The sexodus: Men giving up on women and checking out


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
Dating is already pretty much dead. People just hang out and if the guy has game and His shit together, she will hopefully put out. If a man is taking a chick out, its a sign that he is not attractive. The hot bartender or drug dealer don't gave to jump through those hoops and feed users free dinners.
You sound very insecure, Are you one of the bartenders, with no future ???


Active member
Dec 11, 2010
You sound very insecure, Are you one of the bartenders, with no future ???
Huh? Where did you get that? I said tatted up thugged out bartenders don't have to pay for dinners to get women in the sack. If you are attractive enough sex comes without you needing to prove yourself worthy by paying for dinners etc.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
If you are attractive enough sex comes without you needing to prove yourself worthy by paying for dinners etc.
And so what ? Do you think I'm interested in meeting a woman who are attracted to this type of guy. Attraction for women comes in all forms or
did you not know that?


The Chiseler
Jan 4, 2008
women are attracted to the big fat wallet.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
This is an interesting thread.

I did not read an entire page, but I know this interesting. At least I hope so.

My 2 cents to offend.

The problem of western white woman, I realized over the holidays while visiting a friend's house.

They have a few daughters and one of them is really becoming a woman, she is pretty, and gets more sexy every year. She looks good in her clothes on how she wears it.

But since I knew the family, this is the problem.

Although beautiful and sexy, I thought she was fucking useless. If she learns to fuck well, maybe she make a good mistress, but clearly just too spoiled and pampered to make a proper wife.

Things like marriage and long term relationships, they require work. Someone such as a beauty queen like her, well you can forget about the working part.

The traditional roles of this society (long dead BTW), the men provided, while the women looked after the home, ala Fred and Wilma Flintstone, or Homer and Marge Simpson. (That's probably why we see these roles only in cartoons nowadays).

Nowadays, men still provide, but ... BUT ... most men also help around the house.

The traditional role of the man in a relationship is still the same, in providing, but has changed too, in being supportive.

The role of the white woman, I do not what it is.

All I know is that good looking girl, is spoiled and fucking useless. You have to be a nut to want any long term thing with her.


Hmmm .... remember the woman's compliant that they always try to change the man to something better in their own eyes when they get involved with one another.

I think men will start adopting the same attitude towards potential woman partners.



New member
Jun 20, 2003
They have a few daughters and one of them is really becoming a woman, she is pretty, and gets more sexy every year. She looks good in her clothes on how she wears it.

But since I knew the family, this is the problem.

Although beautiful and sexy, I thought she was fucking useless. If she learns to fuck well, maybe she make a good mistress, but clearly just too spoiled and pampered to make a proper wife.

Things like marriage and long term relationships, they require work. Someone such as a beauty queen like her, well you can forget about the working part.

The traditional roles of this society (long dead BTW), the men provided, while the women looked after the home, ala Fred and Wilma Flintstone, or Homer and Marge Simpson. (That's probably why we see these roles only in cartoons nowadays).

Nowadays, men still provide, but ... BUT ... most men also help around the house.

The traditional role of the man in a relationship is still the same, in providing, but has changed too, in being supportive.

The role of the white woman, I do not what it is.

All I know is that good looking girl, is spoiled and fucking useless. You have to be a nut to want any long term thing with her.
Funny. In your description of said woman, there's a big gaping hole between her attractiveness and her (un)suitability as marriage material. Like, what are her interests? Her talents? Her career goals? Her "uselessness" to you seems to *strictly relate to her potential as a partner*, rather than her potential for anything else. I mean, "spoiled and f-ing useless" *might* imply that she's a totally useless Kardashianesque materialistic empty vessel...but it's just, uh, interesting that you didn't even imply that any such "anything else" ought to have been a factor. It's like, Stepford vs Kardashian, and no in between.

