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The sexodus: Men giving up on women and checking out


Active member
Dec 11, 2010
it was stated as percentages which accounts for raw number of marriages
Its a self selecting sample. The ones still getting married now (despite prevalent cohabitation) are the same kinds of people who would have never gotten divorced in the past.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Its a self selecting sample. The ones still getting married now (despite prevalent cohabitation) are the same kinds of people who would have never gotten divorced in the past.
my only point about declining divorce rates is that there are still people happily getting married and making it work


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Some guys look at all the work they have to do to get laid, compared to what a woman has to do, and decide "its a rigged game". She has to show up. Thats it. She can be fat, ugly, dumb, tall, short, even be obese. She will still get laid. He wont if those applied to him. So a lot of guys say "fuck it". Sure if you have a lot of money, are well established, etc. It might be easier for you. Young guys are barely making anything nowdays. They have bigger problems. Also Toronto is like PUA central. That just makes it more grim as womens bitch shields go up. I know a ton of 22 year old guys. Thats the reasoning I get.

and that's a great way of outlining the rationalizing that the guy having trouble getting laid would make...... I see people do this all the time ...... oh it is too hard...... it is not fair

too bad life is neither easy nor fair


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
"My generation of boys is fucked," says Rupert, a young German video game enthusiast I've been getting to know over the past few months. "Marriage is dead. Divorce means you're screwed for life. Women have given up on monogamy, which makes them uninteresting to us for any serious relationship or raising a family. That's just the way it is. Even if we take the risk, chances are the kids won't be ours. In France, we even have to pay for the kids a wife has through adulterous affairs.
"In school, boys are screwed over time and again. Schools are engineered for women. In the US, they force-feed boys Ritalin like Skittles to shut them up. And while girls are favoured to fulfill quotas, men are slipping into distant second place.

Part 1: http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-...ving-Up-On-Women-And-Checking-Out-Of-Society/
Part 2: http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-...eminist-Panics-Leave-Male-Sexuality-In-Crisis
did anyone else notice the part on women giving up on monogamy? is there proof of this


Active member
Dec 11, 2010
and that's a great way of outlining the rationalizing that the guy having trouble getting laid would make...... I see people do this all the time ...... oh it is too hard...... it is not fair

too bad life is neither easy nor fair
If you are a men that it. Look dude. Women can bang up (sleep with guys who are more attractive then they are). Guys cant. They must always get whats below their level of attractiveness. So add porn and escorts to the mix. You have options to bang up. Also young guy has nothing to bring to the table, hes broke. He lacks confidence/experience, and he hasn't been hardened by adversity at that point. The women at his age are more physically beautiful than they will ever be in their lives. Its an up hill battle for him.

I like this guys advice. It makes sense. "disregard women, acquire a life"



Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Marriage for men is a lot of risk with very little pay off. Schools are indeed geared to women. And traditionally masculine behaviour is frowned upon. So he's got those parts right.

Not exactly sure that women have given up on monogamy; they just altered the rules! And that's fine. The dynamic between men and women has changed. Some of it for the better, some of it not so much. I honestly don't know why any man would get married, and that's kind of sad.
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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario

Published on Mar 29, 2012
Author Michael Gurian is the author of "The Minds of Boys", which is an explanation of why boys are failing at school. He researched schools in 35 countries to find out why girls were outstripping boys. He believes the reason lies mainly with the learning differences of the two genders which are pre-determined by structural differences in the brain. Girls have a greater capacity for verbal skills, which encompass reading, writing and speaking, while boys have a natural advantage with spatial/mechanical skills. (Originally aired October 2006.)


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003

Published on Mar 29, 2012
Author Michael Gurian is the author of "The Minds of Boys", which is an explanation of why boys are failing at school. He researched schools in 35 countries to find out why girls were outstripping boys. He believes the reason lies mainly with the learning differences of the two genders which are pre-determined by structural differences in the brain. Girls have a greater capacity for verbal skills, which encompass reading, writing and speaking, while boys have a natural advantage with spatial/mechanical skills. (Originally aired October 2006.)
hasn't school always been like this..... why are we just learning about this in the 2000s


Mar 31, 2009
Some women are also giving up on women, like my former female neighbor down the street who was living with a much younger woman and now that they split up the younger woman wants a share of the proceeds from the sale of their former home.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
hasn't school always been like this..... why are we just learning about this in the 2000s
no schools 50 years ago focused on practical skills.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
look there has always been people with advantages....... I would much rather be a white male in a first world country than a minority woman in a third world country.... hell wven a first world country

whining about how hard it is to get laid without pay is missing all the other great things we enjoy here in Canada


Active member
Dec 11, 2010
Marriage for men is a lot of risk with very little pay off. Schools are indeed geared to women. And traditionally masculine behaviour is frowned upon. So he's got those parts right.

Not exactly sure that women have given up on monogamy; they just altered the rules! And that's fine. They dynamic between men and women has changed. Some of it for the better, some of it not so much. I honestly don't know why any man would get married, and that's kind of sad.
Its called "branching up" or serial monogamy. Men are polygamous and women are serial monogamists by nature if we look at things evolutionary perspective.

Men count bangs, women count boyfriends: http://caloriecount.about.com/forums/the-lounge/ex-boyfriends/page/3


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario

How Schools Could Honor Who Boys Are

Simple changes to the pace and tempo of the school day, such as incorporating several brief recesses throughout the day, devoting more time to physical education, and including more hands-on activities go a long way towards alleviating some of the natural restlessness of boys and harnessing male energy in positive ways. How much Ritalin could remain on the shelves if we created schools that are ready for boys rather than boys who are ready for schools?

