9/11 was ‘mother of all false flag attacks’: US scholar


Jan 31, 2005
Yet, our press and our leaders have us believe that Saudi Arabia is some sort of benevolent disneyland fairy tale.
No they don't. You are making that up. I can show you a zillion stories in our press about the abuses of human rights in Saudi Arabia and many examples of debate about our relationship with them. Our press has been forthright and transparent about the issues there, you are literally making that up.

There is no equivalence between our free media and the noxious propaganda garbage pumped out by the Iranian government, a rogue terrorist state responsible for much violence against the west.

You are making an untenable argument that because our press isn't perfect, because it has various biases, that is is just as bad and no different then the ludicrous propaganda Press TV inflicts on the world.

There is no equivalence, our press may not be perfect but it is pretty damn good, while Press TV is just nonsense.

I could go on and on, including the false notion that Iran is arming Yemen.
Iran is clearly arming the Houthis, just as Iran arms Hezbollah and Hamas and props up Assad. That Iranian convoy isn't trying to deliver teddy bears.

nobody in the Western media was questioning the narrative .
Nonsense. Lots of articles questioned lots of things, you are flat wrong. You are trying to rewrite history into some cartoon version of what actually happened, you are shrill and wrong.

The western press contained MANY doubts about the claims is the Bush administration and had an absolute field day harpooning Bush when his story fell apart. Please show me ANY example of Press TV criticizing the ayatollah or even just questioning the Iranian regime.

There is no equivalence at all, we have a free press, we have democracy, were have rule of law, and Iran does not.
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you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Bush stupidity not lies

Bush admits he thought the first plane into the towers was an accident !!!!

These are the same towers that were bombed a few years earlier by terrorists and were considered number one on Al Qaeda's hit list FFS!!! and Bush thought the only large American passenger plane ever to fly into a tower in history was an accident? (A smaller one did fly into the Empire State building during the thirties) Terrorism never crossed his mind! No one suggested to him it may be an attack! Asleep at the wheel while in charge of the destiny of humanity! Incredible!

Look at how his wife has been trained to look adoringly at him, like some kind of Pavlov's dog

Fuck off Bush and the American political system of corruption and elitist control designed to keep the masses stupid

For example, Americans think American involvement in the Ukraine is done out of altruistic concern for the Ukrainians because that is what the White House says and the American press just wags its tail as it did in the Iraq invasion. Americans have no clue that the White Houses overriding concern is to prevent another superpower challenging their world control. Ukraine is a proxy war between America and Putin, and of course, Putin must be mad because the American press says so.

How many Americans know that American involvement in Syria, as one of many, many examples, is illegal by the very United Nations agreements America has signed ? An agreement that only they are allowed to continually break

How many Americans realize that America employs economic hitmen to bribe third world leaders into an unpayable debt so American interests can take over their resources and if the elected politicians refuse the bribe they are executed. Plane crashes being the most popular form of execution.
Do you really do yoga? You need to cut back on the caffeine


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
I never thought that I would be defending G. W. Bush, and really I am not. But the truth is that the western world view has changed tremendously since 9/11. I've had this discussion with many people and (for civilians who were not involved in government) there were many people who, at first, thought the first plane was an accident. It crossed my mind when I first heard the news, I hadn't then realized how BIG a plane it was, and when more news came in it was clearly something much more. For the leader of the free world to be as out-of-it as me is a different matter, however.

One graphic indication of how the world has changed is that in 2001, when the towers were hit, many people did, initially, consider it may have been an accident. After all, there have been such accidents on the past (planes hitting buildings) on a much smaller scale. Then, in 2003, when the big power outage hit, there were tens of thousands of people who immediately assumed it was a terrorist attack. Even before the magnitude of the outage was known some news outlets were broadcasting that terrorism was suspected. Even though power outages are not uncommon for much simpler reasons, the post 9/11 mind immediately assumed terrorism where it had not done so before; and we have not yet recovered.
I thought it was an accident as well- I was listening to Howard Stern and they reported it as an accident at first


Apr 23, 2014
Nobody challenged this post before or care to try and explain it, so let's try again.
9/11, towers were hit by 2 planes (questionably commercial airliners).
But okay, TWO PLANES attack the Twin Towers, caught fire.
Yet the buildings fall at free fall speed which physicists say would not happen, because the top 15 floors would be stopped by the 15 floors from where the planes hit.
Okay, digressing, HOWEVER...