Unless (as per what started this thread) it's the "anything else" factor that's been scaring away men in the first place. Well, hey: speaking as a woman, I'd have no use for guys like you in the first place. And speaking as a man, I'll take a Lena Dunham over an in-betweenless "proper wife".


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario

Published on Mar 30, 2013

Watch, and see how radical leftist, feminist ideology was used to characterize Karla Homolka's criminal activities as the act of a helpless victim of battered wife's syndrome. Learn how a publication ban helped cover-up radical feminist attorney general Marion Boyd's so-called "deal with the devil" until after the election of 1995.

Annalise Lane

Sport Sex Specialist
May 24, 2005
a city near you

QUESTION: Your video about Endless Passionate Sex angered me. ( Not for the content about sex, but because I had that and now it's gone. She was aroused 24/7 and there was never a time where we didn't look forward to our next opportunity to be alone.

She stated that she never met a man like me who attended to her needs without having to ask what they were. Then it all changed… she became edgy, argumentative, and disconnected.... she said it was because the honeymoon phase had ended. Now we're lucky if we have sex once a month.

I have issues in my past that have given me challenges with anger and I went through a massive financial loss last year. But I'm the one who cooks, cleans, does the laundry and who provides for her and her kids while she goes back to school. Her kids love me. I love them and the two of us are aligned spiritually.

I loved her unconditionally and gave the freedom she wanted, even when she entertained the thought of going back to her abusive ex. I forgave her for it and wracked it up to her emotions which she said she were because she was hormanally crazy. I stood like a rock and loved her, but the closeness is gone, the intimacy is gone and the passion is gone.

I'm still in love with this woman. Why?

I am treated in an unappreciated manner. I am discredited on what I am providing. I'm totally spent, but I don't want to be spent. I want the passion we had. I want her passion and to know she is fulfilled - which she acts as if she is not...which would mean that she really isn't. I can only look at myself and see where I have gone wrong.

I really don't know what more to do. When is it a man's role to be a rock and when does he realize that he's the ship has sunk and it's time to call it done?

RESPONSE: The short answer is that you stand as a rock for the woman who deserves it, otherwise you stand as a rock on your own. If she can't decide if she wants to stay or go, that's all you need to know to let her go. You hanging on will only feel clingy and make you undesirable.

What you should have done was ended it then because every moment from that point on you demonstrated you were a man without boundaries which makes you feel more and more unsafe. Ironically, if you'd ended it she would have likely begged you to take her back - and if you had, you still would have demonstrated you had no boundaries, were unsafe and she would have resented you then as well.

Here's what you need to do - STOP SAVING BROKEN WOMEN! You're not a savior, so stop trying to save them. Your job is not to save women, your job is to be a rock for women who are already whole. Being whole doesn't prevent them from being emotional, it means that they're clear on who they are, what THEIR standards are and that they're clear you're what they're looking for.

As a man you need to be needed - and that's the void she fills. That's not love, that's the feeling of her occupying a vacuum you have yet to successfully define. Your purpose is what you need to figure out. That's what's supposed to fill that hole. THEN you show up ready to be the rock in a woman's life, not before.

Here's a few of the things that stood out in your message:

"I have challenges with anger."
"I'm not 100% comfortable with my own financial situation."
"I cook, I clean, I look after the kids."
"I allow myself to be unappreciated."
"I allow myself to be discredited for what I do."
"I've stuck around with a woman who has told me she's entertained going back to an abusive partner."
"Instead of standing up to her or walking away, I set my balls on a shelf and spend time looking at myself and wondering what I'm doing wrong and why I'm not enough for her."
"I don't know what to do."

If you were a woman, would you be excited to go to bed with that guy?

The sad part is, you're acting emasculated in the relationship and even though her ex is abusive, the qualities she finds attractive about him are what you're not showing - the willingness to stand up for what he wants, even when that creates conflict to the point where he abuses her. You don't even have the courage to set boundaries with this woman that require her to treat you with dignity.

