Hi everyone, I've been silent for a long time, but I will unleash the names of hypocritical politicians, if I am forced to...
I'm a well known, established & successful certified therapist who has never felt degraded or exploited in my adulthood. As a youth, I was, hence the age limit should be increased to 25 in my opinion. I pay taxes, invest, and drive the economy.
Since C-36, countless spas have been ticketed and repeatedly harassed/over-inspected all over the city in an attempt to shut them down. These ladies are mature and unexploited, work together in safety at the spas, are unable to work from home due to family/apartment rules, would prefer not to work alone which would endanger them, and are threatened with eviction due to interruption of income, may be forced to work on the streets, may be triggered to abuse substances after stress from the fear mongering and intimidation by undercover police in their heavy handed raids. Not to mention tying up the courts with minor violations and causing additional financial hardship compounded by legal fees. None of these ladies have been offered any of the $20,000,000 assistance for 're-education' to my knowledge. There were 3 track suicides on the TTC last week. This is a very bad economy and the wrong time for such new laws.
We must all share information so that we can work together to strike down this unconstitutional law....
My bottom line statement: We are not selling anything, we rent our private time and guarantee confidentiality. It is the housewives who sell themselves, sell their independence, sell their autonomy/identity, sell their surname, to one benefactor, half of whom still end up hiring us.