That is why my personal friend who is a lawyer tells me to call rather than Text. Text is all documented. Its a far cry that they would start to tap cell phone's, and need wards to do so. I have also said this before. Most ladies want you to call them after a few text anyway, so why not be safe and cut to it and call from the start.
The younger girls like text. I like to see the more established ladies who are Milfs anyway. And they are very crafty to the C-36 Bill. Most ladies I know have even given me their real names, to make me feel better in case ever stopped on the way out. This way you are really visiting a friend. I would never give out their names ever. I still say they will never bother Independent ladies, It really is all about the trafficking, underage and woman or girls in distress.
Avoid low rise buildings, High rise and hotels are fine. That is my personal feelings.
And don't kid yourself, some LE men see SP's in their time off as well. They are men like the rest of us.