Dream Spa

c36 Becomes Law Officially on December 6


Feb 16, 2010
@CDNSWAlliance: #c36 will officially become law on Dec 6, National Day of Rememberance and Action on Violence Against Women. #cdnpoli #sexwork #VAW #mmiw

Straight from twitter...can anybody conifrm this...
My birthday is the day before might have to do something special on that day :D


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
Saint Nicholas Day - same day that kids get their presents from jolly old St. Nick in a lot of European cultures. Pretty shitty Christmas present for hobbyists though, eh?


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
Saint Nicholas Day - same day that kids get their presents from jolly old St. Nick in a lot of European cultures. Pretty shitty Christmas present for hobbyists though, eh?
I personally don't think so, Its about time we bring thing out into the open. I believe this is a present in disguise.
Jan 24, 2012
Before you get ALL WORRIED UP ..... Enforcement of laws is the domain of local L.E. Agencies with some advice from local city Mayors. Most are NOT in agreement & have been bold enough to come out & SAY so as much as is Politically possible. SEE THIS on the City of Vancouver website. Others across Canada have verbally spoke their displeasure:

LINK: http://vancouver.ca/news-calendar/city-response-to-passing-of-bill-c-36.aspx

Our response to the passing of Bill C-36

November 7 2014

Vancouver City Hall

The City is concerned with the passing of Bill C-36, Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act, as research confirms that criminalization of sex work puts those involved in sex work at further risk of increased violence.

The passing of Bill C-36:
•Undermines the health and safety of sex workers
•Increases social exclusion and pushes sex workers to work in more isolated areas

What this decision means for the City going forward

Going forward, the collective focus needs to continue to be on the health and safety of sex workers and the communities that they live and work. The City remains committed to this, and in October 2014, Mayor and Council adopted Vancouver’s Healthy City Strategy, which identifies 13 goals, including:
•Safety and inclusion
•To promote health and well-being for all
•A target to make Vancouver the safest major city in Canada by reducing crimes, including sexual assault, year-over-year

The City will continue to work in partnership with community groups and the provincial government to minimize safety risks and harms for sex workers. This includes:
•Addressing all forms of exploitation and abuse
•Providing opportunities for education and awareness
•Enabling access to health and social service gaps
•Creating transitioning opportunities for those seeking to exit

City urged the federal government to refer the proposed legislation to the Supreme Court

In submissions to the Federal Government, the City urged that the proposed legislation be referred to the Supreme Court to ensure its compliance with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the spirit of the Bedford Decision: prioritizing the health, safety and dignity of those it’s declared to protect. The City also asked that there be consultation, which previously did not take place, with municipalities across the country on potential impacts.

In 2013 the City provided over $400,000 in grants to 11 community organizations to:
•Promote sex worker health and safety
•Address child and youth sexual exploitation


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
The intention for the attachment was not to get people worried but rather information sharing so that people make an INFORMED decision having all the information and facts. Some will continue as before, some would lay low for a while to see the extend of enforcement and some would quit and some like myself have quit already. It is a personal decision and I was just sharing an info which appears to be contradicting the earlier stated December 6. Whether it is true or not, I have no idea but apparently the NOW rather than December 6 effective date comes from the source.

Btw, can someone skilled in constitution and law explain how can a Federal law be overruled by a City or chosen not to be enforced!!!!!? I am confused. I thought Federal laws apply all over Canada. I am interested because I understand that strip bars (where I still go) falls under municipal jurisdictions.
yeah. dont get worried.

try saying that after the police have broke down your door and rushed into your outcall room in numbers and have you in handcuffs before you can say wtf.
Jan 24, 2012
Btw, can someone skilled in constitution and law explain how can a Federal law be overruled by a City or chosen not to be enforced!!!!!? I am confused. I thought Federal laws apply all over Canada. I am interested because I understand that strip bars (where I still go) falls under municipal jurisdictions

Federal Laws are administered & enforced AT THE DISCRETION of Local L.E. as their communities express certain concerns & priorities. For example up to now it has been Federal Law that a Bawdy House is illegal AND client in or coming out of can be also arrested for " Found in Bawdy House " .... Yet these Federal laws have not been enforced in many Canadian cities for a long time now except for specific cases of problems such as underage or forced prostitution


Active member
Dec 14, 2012
Lol it is the same link in my post earlier Johnny. But thank you for sharing. So is Bill C36 the law now? Why a lot of people and some media say 30 days after royal assent then? Like this one? Confusing!!!!