Just as we collectively addressed the needs of girls over the past couple of decades and made great strides in closing their achievement gaps in math and science, let us now turn our attention to our nation's boys and take equally deliberate steps to assure their success in school and in life. The revolution in brain science over the past fifteen years gives us the knowledge and the tools we need to do this, and we must, for as a society we are setting our boys up to fail in a system that is stacked against them, stacked against the very way they are neurologically wired.

This is not to say that social and cultural influences are not contributing factors to who boys are today, but we now have medical evidence, once elusive, that illuminates the very significant role biology plays in male/female brain development and learning. Parents and teachers need to become better educated about how boys and girls really are different, and how to best meet the needs of each. Particularly relevant to this discussion is the theory of "natural learning," which takes for granted that a learner is a whole person -- a living system -- and that every aspect of a person, boy or girl, contributes to his or her learning.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003

How Schools Could Honor Who Boys Are

Simple changes to the pace and tempo of the school day, such as incorporating several brief recesses throughout the day, devoting more time to physical education, and including more hands-on activities go a long way towards alleviating some of the natural restlessness of boys and harnessing male energy in positive ways. How much Ritalin could remain on the shelves if we created schools that are ready for boys rather than boys who are ready for schools?

Just as we collectively addressed the needs of girls over the past couple of decades and made great strides in closing their achievement gaps in math and science, let us now turn our attention to our nation's boys and take equally deliberate steps to assure their success in school and in life. The revolution in brain science over the past fifteen years gives us the knowledge and the tools we need to do this, and we must, for as a society we are setting our boys up to fail in a system that is stacked against them, stacked against the very way they are neurologically wired.

This is not to say that social and cultural influences are not contributing factors to who boys are today, but we now have medical evidence, once elusive, that illuminates the very significant role biology plays in male/female brain development and learning. Parents and teachers need to become better educated about how boys and girls really are different, and how to best meet the needs of each. Particularly relevant to this discussion is the theory of "natural learning," which takes for granted that a learner is a whole person -- a living system -- and that every aspect of a person, boy or girl, contributes to his or her learning.
How did all the male engineers, doctors and lawyers cope in the past.

I will be sure to give my surgeon a recess before he works on me :)

Sorry i am just messing with you. There is a difference between boys and girls but i often wonder how much is biological.

I mean right from a young age there is a difference in expectations for behaviour. Even look at how we play with boys vs girls.

Annalise Lane

Sport Sex Specialist
May 24, 2005
a city near you
yes. I'm living proof ;)
Humans were not meant to be monogamous. Emotional monogamy is different however.

I too like my lovers, one hour at a time.:thumb:

You sound like a feminist ! JMO
I stand proud as a bra burner, feminism is the reason women are increasing their ranks in business. So buck up men, and move aside lol

Femininity comes from within, it isnt' taught, it simply is. similar to being sexy. have you ever seen a women with no make up on, nails not done, in shaggie clothes and you are attracted to her. It is because she is in touch with her feminine and her sexuality.


Active member
Dec 11, 2010
Humans were not meant to be monogamous. Emotional monogamy is different however.

I too like my lovers, one hour at a time.:thumb:

I stand proud as a bra burner, feminism is the reason women are increasing their ranks in business. So buck up men, and move aside lol

Femininity comes from within, it isnt' taught, it simply is. similar to being sexy. have you ever seen a women with no make up on, nails not done, in shaggie clothes and you are attracted to her. It is because she is in touch with her feminine and her sexuality.
What ranks in business? Women cant even ask men out. Are they really willing to risk rejection after rejection to get that elusive contract? Cmon. Men are primed from birth, to go after what they want and endure hardship to get it. Women wait around for things to fall into their laps.

This year, 34 women were added to the 2013 Forbes list of the world’s wealthiest people. Although this is definitely a step up (you go girls), the majority of the list is made up of men. Of the 1,426 people on the new 2013 Forbes list of the World’s Billionaires, a whopping 138 are women. Awesome. To make this momentous occasion even better, only 1 of the 20 richest women in the world didn’t inherit her money from a man.



Mar 31, 2009
Then there are women giving up men and raising kids (preferably black) on their own e.g. Sandra Bullock, Charlize Theron, etc.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
women want to be equal, yet expect men to still ask them out, take them out, try to impress them (charm) with conversation, and then the woman gets to decide who out of the many men taking her out she might sleep with (most likely she already has a fk buddy and is using these men for validation and dinners). Men are also expected to get on one knee, and offer her a ring he bought so the little goddess can consider if he is good enough for her. If she doesnt like it she can divorce rape him and leave. Women want power from areas where men have the most (business, occupation, etc). Yet wont budge where they have the most: sex, relationships. marriage, (prostitution is still illegal, women still expect men to do the asking out, paying, proposing, etc). Its a rigged game. Guys who are way up the social hierarchy dont need to play it, (rock stars, drug dealers, etc).

It makes me so sad when I see shit like this, poor dude bought a girl who friendzoned him a car.
The easiest way to frustrate a woman who wants you to treat her like a queen is to get a laid a lot. When your scrotum is drained the desire to have her as another notch on your belt becomes insignificant. After all, you know that her pussy is no different than the dozens you've already fucked. Your cavalier attitude in response to her teases and lead-ons become immediately noticeable to her. Women get incredibly frustrated when they can't use sex as a tool for power. Her reaction will be myriad and contradictory - she will be upset with you, yet want to have sex with you more. Sex is usually the ONLY tool in their arsenal. I suppose it's because outside of sex, men and women have very little in common.
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