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There is no reason anyone should smoke and smoking should be banned almost everywhere

Smoking should be banned almost everywhere and really no one should smoke

  • Yes

    Votes: 61 48.8%
  • No

    Votes: 55 44.0%
  • I don't care I just like voting in polls

    Votes: 9 7.2%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2013
I'm a smoker and, and I could care less about my choices resulting in somebody else possibly having to fork over money to cover my medical bills one day.. People do all sorts of stupid shit all the time that results in us (as a society) having to pay something to fix/cover it.. At least smoking is pleasant (and makes you look cool).. I don't do any extreme fucking sports, but I don't whine about having to cover some moron's broken leg because he thought he could jump over a moving car on his skateboard..

Remember, smokers do pay a significant amount in taxes (although I have no idea whether or not this even comes close to covering smoker's eventual medical expenses.. It might more than cover it for all I know..), which is more than can be said for people who (for example) eat fast food everyday (resulting in heart disease)..

Cancer may be the leading cause of death in Canada, but it accounts for less than a third of all deaths.. Lung cancer, only represents 14% of that third.. We have bigger fish to fry than making sure a minority of people aren't killing themselves in a way which others deem "unpleasant"..


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
So long as it's not in public places, I'm content. As long as it doesn't affect me, you're free to do damage to yourself if you wish.

As latinboy says, taxes on cigarettes go a long way towards funding the additional healthcare costs.

Smokers contribute over $7.3 billion in taxes annually to the federal and provincial coffers, directly from the purchase of cigarettes. Undoubtedly goes a long way to offset their healthcare costs.


Jan 31, 2005
For me it is primarily a public nuisance issue. Smokers assault everyone around them with a stench that clings to clothing and lingers. If your activity forces me to pay for dry cleaning, your activity should be banned in public places.


Active member
Jul 15, 2013
Her place
For me it is primarily a public nuisance issue. Smokers assault everyone around them with a stench that clings to clothing and lingers. If your activity forces me to pay for dry cleaning, your activity should be banned in public places.
That's one of the more logical positions I've seen in this thread. Fair enough

black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
okay, here's my answer to this idiotic question.

If I open a bar, and put a sign on my bar that says "danger! you are welcome to have an alcoholic beverage or meal here, but enter at your own risk as this is a smoking establishment".What right does the government have to dictate what I do with my business? If it goes under because non-smokers don't visit, so be it. That is for me risk. Nobody would be forcing you to come into my smoking friendly establishment.

I should also mention, I promise it would be way more packed than a non-smoking bar.
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black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
One other thing I'd like to point out.

At one time you could smoke anywhere in a bar. Then a by-law was passed to have smoking sections and non-smoking sections. Fair enough. Then, a law was passed that bars' had to have these special enclosed sections with a special ventilating system. Many bars paid for this knowing that their biggest clientel were smokers. Not long after that, a law was passed that there was no smoking indoor period and only on the patio to appease the non-smokers. (mean while, the government wasn't going to reimburse bar owners for the renovations they just made for the by-law that was just passed)

Now they are complaining that they want to go out on patio's. Okay, you going to give us our private inclosed indoor section with the special vent that nobody was forcing you to enter back?


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2013
For me it is primarily a public nuisance issue. Smokers assault everyone around them with a stench that clings to clothing and lingers. If your activity forces me to pay for dry cleaning, your activity should be banned in public places.
That's beyond asinine.. Using the same logic nobody should be permitted to wear excessive amounts of cologne..


Mar 12, 2004
One other thing I'd like to point out.

At one time you could smoke anywhere in a bar. Then a by-law was passed to have smoking sections and non-smoking sections. Fair enough. Then, a law was passed that bars' had to have these special enclosed sections with a special ventilating system. Many bars paid for this knowing that their biggest clientel were smokers. Not long after that, a law was passed that there was no smoking indoor period and only on the patio to appease the non-smokers. (mean while, the government wasn't going to reimburse bar owners for the renovations they just made for the by-law that was just passed)

Now they are complaining that they want to go out on patio's. Okay, you going to give us our private inclosed indoor section with the special vent that nobody was forcing you to enter back?
The reason the law was changed no smoking inside, period, was to protect the wait staff.

And no, the government would not allow employers to hire smoker only.


black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
The reason the law was changed no smoking inside, period, was to protect the wait staff.

And no, the government would not allow employers to hire smoker only.

The government still didn't pony up to pay for the reno's these places made, to comply with the law they set just a year or so. Not to mention, the amount of wait staff in most bars that were smokers way outnumbered the amount of non-smokers (at least in the bars I was going to)
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Mar 12, 2004
The government still didn't pony up to paid for the reno's these places made, to comply with the law they set just a year or so. Not to mention, the amount of wait staff in most bars that were smokers way outnumbered the amount of non-smokers (at least in the bars I was going to)
I agree with your 1st point,...the second point not do much,... doesn't count because all it takes is one non smoker to make it wrong.



New member
Sep 13, 2014
I'm a smoker, not out of habit, regret being addicted, I will agree with the health repercussions in the near future, but as far as I've been told, if you already smoke one small pack (20) a day for the last 10 years, the damage is done, you cannot rejuvenate your lung or cells.
If I can stop great, I've tried everything possible except cut my hands off.
But tell me if one car idling can create enough pollution equivalent to 200 cigarettes in a 5min period, should we not ban cars & trucks of the road, you think that would happen, hell no, the automotive business is still the only industry which the government funds when they declare bankruptcy, might as well start smoking car tailpipes


Jun 14, 2008
It would be nice to see a voluntary no-sell registry that prevents lawful sale of any tobacco product to persons who voluntarily register themselves. It would aid in quitting. Similar to self-imposed casino ban programs.


Jan 31, 2005
That's beyond asinine.. Using the same logic nobody should be permitted to wear excessive amounts of cologne..
I have never encountered a perfume or cologne where later on my clothes smelled of it just for being in the same room. There is no comparing the vileness of cigarette smoke to perfume or cologne. Someone wearing perfume doesn't force me to pay for drycleaning just by standing next to me the way a smoker does.

Seriously, why the fuck should anyone be allowed to do that?


Just a bit to the right
Dec 28, 2005
Why on earth would anyone see fit to impose their will on other people over something so trivial as smoking outdoors, when you know that it will lead to bans on wearing scents in public, on eating fatty or sugary foods, on enjoying just about anything that could pose some risk to health.

Banning outdoor smoking does not save any lives, does not improve the quality of life, and does significant harm to people who will be forced to stay indoors - breathing in more smoke and getting less fresh air than they would if they were permitted to smoke outdoors.
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