr 23, 2014
So a post or two earlier you say the towers were hit by two planes and now you support this no plane post?

That is why I love conspiracy theorists.
Which posts specifically?


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
There is this thing called physics you might want to look into. Try looking up the term kinetic energy.
You obviously haven't watched any of the videos which show you momentum or energy vers solid reinforced concrete. This is the problem no-one checks or really cares to check.


Jan 31, 2005
The videos are simply recordings of people of expertise speaking on the matter.
In order for something to free fall, there has to be NO support structure underneath it.
The people in your videos are kooks with no expertise. The WTC was built on a suspension design, not a compression design. You and your idiot kook "experts" are just too stupid and too ill informed to understand what that means. When a suspension structure fails there is literally no support structure underneath it. There was NEVER a support structure underneath it. The floors were essentially hung from an exoskeleton, and when it failed they literally fell.

Do you know how much energy those falling floors picked up? There is a highschool physics equation, I bet you don't know it. What multiple of their weight did they impact the next floor with after, say, falling ten meters? Twenty? A hundred?

You are a gullible idiot taken in by a hilariously wrong internet consistency theory.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
The people in your videos are kooks with no expertise. The WTC was built on a suspension design, not a compression design. You and your idiot kook "experts" are just too stupid and too ill informed to understand what that means. When a suspension structure fails there is literally no support structure underneath it. There was NEVER a support structure underneath it. The floors were essentially hung from an exoskeleton, and when it failed they literally fell.

Do you know how much energy those falling floors picked up? There is a highschool physics equation, I bet you don't know it. What multiple of their weight did they impact the next floor with after, say, falling ten meters? Twenty? A hundred?

You are a gullible idiot taken in by a hilariously wrong internet consistency theory.
Fuji I'm surprised at you being the intellect that you are, and not even considering that there might be another side to the motivation behind all this. But I'm not here to argue with you.
I will post this last video and it is long but well worth the watch. In my last note I do believe the our Governments are slowly trying create a society that no longer questions their authority.
Even though we are the ones that put them in that position. Never forget our governments are suppose to work for us not the other way around. Even though you don't approve of the the
commentaries on this post, there are many others who think differently, who are also part of this society.



Jan 31, 2005
This really ends the debate:

Look on youtube and find the slow motion videos of the towers collapsing. Take a close look. A building that is detonated collapses from the bottom - the whole building falls as if into a hole, you'll see the top of the building looking temporarily intact as it falls down into what used to be the bottom of the building. Now look at those slow motion videos on youtube and you will see something different: The building collapses from the top down. The bottom of the building is there relatively motionless and intact, as the building above collapses down into it. That is the floors pancaking down, one onto the other, from the top, exactly as it says in the NIST report.

Anyone can go look at those videos, it's very obviously NOT a controlled demolition of the supports. It is very obvious in any of those videos that the top floors are falling onto and crushing the lower floors.

The hooey posted above in this thread is just ludicrously ill informed gibberish from fake "experts" who haven't got the least foggiest clue what they are talking about.

Here is an example, very clearly the bottom of the building is not moving and still intact as the top falls onto it: https://youtu.be/NZqswdaWgrU?t=1m59s


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
Oh yeah, can anyone please explain how on EARTH, through all that inferno, debris, the mess of everything, they managed to find a perfectly intact passport of one of the hijackers? lol

Same goes for the flight that crashed in the field, they found a passport and bandana. Very interesting I must say.

How about the videos surrounding the Pentagon, amazingly, no video showing the plane, no fuselage of the plane.
Apparently there are quite a few (80+ cameras) that surround the Pentagon, yet no video. Hmmmm, convenient.
Have you ever looked at the debris field of a crashed airliner ? There are passports, knapsacks, and photos collected. Why would you not look into this yourself before repeating it ??? The one below is not related to 911. You can google images yourself.

I was in working in downtown New York when 911 occurred. I was trapped in a subway and brought out and let me tell you that you may not have seen in on the video but there was a crushed powder/dust that looked like cement and papers. Bits, pieces and full pages everywhere. I know of kids picking them out of the trees in brooklyn after 911. Finding a passport which could have been sitting in a jacket or whatever before being blown out with the explosion is not implausible.