As men we're hard wired to be heroes and that's the role you've told yourself you've taken on with her. Walking away feels unheroic, and I get the sense that's the line this woman would throw at you, calling you a coward for not being her rock when she needs you most.

What she really needs is the space to work through her own issues and it's never our job to be our partner's therapist. Take a break, maybe a permanent one, and give her the space to do her work while you do yours.

The challenge for us as men is finding mentors who have had the courage to stand for the conviction of their truth. Most men either stand there and take the abuse, or do what her ex does and abuse in return. There is another way and it demands that you place the value of your truth ahead of the value of your relationship. You choose a partner who gives as much in return as you do, or you create the space to find one who has that to give.

What you're doing now likely makes you feel like you're being a good person for being supportive, but less of a man as you domesticate your energy rather than going out into the world and killing it in some dynamic of masculine performance. Think about it - you've taken off your balls and placed them on hold for this woman. Even though that's what's she's asked you to do, is it any wonder that you feel unfuckable to her?

There are millions of men in exactly the same spot as you, doing their best to be supportive and then feeling like they're hated for it by the women who have asked it of them. She resents you because while she asked for your support, she didn't ask you to stop being a man. You stuck around because instead of figuring out where the world needs you, you settled for pretending this woman needs you and can't exist without you.

It's scary to let go and figure out who you are separate of being needed by a woman, but you're no good to any woman until you truly know what your purpose in the world is and are living your purpose with confidence and evidence.

Part of being a man is being 100% congruent to your principles, even if those principles mean leaving her. It's a paradox for sure, but once you clearly know who you are you will find the woman who is the ideal match for you and desires to be challenged as much by you as she challenges you.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Stupid empty billboard style slogans like this are a waste of space, even virtual space.

What that billboard actually says about the person posting it is that they love male attention whores with ripped bodies that do handstands in the sand. If that's what you like, just say it and spare us the idiotic sloganeering. How many times have you retweeted the image already?


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
I think that is the point. Women cry like babies over everything men do not. 70 % of domestic violence is women against men, (excluding where both partners fight ) yet this is never mentioned, Men are not cry babies.


Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
I think that is the point. Women cry like babies over everything men do not. 70 % of domestic violence is women against men, (excluding where both partners fight ) yet this is never mentioned, Men are not cry babies.
I agree with your comments. I have been divorced for many years, but when I was married I had to make two trips to emergency as a result of my ex's attacks. (I never touched her, ever). Some people thought it was somewhat funny, and a couple of people asked me what I had done to cause it. I cannot imagine what the reactions would have if the situation had been reversed. That said, I do draw one distinction. When a male is the subject of domestic violence, he is not likely to feel that life and limb are threatened. Invariably a man can finally react through superior strength to stop an attack. The reverse is rarely true and a woman can easily be in grave and real fear of dire consequences.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario


Active member
Sep 26, 2001
In a house somewhere
I agree with your comments. I have been divorced for many years, but when I was married I had to make two trips to emergency as a result of my ex's attacks. (I never touched her, ever). Some people thought it was somewhat funny, and a couple of people asked me what I had done to cause it. I cannot imagine what the reactions would have if the situation had been reversed. That said, I do draw one distinction. When a male is the subject of domestic violence, he is not likely to feel that life and limb are threatened. Invariably a man can finally react through superior strength to stop an attack. The reverse is rarely true and a woman can easily be in grave and real fear of dire consequences.
I always hear the argument from male commentators. If she hit you, why didn't you do something? There is often disbelief that a tiny woman can hit a big, grown, male. But what is the man to do? If you are not violent, then you will do nothing. Are you going to hit her in return? Then you will be charged, regardless of what she did. I can easily defend myself against my wife if she decides to REALLY attack me. Would I? Probably not. Why not? Well, I wouldn't want to hurt her. Although we are bigger, stronger, etc, we are not all violent. Contrary to popular feminist teaching, many of us DO love the women we are with.
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