Has recreational drinking or drug use taken a toll on your quality of life?

Sep 13, 2009
Obviously the hard core drinkers and drug abusers have paid a heavy price socially and physically. The vast majority are social / recreational drinkers. I would like to know if recreational drinking and/ or drug use has taken quality of life from you in later years?


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
Obviously the hard core drinkers and drug abusers have paid a heavy price socially and physically. The vast majority are social / recreational drinkers. I would like to know if recreational drinking and/ or drug use has taken quality of life from you in later years?
You think ! There are a lot more factors !!
Sep 13, 2009
You think ! There are a lot more factors !!
I am sure that there are many factors that detract from the quality of life, like a marriage break up. The marriage break up could have been precipitated by drinking or drug abuse.
I know a guy that has taken drugs on and off but has also smoked weed regularly, it is his opinion that his drugs has diminished his ability to make the right choices in life. I know a guy in his 30s that extensively used drugs in his teen to his late 20s. He has two sickly kids that require regular hospital visits. I have to wonder ifn their health issues were caused by his and his SOs early drug abuse.


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
Obviously the hard core drinkers and drug abusers have paid a heavy price socially and physically. The vast majority are social / recreational drinkers. I would like to know if recreational drinking and/ or drug use has taken quality of life from you in later years?
Yes. The fact that I can't afford good whisky as often as I'd like and the fact that my family life precludes me getting stoned pretty much ever, my quality of life has suffered in a manner directly attributable to (a lack of) recreational drinking and drug use.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
I am sure that there are many factors that detract from the quality of life, like a marriage break up. The marriage break up could have been precipitated by drinking or drug abuse.
I know a guy that has taken drugs on and off but has also smoked weed regularly, it is his opinion that his drugs has diminished his ability to make the right choices in life. I know a guy in his 30s that extensively used drugs in his teen to his late 20s. He has two sickly kids that require regular hospital visits. I have to wonder ifn their health issues were caused by his and his SOs early drug abuse.
Quality of life, has to do with, how you think of yourself !!!


Mar 21, 2011
I dunno.

Seems to me my quality of work has been taking a toll on my recreational drinking.


Jan 31, 2005
Maybe about 10 years ago I was going full on into the work-hard/play-hard philosophy, closing the bar multiple nights a week with work people, and not infrequently hitting the after hours. I don't remember how half those nights ended. At some point along the line I really pissed off a formerly good friend, who refuses to talk to me to this day. I have absolutely no idea why. Something I said or did when I was drunk that I don't remember.

So that was a negative impact.

I'm not an alcoholic and I don't do that so much anymore, I mostly quit after 3-4 drinks these days and I probably only ever even drink once every other week. Every now and then for old time's sake I'll do an all nighter just for fun, but more like a couple of times a year, rather than a couple of times a week, and never on a night when I have to work the next morning, unlike those days.

I think there's a real chance I could have come out of that phase of my life as a raging alcoholic and I'm glad I didn't. But sure, there was at least that impact. Though I have a lot of good memories from those days, so, I don't know... one friend vs about a decade of partying. Not sure I made the wrong choice. Pretty sure I don't want to go back to that lifestyle though.


New member
Jul 17, 2003
If it takes a toll then it's not recreational, it's a problem.
Not necessarily.
I'm a very light social drinker, rarely drink alone other than some wine with a meal.
I may occasionally pound it back, at a wedding or a party if I'm in the mood.
In the last few years I've found if I really tie one on, which is rare (3x), I black out at some point and do shit with zero recollection.
The last time, a friend's wedding, I stepped over the line. I've made amends, buuuuut things linger a bit.
Drinking is the least of my problems.
I never used to believe when people used blacking out as an excuse, I do now.


Active member
Jan 20, 2004
Oh contrair!!! . I drink more now than ever. Want to get a little Buzz at least a few times a week. Not smashed. But a buzz where my mind relaxes and opens a bit and I think of things a little different. I'm so much more productive and relaxed and liberal in my thinking. It's been a huge improvement in my life. I work better during g the day. I sleep better at night. People are fascinated by the ideas and thoughts I come up with. . Drinking a little bit a few times a week is priceless for my productivity and success. .
Mind u.... I can control it. I can get really intoxicated and never loose control. I also never drive while I'm drinking. I only drink if I'm not going any where that night. And the beauty of a little alcohol is come the morning it's all gone and I'm. Ready for work.


New member
Oct 7, 2004
Sure has. I've had to cut down. Now I only drink when I'm alone or with someone else.


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2006
I feel much better since i greatly reduced my weekly drink intake over the course of the last year.
May 21, 2008
I dont thnk so. When I go out I'u usualy wit freinds an they drive. Jus got in a few mintees ago. Had a greet tim...

What ws the questn?,



Dirty (Not So) Old Man
Jun 13, 2009
North of GTA
Luckily I was able to stop myself before it got out of control. I used to drink excessively 6 days a week and rarely know from one day to the next what happened the night before.
I moved out of town to a small town that does not even have a bar. There is definitely social drinking in neighborhood garages but the majority of those drinkers are 10-15 years younger than I am so I do not drink with them.
Plus, living in a small town you need to drive everywhere so I am unable to drink much anywhere. It has helped my health as well as my pocketbook to have little access to drinking.
Once in a while I will have a drink but it is very rarely. Last January I was in the Caribbean and came home with 5 bottles. Four of those are still unopened.
Not drinking has been a bit of a blessing as I have recently diagnosed with diabetes so it is a very good thing that I no longer drink like I used to.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
i like how only the guys are posting in this thread. none of the girls are sharing any of their experiences and/or personal demons.
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