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Palestinian militant plows car into civilians at train station


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
What was that Conil referenced about you and conspiracy theories?

And you continue your pathetic tirades without acknowledging that tens of thousands of Israelis went to public commemorations of Rabin including a great many governmental figures. A clear majority of Israelis support a two state

Meanwhile, thousands of Palestinians went out to commemorate the funeral of the latest Palestinian to drive his car through civilians. Think that might deserve comment?
So what, the majority of Israelis supported Rabin, it is a small extreme group that has hijacked the agenda. As you say, the majority if Israelis support a 2 state solution, yet Israel is quite vehement in its opposition to current Palestinian attempts to establish their state...why is this, I have asked the question several time and neither you nor your buddy Frack have given a good reason. I think a majority of Palestinians also supported Rabin. He was a great man and a great leader. And most great leaders are universally admired.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
So what, the majority of Israelis supported Rabin, it is a small extreme group that has hijacked the agenda. As you say, the majority if Israelis support a 2 state solution, yet Israel is quite vehement in its opposition to current Palestinian attempts to establish their state...why is this, I have asked the question several time and neither you nor your buddy Frack have given a good reason. I think a majority of Palestinians also supported Rabin. He was a great man and a great leader. And most great leaders are universally admired.
You are so full of shit. Israel is behind a two state PEACE but they realize that a two state PEACE means that Palestinian factions must accept PEACE.

And you still refuse to compare the actions of the various sides and compare them to how we as Canadians would act. One of the Rabin commemorations was run by an Israeli youth movement and drew 40,000. Meanwhile how many Palestinian youth used the death of a Palestinian during an attack on civilians as an excuse to riot and attack more civilians?


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2013
I supposed it is easier to be a sheep.
Frankly I surprised that Admins and Owners of the various agencies let you post here, you're a "heat scorer". Bet you would love to join ISIL. Maybe someone needs to notify CSIS.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Frankly I surprised that Admins and Owners of the various agencies let you post here, you're a "heat scorer". Bet you would love to join ISIL. Maybe someone needs to notify CSIS.
Why would I want to join ISIS when I advocate bombing the mother fuckers? I cannot believe you are so anti-freedom of speech and personal liberty and you post on a hooker board. Perhaps you long to live in a place like China under Mao. They allow me to post because they believe in freedom of speech and the fact that many people do support my point of view but really don't like to talk politics.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Frankly I surprised that Admins and Owners of the various agencies let you post here, you're a "heat scorer". Bet you would love to join ISIL. Maybe someone needs to notify CSIS.
I doubt it but he does show some extreme immorality and racist tendencies when it comes to Jews and Arabs.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Why would I want to join ISIS when I advocate bombing the mother fuckers?....
No hint of massive hypocrisy here. Bombing ISIS is fine while bombing of Hamas is the worst thing in the world.

Why is it you justify Palestinian attacks on Israeli civilians as a normal action yet are disgusted by ISIS attacks on civilians?


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
No hint of massive hypocrisy here. Bombing ISIS is fine while bombing of Hamas is the worst thing in the world.

Why is it you justify Palestinian attacks on Israeli civilians as a normal action yet are disgusted by ISIS attacks on civilians?
It's simple, Palestinians have been and continue to be imprisoned and oppressed by Israel. ISIS are a bunch of thugs that want to impose their will on civilians. The Palis are resisting imposition, fighting for their rights and for their rights as a people to exist. It is a very different situation. If the Jews used Terror tactics against Germans during the Holocaust I would have no issue with it at all. Would you?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
It's simple, Palestinians have been and continue to be imprisoned and oppressed by Israel. ISIS are a bunch of thugs that want to impose their will on civilians. The Palis are resisting imposition, fighting for their rights and for their rights as a people to exist. It is a very different situation. If the Jews used Terror tactics against Germans during the Holocaust I would have no issue with it at all. Would you?
Sadly if you ask most of the Palestinian leadership they are resisting Israel existing just like they were doing in 1948. A more accurate would be that Israelis have been fighting to protect themselves from constant Palestinian attempts to destroy them. And this is not pie in the sky thinking; it is directly from the leadership of Hamas, Islamic Jihad as well as many in Fatah.

And if Jewish resistance fighters in WWII targeted German civilians I would also have issue with it. Morals are morals and you seem to be lacking. Of course the huge difference is that Nazi Germany had a massively immoral leadership who had no issue with destroying civilian populations. If in some alternate universe, Nazi Germany was a part of the Partition of the Mandate (instead of Jews) there would be no such thing as a Palestinian, just ashes.

And Hamas vs. ISIS is not as different as you claim. Both state their official goal as the creation of an Islamic Caliphate and both have no problem killing civilians of other religions. Of course you view seems to be that their only Arabs so you feel they aren't expected to act in a moral manner.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Sadly if you ask most of the Palestinian leadership they are resisting Israel existing just like they were doing in 1948. A more accurate would be that Israelis have been fighting to protect themselves from constant Palestinian attempts to destroy them. And this is not pie in the sky thinking; it is directly from the leadership of Hamas, Islamic Jihad as well as many in Fatah.

And if Jewish resistance fighters in WWII targeted German civilians I would also have issue with it. Morals are morals and you seem to be lacking. Of course the huge difference is that Nazi Germany had a massively immoral leadership who had no issue with destroying civilian populations. If in some alternate universe, Nazi Germany was a part of the Partition of the Mandate (instead of Jews) there would be no such thing as a Palestinian, just ashes.