If fire truly compromised the towers and collapsed because of free fall speed.
Explain why these buildings AFTER 9/11 around the world that were exposed to terrible fires themselves, still managed to stand?
REMEMBER, the Twin Tours were down after less than 2-3 hours, the buildings in the link below had fires going on for more than 3-4 hours and STILL NEVER collapsed.



Apr 23, 2014
Jump to 1:27 and look how NIST is rewriting known scientific facts. You can't have free fall without components below it? So it's not free fall then now is it NIST?

For a quicker understanding, watch from 0:14 to 0:24, ten seconds will make you question at the VERY least.
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Apr 23, 2014
I suggest you go to timeline 30:35. This was particularly interesting for me. Because this sort of ridicule is happening on this board. Concerning science and fact , I guess some of you still think Galileo was wrong.

EXCEPTIONALISM, PRIDE, definitely a key thing for those who believe what they were told by the media and their government. lol


Apr 23, 2014
Tell that to the families of the passengers on that plane.
Actually a LOT of the families still had/have questions and weren't satisfied with the report.


Jan 31, 2005
Actually a LOT of the families still had/have questions and weren't satisfied with the report.
Your superkook crazy conspiracy leaves a zillion times more questions unanswered.

Posting a bunch is dubious YouTube videos just makes you a gullible fool.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Sure there was. Dedicated armorers, smiths, fetchers, (and slavers) profited from the wars against Sumer.
That was before the Industrial Revolution, but back in the day, were they big enough to influence legislators to go to war or engage in an arms race?

MIC is a contemporary concept, relatively-speaking.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Jump to 1:27 and look how NIST is rewriting known scientific facts. You can't have free fall without components below it? So it's not free fall then now is it NIST?

For a quicker understanding, watch from 0:14 to 0:24, ten seconds will make you question at the VERY least.

I haven't delved into the free fall issue much, or watched entire videos on it.

Is it possible that the enormous weight of the floors above the collision point was big enough to maintain a free fall rate below it.

And here's another interesting question.

Why would any conspirators need to plant explosive charges when two large airliners crashed into these buildings? Isn't that enough damage and mayhem to justify the need to seek out those responsible or wage war against terror?


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
No they don't. You are making that up. I can show you a zillion stories in our press about the abuses of human rights in Saudi Arabia and many examples of debate about our relationship with them. Our press has been forthright and transparent about the issues there, you are literally making that up.

There is no equivalence between our free media and the noxious propaganda garbage pumped out by the Iranian government, a rogue terrorist state responsible for much violence against the west.

You are making an untenable argument that because our press isn't perfect, because it has various biases, that is is just as bad and no different then the ludicrous propaganda Press TV inflicts on the world.

There is no equivalence, our press may not be perfect but it is pretty damn good, while Press TV is just nonsense.

Iran is clearly arming the Houthis, just as Iran arms Hezbollah and Hamas and props up Assad. That Iranian convoy isn't trying to deliver teddy bears.

Nonsense. Lots of articles questioned lots of things, you are flat wrong. You are trying to rewrite history into some cartoon version of what actually happened, you are shrill and wrong.

The western press contained MANY doubts about the claims is the Bush administration and had an absolute field day harpooning Bush when his story fell apart. Please show me ANY example of Press TV criticizing the ayatollah or even just questioning the Iranian regime.

There is no equivalence at all, we have a free press, we have democracy, were have rule of law, and Iran does not.

Well said Fuji. Well said.


Oct 20, 2010
Americans get what they deserve as far as politicians and government goes, they are the ones who elect these guys.
Actually in defense of the citizens of United States, Dumya wasnt really elected. He was given his position by a technicality and some very unscrupulous vote counters. But he does stand for a lot of what is the United States today.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
I haven't delved into the free fall issue much, or watched entire videos on it.

Is it possible that the enormous weight of the floors above the collision point was big enough to maintain a free fall rate below it.

And here's another interesting question.

Why would any conspirators need to plant explosive charges when two large airliners crashed into these buildings? Isn't that enough damage and mayhem to justify the need to seek out those responsible or wage war against terror?
Actually GB those airliners are made if very thin Aluminum for obvious reasons and should have never penetrated those concrete and 4" thick Steel girdered buildings, The wings of those airliners, at the very least should have been sheered off upon impact but yet in the video You see the planes penetrating these structures as if they were going through butter. Makes no sense what so ever.

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