Oh, I didn't notice you posted it. My bad for the repost.

It is confusing. I think I'll be on the safe side and stay away from the hobby for a while until I can figure out some definite answers.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Lol it is the same link in my post earlier Johnny. But thank you for sharing. So is Bill C36 the law now? Why a lot of people and some media say 30 days after royal assent then? Like this one? Confusing!!!!

because they want to catch you unaware and in the act so they can spring this little fact of a surprise that its already law and already in effect. its the element of surprise. they use the element of surprise in war tactics too. that way. when they drag you into court. the judge can throw you in jail and no matter how much you say you thought there was 30 days before it comes into effect. the lawyers won't be able to save you. ignorance of the law is not an excuse in court.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
This was posted by Reverdy just yesterday, Interesting stuff!! Most LE are not really interested in pursuing people, such as ourselves.

Reverdy explained the Coderre situation in a previous post. Montreal Police also published their official plan.
Here's an article about the unveiling of SPVM's plan:


The plan itself can be found on the SPVM's website but is only available in French:


And here's an article discussing the shift in policy regarding MP's in Montreal (only in French):


Le projet de loi fédéral encadrant la prostitution, qui criminalise notamment les clients et ceux qui profitent de la prostitution d’autres personnes, risque d’imposer des contraintes peu désirées à Mme Samson. «Opérer un endroit où des services sexuels sont offerts pourrait devenir illégal, a fait remarquer l’élue municipale. Mais si on ferme les salons de massage, le problème va être transféré ailleurs et on va avoir moins de contrôle sur ce qui se passe. Ça va se faire plus en cachette, plus sur internet, les filles vont être moins protégées et elles vont vivre plus de violence.»

The draft federal law regulating prostitution, which notably criminalizes customers and those who profit from the prostitution of others, may impose undesired constraints to Mrs Samson. "Operating a place where sexual services are offered may become illegal, noted the elected municipal official. But if massage parlors are closed, the problem will be transferred elsewhere and we will have less control over what happens. It'll be done more secretly, more on the internet, girls will be less protected and they will live more violence. "
FYI, Anie Samson is in charge of public security, for the City of Montreal's Executive Committee.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
This was posted by Reverdy just yesterday, Interesting stuff!! Most LE are not really interested in pursuing people, such as ourselves, unless Law enforcement officers are in a bad mood or have nothing else to do. now, they have the power to do it by law. they can if they want to.
*fixed it for you.

same goes for a guy driving with neon lights on. some cops would let overlook it. depending on their mood.

i've had a police officer come after me because i forgot to put my taillights on. ffs.


Guys, there are soooo many links about this in the top sticky. Its written in that it's effective 30 days following its passing. This is all double posting.

I wish you guys would consult lawyers & authorities. Strip bars, classy or otherwise, are part of this.

There are 4 major cities that have denounced c36. Toronto police are focusing on trafficking. Again, tons of discussion about this in the 12 other c36 threads.

And, why are you encouraging others to quit? On a pooner board? Isn't that barking up the wrong tree? DO YOUR RESEARCH before quoting inaccurate facts.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Guys, there are soooo many links about this in the top sticky. Its written in that it's effective 30 days following its passing. This is all double posting.

I wish you guys would consult lawyers & authorities. Strip bars, classy or otherwise, are part of this.

There are 4 major cities that have denounced c36. Toronto police are focusing on trafficking. Again, tons of discussion about this in the 12 other c36 threads.

And, why are you encouraging others to quit? On a pooner board? Isn't that barking up the wrong tree? DO YOUR RESEARCH before quoting inaccurate facts.
Thank you. I think you have the most knowledgeable facts about this topic.
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