John Tory: No city funding for Pride if 'Israeli apartheid’ group allowed


New member
Oct 28, 2009
Pride festival should be denied city funding if Queers Against Israeli Apartheid participates, Tory said. QuAIA organizer Tim McCaskell calls Tory’s position ‘so 2011.

The gay Pride festival should be denied city funding if the activist group Queers Against Israeli Apartheid is allowed to participate, mayoral candidate John Tory said at a debate held by a Jewish group on Friday — reigniting a long-running city hall debate that appeared to have finally dissipated.

Pride received a government grant of $160,500 this year. About 50 people marched under the QuAIA banner in the WorldPride parade, a group representative says — out of about 12,000 registered marchers in total.

City manager Joe Pennachetti concluded in 2011 that “there is no legal precedent” to suggest the phrase “Israeli apartheid” constitutes a hate crime or a violation of the provincial human rights code.

The city’s top lawyer, solicitor Anna Kinastowski, told council in 2013 that the phrase appears to be “protected speech” under the law and does not violate the city’s human rights policy.

Speaking in front of the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies, Tory argued that Kinastowski’s opinion was “wrong.”

To enthusiastic applause, he said he would vote against the grant if QuAIA were allowed to participate next year.

“I believe the city should have found that an organization like that, with the sort of rhetoric and whatnot that it puts forward, is not consistent with the city’s human rights policy. But that finding was reached in an intensely political climate,” he said.

“I’ve marched many times in the Pride parade as well, and it’s a great celebration of human rights and a whole bunch of things. I just don’t think there’s really any place for that kind of virulent kind of political — they should go have their demonstration somewhere else that day if they want.”

Tory called the group a “little band” that was mostly “unnoticed” in this year’s parade; “sometimes you wonder,” he said, “if just paying no attention to them might make them go away.” But he said the issue is a matter of principle for him.

Tory’s position was blasted by QuAIA organizer Tim McCaskell, who said he was “flabbergasted” that the issue had come up once more. In addition to the decision from Pennachetti, he said, QuAIA has now been approved twice by the official dispute-resolution body Pride set up to deal with such matters.

“For this guy to suddenly make this thing an issue again when it is, like, so 2011 — it’s the height of foolishness,” McCaskell said. “Why would he do that? Obviously he has no idea what’s happening at Pride, what process this has been going through. I don’t know whose votes he thinks he’s going to win with this, but my Lord.”

Pride draws hundreds of thousands of visitors to the city and generates millions in tax revenue and economic activity.

Chow also spoke strongly against hate speech and anti-Semitism at the Simon Wiesenthal Center debate. She said, though, that she accepts the city’s ruling on QuAIA, and she noted that it is Pride, not the activist group itself, that is getting the city money.

“I don’t think it’s fair to pull the Pride Toronto funding because of this one group,” Chow said.

“We do know that freedom of expression, as I talked about, is the heart of our values. That’s what democracy’s about. If it’s hate, that’s a different story,” she said.

“The city, and the city solicitor, found that while many may not like or agree with the view of QuAIA, it didn’t constitute the definition of hate, which is why it’s allowed.”

In years past, the city grant has made up about 10 per cent of Pride’s budget. In a unanimous 2012 compromise, council approved the annual grant but condemned the phrase “Israeli apartheid.”

What is John Tory, the flip-flop artist, position on the issue nowaday? Is he going to orchestrate the funding cut in the Council?
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
What's your position on this Boodog. Do you support continued funding if QAIA are allowed to participate? Or should the funding be used to deny them their message at the parade?

Do you agree with QAIA? Or do you think they don't represent the ideals that Pride espouses?

Being a Ford supporter do you take his stance on Pride? Or do you defer with him in this case?


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Interesting fact: no group has an intrinsic right to receive public funding for their activities.


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2013
I disagree with this decision of John Tory's.. But it's been debated at length.. It doesn't sound like either side are willing to back down. I have to admit that I'm also unimpressed that he's bringing it back up again.. Oh well, each person must do what they feel is right.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
What's your position on this Boodog. Do you support continued funding if QAIA are allowed to participate? Or should the funding be used to deny them their message at the parade?

Do you agree with QAIA? Or do you think they don't represent the ideals that Pride espouses?

Being a Ford supporter do you take his stance on Pride? Or do you defer with him in this case?
Unlike John Tory my position hasn't changed.

So what is (was) my position? Go look it up on my original thread I posted first time.

BTW thank you for so concerned with my position(s).

Last time I check my name isn't John Tory and I am not elected to be a (snake oil salesman flip-flop artisit) mayor by the gullible voters of Toronto.

Are you wondering if I will be running against your idol/master John Tory in 2018?

Thats why you want to know my campaign platforms ahead of time?

Don't worry. Be Happy!!!! I am not running against the useless John Tory.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
I disagree with this decision of John Tory's.. But it's been debated at length.. It doesn't sound like either side are willing to back down. I have to admit that I'm also unimpressed that he's bringing it back up again.. Oh well, each person must do what they feel is right.
In John Tory's case he thought he must do that to buy votes from the Jewish population ( financial supports).

Didn't he announce similar election platform in his ill-attempt to become Ontario Premier: Public funding for all faith-base schools?

