Drinking early tonight? It was Israel who confirmed they've made use of Palestinian human shields an almost daily occurance. You've got it in black and white. Right from the weasel's mouth. Don't run away. 1200 times in violation of international law.
The cowardice of Israeli soldiers is mind boggling isn't it? Using Palestinian men, women, and children as human shields. Over 1000 times.
Try again.
In your own bizarre way, you have further proven my point.
Whatever you may have thought of its merits, the "neighbour procedure" that was the subject of the 2005 high court ruling was a tactic that was designed to save lives -- of both Israelis and Palestinians.
It was used to try to defuse situations where terrorists had barricaded themselves inside buildings by having a neighbour that supported the goal of ending the standoff try to talk the terrorist into ending the barricade. The goal was to try to end the situation with no loss of life, including the life of the barricaded terrorist.
In fact, in the
one civilian death that did occur, the person killed was wearing a bullet-proof vest that had been provided by the Israelis.
By contrast, Hamas uses human shields to try to increase its number of civilian casualties.
That's not really the same thing, is it?
Israel tries to prevent civilians from being killed. Hamas seeks to increase the number of civilian casualties. That's the difference.