I was just following last night's game on the internet on the ESPN box score every 30 minutes or so because I couldn't listen to it or watch it and just happened to click in when Aaron Loup came into the game with 0.0 innings pitched and Jays leading 3-1.
And I said to myself, that's it, the game's over. There's no way they can survive a blunder move like that.
I know his stats are somewhat okay; but, still, Aaron Loup has screwed the team over way too many times in the past to be trusted late in a tight game in a high leverage situation.
Castro is bred to be a starting pitcher and was showing no signs of being tired; so, what was the point of switching over to a pitcher with much less talent than Castro.
I generally support John Gibbons; but, to me this loss is his fault. Sometimes a manager has to just get out of the way of the players and let them do the job they can do.
Instead he artificially meddled in a situation where meddling was not necessary. All he had to do was keep things in cruise control.
Anyway, Osuna and Castro both pitched brilliantly last night while Loup and Cecil were total clunkers.
I worship at the church of "whatever works right now baby" and I hope the wheels start turning in John Gibbon's mind because if he keeps managing the bullpen like he did last night, this team is going to melt faster than the wicked witch of the west.
I agree with what this blogger wrote about the bullpen situation last night.