Lets see if he could prove me wrong by not orchestrating funding cut on Pride Parade because of QuAIA.


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2013
boodog, it is more than possible that he made his decision because he believes (like fuji) that this is a case of "Hate Speech".. While I don't agree with him, I'd hardly declare that he's way off base.. You make all the conspiracy theorist style claims you want.. John Tory is so far being a delightfully level headed mayor as far as I'm concerned (even if I don't agree with his every decision).


New member
Oct 28, 2009
boodog, it is more than possible that he made his decision because he believes (like fuji) that this is a case of "Hate Speech".. While I don't agree with him, I'd hardly declare that he's way off base.. You make all the conspiracy theorist style claims you want.. John Tory is so far being a delightfully level headed mayor as far as I'm concerned (even if I don't agree with his every decision).
Yes you might be right.

As I said: Lets see if he could prove me wrong by not orchestrating funding cut on Pride Parade because of QuAIA.


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2013
Yes you might be right.

As I said: Lets see if he could prove me wrong by not orchestrating funding cut on Pride Parade because of QuAIA.
You will refuse to be proven wrong. You made up your mind about John Tory a long time ago. Nothing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING you write here EVER starts with anything other than your pathetic disdain for the man (based on nothing other than the fact that he unseated your preferred bumbling oaf of a mayor)..


New member
Oct 28, 2009
You will refuse to be proven wrong. You made up your mind about John Tory a long time ago. Nothing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING you write here EVER starts with anything other than your pathetic disdain for the man (based on nothing other than the fact that he unseated your preferred bumbling oaf of a mayor)..

Its your prerogative to interpret my posts anyway you want.

Keep this in mind though none of the candidates on the election ballot was a veteran mayor.

He really unseated nobody.

He got elected. Somebody had to be elected.

But he didn't beat any veteran mayor.

Am I upset he unseated nobody and becomes Mayor of Toronto? I will respect your interpretation any way you want.


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2013

Its your prerogative to interpret my posts anyway you want.

Keep this in mind though none of the candidates on the election ballot was a veteran mayor.

He really unseated nobody.
Anybody who thinks that a vote for Doug Ford wasn't a vote for Rob Ford is a moron.. Anybody who thinks that Doug LOST votes (for not being Rob Ford) is an even bigger moron.. The Mayors Ford were unseated, plain and simple.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Unlike John Tory my position hasn't changed.

So what is (was) my position? Go look it up on my original thread I posted first time.

BTW thank you for so concerned with my position(s).

Last time I check my name isn't John Tory and I am not elected to be a (snake oil salesman flip-flop artisit) mayor by the gullible voters of Toronto.

Are you wondering if I will be running against your idol/master John Tory in 2018?

Thats why you want to know my campaign platforms ahead of time?

Don't worry. Be Happy!!!! I am not running against the useless John Tory.
Well if you are going to rehash and c and p old articles from during the campaign then perhaps it's appropriate to re express what ever opinions you have as well. I mean you're the one who brought it up again so asking what your opinion is(especially if it has now changed as you seem to take whatever side Tory is not on) is spot on really.

Your problem appears not to be that you oppose Tory's policies, just that you would prefer it was Ford implementing them.

Sorry dude. He had his chance.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
I disagree with this decision of John Tory's.. But it's been debated at length.. It doesn't sound like either side are willing to back down. I have to admit that I'm also unimpressed that he's bringing it back up again.. Oh well, each person must do what they feel is right.
This Boodog at his finest. Tory didn't bring it up again. At all. It's a reprint of a Copy and Paste from early last year.

He is so desperate for something to tarnish Tory this is all he has at this point. Cripes Tory will be there for 4 years and make desicions and support projects that may be wrong and or unpopular. Too bad Boodog is so Ford obsessed he can't wait that long.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
The only reason I support the Pride festivities is because of the revenue generated for the city. This parade has morphed from being about gay pride to being about sex and flamboyance.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

What is John Tory, the flip-flop artist, position on the issue nowaday? Is he going to orchestrate the funding cut in the Council?
Did you seriously just bring up an old news story just to ask us if Tory is going to follow through? Shat that's prime trolling.


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2013
The only reason I support the Pride festivities is because of the revenue generated for the city. This parade has morphed from being about gay pride to being about sex and flamboyance.
The pride parade was always about flamboyance.. They didn't want to have a simple parade, they wanted to throw it in people's faces so that nobody could ignore the fact that these people existed, and that they were more than comfortable with themselves (and their sexuality).. The trouble with flamboyance is it needs to be ratcheted up every year (what was flamboyant one year can easily be passe the next year). In 1984, they shut down Church Street and danced in the streets, if you don't think that people then said "I don't mind if they want to be proud, but why do they have to dance in the streets and throw it in our faces" then you're sorely mistaken..


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
The only reason I support the Pride festivities is because of the revenue generated for the city. This parade has morphed from being about gay pride to being about sex and flamboyance.
I can't imagine a TERBian not being for events that were all about sex, but I guess being flamboyantly proud instead of secretive and ashamed defines the difference between us and 'them'.

I'd say that's our bad, not theirs.
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