And Hamas vs. ISIS is not as different as you claim. Both state their official goal as the creation of an Islamic Caliphate and both have no problem killing civilians of other religions. Of course you view seems to be that their only Arabs so you feel they aren't expected to act in a moral manner.
Hamas is not the Palestinians, they are a radical part of it. And Israeli oppression is partly to blame for this radicalization. When you are oppressed to that degree you will believe anyone that offers you hope of a better life. Just like when the Germans were oppressed by the treaty of Versailles, along came a fellow named Hitler.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2002
north york
It's simple, Palestinians have been and continue to be imprisoned and oppressed by Israel. ISIS are a bunch of thugs that want to impose their will on civilians.
Your continuous criticism of Israel is outrageously out of proportion compared to many many countries that are really oppressive and misogynistic around the world. (that you don't criticise) This is what makes you an antisemite.
What a waste of time...


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Your continuous criticism of Israel is outrageously out of proportion compared to many many countries that are really oppressive and misogynistic around the world. (that you don't criticise) This is what makes you an antisemite.
What a waste of time...
Well, I only criticize Isfael because the are disproportionately in the news and disproportionately a topic of discussion. I have made the point before that the Israeli/Palestine issue is really a tempest in a teapot.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
You describe a group as radical when they received 44% of the popular vote the last time they allowed an election?
Its the economy stupid.. Hamas has bought the hearts and minds of the people with money provided by arab allies and smuggling operations. Kinda like how the Taliban and Farc fund themselves selling drugs. And in the face of Israeli oppression and the incredibly crappy lives, it would be so easy to sell hate in Palestine. Just like in Germany, radicalism, extremism became the new normal. The only solution in Palestine is to improve the lives of the people VISIBLY. The only way to do this is a one state solution. Either by blood or pen it will be one state someday. The laws of entropy dictate it.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Its the economy stupid.. Hamas has bought the hearts and minds of the people with money provided by arab allies and smuggling operations. Kinda like how the Taliban and Farc fund themselves selling drugs. And in the face of Israeli oppression and the incredibly crappy lives, it would be so easy to sell hate in Palestine. Just like in Germany, radicalism, extremism became the new normal. The only solution in Palestine is to improve the lives of the people VISIBLY. The only way to do this is a one state solution. Either by blood or pen it will be one state someday. The laws of entropy dictate it.
One state solutions with ethnic groups that have a long history of violence against each other have a very poor track record indeed.

The Palestinian leadership could improve the lives of their populace by reigning in radical groups who fire rockets, and putting more resources into state building than they currently do.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
One state solutions with ethnic groups that have a long history of violence against each other have a very poor track record indeed.

The Palestinian leadership could improve the lives of their populace by reigning in radical groups who fire rockets, and putting more resources into state building than they currently do.
Well that is just ludicrous. In Gaza the Palestinian leadership is the one firing the rockets. Any "state building" is prevented by sanctions and Israel is also doing everything it can to PREVENT statehood. None of you Israel cheerleaders have addressed this yet. A one state solution would have to be a federation and would not allow free movement for quite a long time until equalization has been achieved. 20 to 50 years... probably.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Well that is just ludicrous. In Gaza the Palestinian leadership is the one firing the rockets. Any "state building" is prevented by sanctions and Israel is also doing everything it can to PREVENT statehood. None of you Israel cheerleaders have addressed this yet. A one state solution would have to be a federation and would not allow free movement for quite a long time until equalization has been achieved. 20 to 50 years... probably.
Do you think that Palestinians and Israelis can live peacefully as part of one state or would it look a lot like the recent Balkans conflict or Rwanda or Iraq?

State building can occur under these circumstances. One can build hospitals, draft a legit constitution, put in an honest court system, fair law enforcement, good education under these conditions. It has been done by other countries at other times. The sanctions, currently, are quite tough, but have not been forever, nor will they be forever. Sanctions of various levels cannot be the excuse for every failure.

Sometimes it is the leadership firing the rockets from Gaza, sometimes not. But there is a need for Pali territory to be properly governed. One of the basic functions of a legitmate state is to make sure that the state controls the armed forces on their territory, so when they do fire rockets it is towards a rational political end. It needs to get done.

The problem with the one state solution is that the only people who like it are the radicals on each side. Radical jews want one state with no non-jews and radical palis want state with no jews in it. I am surprised someone who plays at being a moderate adopts it.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Its the economy stupid.. Hamas has bought the hearts and minds of the people with money provided by arab allies and smuggling operations. Kinda like how the Taliban and Farc fund themselves selling drugs. And in the face of Israeli oppression and the incredibly crappy lives, it would be so easy to sell hate in Palestine. Just like in Germany, radicalism, extremism became the new normal. The only solution in Palestine is to improve the lives of the people VISIBLY. The only way to do this is a one state solution. Either by blood or pen it will be one state someday. The laws of entropy dictate it.
Sadly those smuggling operations wouldn't be needed if Hamas didn't attack Israel after the Israeli withdrawal. There would still be regular trade and border crossings like there was in 2005.

Your arguments would also hold more water if those Hamas officials weren't living the life of Reilly with the money they make and actually used the money for their people. What they do is hold the people as economic hostages with the choice of either joining Hamas or starving. Of course the Palestinian people know how corrupt Hamas is (though they rate them slightly better than Fatah in that aspect).

p.s. Do you still say 44% is a radical opinion?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
... The only way to do this is a one state solution. Either by blood or pen it will be one state someday.
This deserves its own response.

It might get in the way of your rant but repeated polling shows more than 2/3 of Palestinians are opposed to a pluralistic One State Solution. They want their own state, whether alongside Israel or in place of it. I know you think the Palestinians are animals but any peace will involve both them and the Israelis finding a compromise that both are happy with, not a solution that both sides are strongly opposed to.

The laws of entropy dictate it.
I guess I'll add physics to the list of things you have no fucking clue about. At least take the time to look up what the term entropy means.
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