There are several credible explanations from experts that have the actual video proof of what happened that is overlooked or ignored by conspiracy theorist because there is a paranoia that must be fed. I posted one by scientists & engineers that perfectly fit the events from the airplane crashes. I like the one below because he actually confronts the conspiracy theorists one by one and decimates their arguments.

Sadly some people will only be happy when their paranoia is fed so facts will run off like water off a duck - nothing will sink in because they won't let it.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
There are several credible explanations from experts that have the actual video proof of what happened that is overlooked or ignored by conspiracy theorist because there is a paranoia that must be fed. I posted one by scientists & engineers that perfectly fit the events from the airplane crashes. I like the one below because he actually confronts the conspiracy theorists one by one and decimates their arguments.

Sadly some people will only be happy when their paranoia is fed so facts will run off like water off a duck - nothing will sink in because they won't let it.
Oh Yea, Well here are 1500 Architects and Engineers who have joined to get to the bottom of this. This is not a small number. And not about conspiracy, but merely the truth. Published Feb 2015

As usual I would ask you to watch, unless your afraid of the truth.



Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
As usual I would ask you to watch, unless your afraid of the truth.
I have watched it - it is bullshit and does not address the 1+ metre draw nor the the snapping exactly as the predicted by NIST and three different media commissioned engineering reports. One of the 'expects' suggested on your video that if the collapse would have stopped as the 15 floors above would not have gone any further that the 15 floors below because the building would have supported the debis. This shows a fundamental lack of understanding how WTC towers were constructed. The floors were suspended and were not designed to carry the weight of the building above them - only the floor and it's occupants/furniture. There is no way they could carry the debris field from the top thirty floors.

Of course for some - the approach of throwing large amounts of bullshit is suppose to collapse the truth but it only takes one element of bullshit to prove to me that the author was not really looking at the validity of the arguments but just getting noticed. Obviously it works with some.

So I've seen yours and pointed out immediately flaws - did you look at my posted video ?


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
According to science, NO.
You don't have to delve into anything for too long, it's only ten seconds for you to understand the science behind the "free fall" collapse of the 2 tall towers and the shorter 3rd one.
Just watch from 0:14 to 0:24 it's that simple and fast.

Well this is where science questions how it's NOT possible for the two planes to bring down the buildings the way they did.
Therefore, something else was needed to bring them down the way they did.

Thank you for encouraging me to examine the free fall issue, which I will when I can.

However, Basketcase somewhat debunked the theory of controlled demolition when he re-iterates that the structural columns of the WTC buildings were on the exterior.

Now, in order to lace supporting columns and beams with high explosives, one would have to open up the walls and partitions at many key points at every floor, WITHOUT detection.

These work areas are clearly NOT where the elevators are located.

So to me, it doesn't hold water.

Also, forget about the collapse of the buildings. The hijacking and crashing of those airliners into the WTC buidlings is enough justification to wage war against terrorism, and perhaps invade Iraq. Why go through the trouble of rigging these buildings with explosives? In short, IT'S OVERKILL.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Have you ever looked at the debris field of a crashed airliner ? There are passports, knapsacks, and photos collected. Why would you not look into this yourself before repeating it ??? The one below is not related to 911. You can google images yourself.

I was in working in downtown New York when 911 occurred. I was trapped in a subway and brought out and let me tell you that you may not have seen in on the video but there was a crushed powder/dust that looked like cement and papers. Bits, pieces and full pages everywhere. I know of kids picking them out of the trees in brooklyn after 911. Finding a passport which could have been sitting in a jacket or whatever before being blown out with the explosion is not implausible.

There are several credible explanations from experts that have the actual video proof of what happened that is overlooked or ignored by conspiracy theorist because there is a paranoia that must be fed. I posted one by scientists & engineers that perfectly fit the events from the airplane crashes. I like the one below because he actually confronts the conspiracy theorists one by one and decimates their arguments.

Sadly some people will only be happy when their paranoia is fed so facts will run off like water off a duck - nothing will sink in because they won't let it.

Some great videos here to see.



No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012

Sadly some people will only be happy when their paranoia is fed so facts will run off like water off a duck - nothing will sink in because they won't let it.
I'd really love to know how he could debunk the free fall of building 7. Which is the key here.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
Ok experts can anyone explain this ? If you look closely at the original footage, you'll see it.

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