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More Israeli douchbaggery....


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
The reason why you aren't a historian. Making up shit does not count as academic thought. As usual all you are doing is looking for excuses to justify attacks on Israel or on Jews.
I never claimed I am a historian, but I do read a fair number of history books and when you read several books on the same subject you realize just how different views of the same event can be even among so called "historians". If you look at history over a long period of time, there was a great deal of conflict between Jews and other inhabitants the region. So these hatred span thousands of years. But there has been a great deal of conflict with Christians as well, who went there to slaughter muslims, and ended up slaughtering everyone. Who started all the slaughter? WHO KNOWS. But people in the region have good reason to be suspicious of new arrivals as they have NEVER come in peace.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
That you believe in the bible too much to support giving the jews their "holy land"
Most people would say that killing and attacking people because they want to pray near their holy sites is unconscionable. In this case you seem to say it's a good thing.

And yes, the fact that Israel prevents Jews from praying AT their holiest site to try and keep hostilities down says a lot. Most Jews are happy to pray at a retaining wall outside their holiest site. What make sit okay for Arab leadership to go after Jews form merely living in the neighbourhood?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I was saying after ww2 they could choose to live in europe peacefully.
You need to calm down, i don't know what youre upset about. I may have misunderstood you but i'm saying the fact that they "choose" to live in europe after the war without fear of eviction.
Because youre moving an entire population from europe to ME. While the arabs are just.... there
Here is just another invention. Over half of Israelis came from or are descended from those who fled Arab lands this past century. Half of Israeli Jews have never had anything to do with Europe.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Here is just another invention. Over half of Israelis came from or are descended from those who fled Arab lands this past century. Half of Israeli Jews have never had anything to do with Europe.
So how come they have right of return while the Arabs do not.......;)


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Pretty much anywhere but there. I would have suggested a piece of Australia be carved out, or a section of Germany be allocated as war reparation and as compensation for the horrific crimes the Germans committed against the Jews. The European Israel could have been inducted into NATO and its security thereby guaranteed by the most powerful military alliance the world has ever seen. Either one would have been much better then the current shit show we see every day.
Do you also think that blacks in the Southern US should not have moved into 'white' neighbourhoods?

Before Israel's creation, Jews legally immigrated into the area and legally bought land but you think it's okay for Husseini and his ilk to (metaphorically) burn crosses on their lawns.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I never claimed I am a historian, but I do read a fair number of history books and when you read several books on the same subject you realize just how different views of the same event can be even among so called "historians". If you look at history over a long period of time, there was a great deal of conflict between Jews and other inhabitants the region. So these hatred span thousands of years. But there has been a great deal of conflict with Christians as well, who went there to slaughter muslims, and ended up slaughtering everyone. Who started all the slaughter? WHO KNOWS. But people in the region have good reason to be suspicious of new arrivals as they have NEVER come in peace.
Instead of general platitudes, how about providing some backing for your ridiculous claims? You flat out made up an excuse that Jews were fundraising for an army instead of buying land and therefore the attacks against them in the late 19th and early 20th century were justified.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Instead of general platitudes, how about providing some backing for your ridiculous claims? You flat out made up an excuse that Jews were fundraising for an army instead of buying land and therefore the attacks against them in the late 19th and early 20th century were justified.
Here is one view of how the land was "acquired" :

Read the book "The Satanic Purses" it has some detail about how the money flowed, how the land transfer rules were manipulated and how violence erupted when farmers were kicked of their lands.


New member
Jul 17, 2003
OF COURSE THEY DO!!!! Or they should be fully compensated.
How much has Germany paid out in reparations to Israel and Holocaust survivors?
Close to 100 billion, deals on military equipment, etc.
But don't hold your breath. Israel won't cough up a penny. On the contrary, they will keep taking everything
that belongs to the Palestinians, until it's all gone.
Reparations on one end while they're stealing on the other. Nice deal huh?
That's what happens when your governed by your own sense exceptionalism and have unconditional support from the U.S.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Do you also think that blacks in the Southern US should not have moved into 'white' neighbourhoods?

Before Israel's creation, Jews legally immigrated into the area and legally bought land but you think it's okay for Husseini and his ilk to (metaphorically) burn crosses on their lawns.
Blacks were brought to the US as slaves, so how dare you equate their situation with the Jews. Some Jews immigrated legally, many did not. Also the whole land registry system was rigged, and Jews bought land with suspect title which resulted in farmers being thrown off the land they farmed for many generations. Do that sort of shit and you can expect violence. And IMHO it is violence that begat violence. If you show up in a new place and use your wealth to abuse the poor, you reap what you have sown.
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Well-known member
May 14, 2008
You just can't trust those "power-seeking Jews".

That said, I don't see anything in that diatribe that backs the claim that Jews in the early 1920s were fundraising for an army.
Here are more interesting details about the organization of the Jewish military by the WZO: so where do you think the weapons came from. Did God leave them by the burning bush? lol

"The Jewish community had anticipated the Arab reaction to the Allies’ convention, and was ready to meet it." this is complete SPIN, they were armed and ready to attack, how things actually started we will never know for sure.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
If it hadn't been Nottyboi who denounced himself as a coward, he would probably be offended at your strong support for that assertion.
No I didn't denounce myself as a coward, it is people that claim they have no responsibility for the hatred directed against them that are the cowards. Frankly to say Jews are hated because they are Jews is utter denial on the part of an entire religion. There were very good reasons for the Romans to hunt down and liquidate the Jews.. well because they were effin terrorists at the time. They did not attack the Jews, the Jews attacked Rome. Sure the Romans had issues as well, but when you attack the big dog, you can get bit. There is a long history of Jewish kings engaging in wars of conquest. Like I said my view of the whole Pali/Israel conflict is much closer to your view so take of your tinfoil hat....


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2001
No I didn't denounce myself as a coward, it is people that claim they have no responsibility for the hatred directed against them that are the cowards. Frankly to say Jews are hated because they are Jews is utter denial on the part of an entire religion. There were very good reasons for the Romans to hunt down and liquidate the Jews.. well because they were effin terrorists at the time. They did not attack the Jews, the Jews attacked Rome. Sure the Romans had issues as well, but when you attack the big dog, you can get bit. There is a long history of Jewish kings engaging in wars of conquest. Like I said my view of the whole Pali/Israel conflict is much closer to your view so take of your tinfoil hat....
So basically you are transferring a 2000 year old hate-on by the Roman Empire against the Jews to a modern-day conflict.

'Since the Romans hated the Jews as alleged terrorists of the time, it is OK in the year 2014 AD to lob mortars from 'schools' across the border.' - nottiboi, December 2 2014
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