Club Dynasty

Ontario schools exempt Muslim students from Remembrance day

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
You know, some of you guys need to take a step back and think a bit.

In my humble opinion, Remembrance Day is a day for reflection, thought, and consideration. It is a day that I think of past wars and those who fell, or were maimed, or suffered.

I think of Canada as THEE Greatest Nation on Earth. We enjoy rights, freedoms, liberty, the rule of law, a sense of fair play, of right and wrong that few other countries in the world have. I don't take it for granted. We Canadians have worked hard to build this country for what it is. We don't feel the need for a massive miltary and we would rather spend our money building schools and hospitals for our people than building nuclear weapons. I respect our military, its capabilities and those who serve in it, but our military does not define us, it is part of what we are, but it is not what we are. Each Remembrance Day, I don't stand there and thump my chest as a member of the "winning side" as so many people seem to do. I don't get all tough and I don't see the need to glorify war.

Each Remembrance Day, I think of ALL the victims of war. Whether they were German, Italian, Japanese, North Korean, French, American, British, Australian, or Canadian it hurt every bit as much when they got shot, or blown up, or bayoneted, or horribly injured. They were all victims of a handful of mad-men. That is the real human tragedy here. That somehow a handful of men can somehow manipulate people to burn the world down never ceases to amaze me. While it is not debatable that these mad-men needed to be stopped, the fact of the matter is that your average German kid did not want to kill your average Canadian kid. I refuse to believe that. Those young men from all sides were put in an impossible situation and made to do ghastly things that went against the very core of how they were raised. Not too many people the world over raise their children to murder other people. Nope, every Remembrance Day, I pay my respects to those in our military who served and fought and died to preserve life and freedom, but I also think a bit about the other guys too. Cause at the end of the day, they were human beings as well. They didn't deserve what they got. None of them. Remembrance Day is not a day reserved to praise the victors, but a day to think about the victims of war all over the world. The real tragedy is that it seems we as a species just don't seem to learn and there are just as many mad-men today forcing kids today to do things that those kids typically don't really want to do.

Here's a great scene from a great movie and it reaffirms my faith in humanity just a bit because it was based on a true story. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it.



New member
Oct 12, 2010
The memo is not all specific to muslims who I as understand it have never doctrinely expressed an opposition to Remembrance day.

However, Jehovah's witnesses specifically refuse to celebrate it and have done so for decades. Perhaps Lik or Ezra can point me to their criticisms of that longstanding practice? Or perhaps they just don't like our muslim citizens and don't care what they accuse them of?


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
The Globe and other media who denied that the school board said students could be exempted from Remembrance Day for religious reasons lied.
Letter from Levant omitted, full text in happ's original post above
Utter fiction and silly twaddle at that. Nothing in Levant's letter even contradicts the Globe's story. Nor does it support in any way your untruthful and misleading title on this thread. If I wasn't already so uncertain of your powers of reason I'd be saying this post was a deliberate falehood.

Do you have any idea what the word 'lie' actually means?


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
You know, some of you guys need to take a step back and think a bit.

In my humble opinion, Remembrance Day is a day for reflection, thought, and consideration. It is a day that I think of past wars and those who fell, or were maimed, or suffered.

I think of Canada as THEE Greatest Nation on Earth. We enjoy rights, freedoms, liberty, the rule of law, a sense of fair play, of right and wrong that few other countries in the world have. I don't take it for granted. We Canadians have worked hard to build this country for what it is. We don't feel the need for a massive miltary and we would rather spend our money building schools and hospitals for our people than building nuclear weapons. I respect our military, its capabilities and those who serve in it, but our military does not define us, it is part of what we are, but it is not what we are. Each Remembrance Day, I don't stand there and thump my chest as a member of the "winning side" as so many people seem to do. I don't get all tough and I don't see the need to glorify war.

Each Remembrance Day, I think of ALL the victims of war. Whether they were German, Italian, Japanese, North Korean, French, American, British, Australian, or Canadian it hurt every bit as much when they got shot, or blown up, or bayoneted, or horribly injured. They were all victims of a handful of mad-men. That is the real human tragedy here. That somehow a handful of men can somehow manipulate people to burn the world down never ceases to amaze me. While it is not debatable that these mad-men needed to be stopped, the fact of the matter is that your average German kid did not want to kill your average Canadian kid. I refuse to believe that. Those young men from all sides were put in an impossible situation and made to do ghastly things that went against the very core of how they were raised. Not too many people the world over raise their children to murder other people. Nope, every Remembrance Day, I pay my respects to those in our military who served and fought and died to preserve life and freedom, but I also think a bit about the other guys too. Cause at the end of the day, they were human beings as well. They didn't deserve what they got. None of them. Remembrance Day is not a day reserved to praise the victors, but a day to think about the victims of war all over the world. The real tragedy is that it seems we as a species just don't seem to learn and there are just as many mad-men today forcing kids today to do things that those kids typically don't really want to do.

Here's a great scene from a great movie and it reaffirms my faith in humanity just a bit because it was based on a true story. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it.

Well put..German kids back then were conscripted and sent to the slaughter much as everyone else..between the military casualties, as well as the civilian casualties, ww2 was a total nightmare for the human race. there were no winners...everyone lost a small piece of themselves, and often, the lives of their loved ones.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Ezra Levant would not have batted an eyelid if he had not misunderstood that the county school board were giving all parents the right to act accordingly if they thought that their children's safety would be compromised. But off course when Ezra thought that it was exclusive to the Muslims, no doubt it was like fodder to the cattle, and Ezra tried to make a mountain out of a mole hill. He and the rest of the Shun Propaganda Party have from day one been the bastion against Islam. It is pretty disgusting as 99.999% of them have been law abiding, worked hard to support their families and have come to Canada to live in peace and not be harassed by this dingbat and his grumpy old cronies. The Shun even have two token Muslims who obviously get paid big bucks to agree with Ezra and his crony colleagues. No wonder when that token Muslim Lady tried to organize a Muslim rally to protest against the persecution of other faiths in some Islamic countries, only ten Muslims showed up. Maybe if she decided to announce it on the CBC or Globe then thousands would have shown up. Just goes to show what the Shun is all about.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005

If schools are serious about student safety, they should pay more attention to what is happening on their own school premises, especially with students bringing weapons to school and using those weapons. BTW: No students were harmed in any of the Remembrance Day ceremonies.
The sad fact is that guns are getting easier and easier to acquire and even sadder that youngsters can get hold of them. When is this Government going to fess up and stop being in denial about the dangers of gun ownership in Canada today?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

If schools are serious about student safety, they should pay more attention to what is happening on their own school premises, especially with students bringing weapons to school and using those weapons. BTW: No students were harmed in any of the Remembrance Day ceremonies.
I would think they were more concerned about overprotective parents with overactive imaginations than they were about actual student safety.


Mar 31, 2009
Some wars are unavoidable like when you are attacked by wild eyed Vikings, Mongols, Nazis, radical Islamists, etc. Then there are avoidable wars like the American Civil War.
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