O'Donnell is an idiot. She failed to notice the obvious ... if a gunman shot and killed a US soldier on guard duty in the US capitol I think it may make the news ....
and likely be major news in all parts of the free world.
I don't really find those remarks all that bothersome. I think we could argue that most of these shooters do show some kind of mental illness. And the tweet is obvious commentary on the state of gun laws in the States. While it could be construed as being nonchalant about the Ottawa shootings, I hardly believe that's how it was meant.
IMO the mental illness card is being shown far too often. I don't buy that the Parliament Hill shooter had "mental illness" when he took the rear licence plate off his car, wore body armour, hijacked a second car and shot the soldier in the back. He had everything planned well in advance. Mental illness develops over months, years or even decades. It isn't something that happens overnight, switched on like a light bulb and instantly causes people to do crazy things. There's a whole series of events that caused the Parliament Hill shooting not just mental illness.
Like any celebrity, these ladies will say just about anything to gain attention. If they really want to comment about incidents like this, how about do a proper analysis of all the facts. You can't analyse a complex issue like this in a 2 minute sound bite or 150 characters.
O'Donnell is an idiot. She failed to notice the obvious ... if a gunman shot and killed a US soldier on guard duty in the US capitol I think it may make the news ....
and likely be major news in all parts of the free world.
I don't really find those remarks all that bothersome. I think we could argue that most of these shooters do show some kind of mental illness. And the tweet is obvious commentary on the state of gun laws in the States. While it could be construed as being nonchalant about the Ottawa shootings, I hardly believe that's how it was meant.
I agree. What exactly did she say that was insensitive to Canada or the victims? She said that since this kind violence happens several times a day in her country, it's not headline news anymore. It's just Wednesday's news. If she's dumping on anyone, it's not us.
I agree. What exactly did she say that was insensitive to Canada or the victims? She said that since this kind violence happens several times a day in her country, it's not headline news anymore. It's just Wednesday's news. If she's dumping on anyone, it's not us.
The problem is that she tried (unsuccessfully) to use the Parliament Hill incident to support her argument. If she really wanted to have a frank and honest discussion about gun violence in the US, then use an example from there. She could have easily wrote something of substance instead of relying on 140 characters. The stupidity of Rosei's comment was in trying to link "mental illness" to most of these shooters.
She wanted to be controversial and make a statement. She got her wish and couldn't handle the back lash. Might have been better to form a complete argument instead of half a sound byte.
She wanted to be controversial and make a statement. She got her wish and couldn't handle the back lash. Might have been better to form a complete argument instead of half a sound byte.
I used to enjoy Rosie up,until a few years ago. She's changed a lot and has become in her mind "savior of the world"
She thinks only her opinion is the right one and nobody dare go against her.
Teigen's tweet was a bit insensitive especially given how recent the event was but I do see the point that she was clumsily trying to make. And this point makes me especially proud to be a Canadian where we have not been as desensitized to this sort of violence as the Americans. Actually, as I write those words I don't know how true they might be in implying that Americans are desensitized to gun violence as Teigen implies. There was a lot of outrage and outpouring of emotion to Columbine (11 killed), Sandy Hook (26 killed), Virginia Tech (32 killed), the Auora theater shooting (12 killed), etc. However, I think that Americans are somewhat stuck in the sense that nothing will EVER change in terms of gun control for them. The NRA and gun manufacturers are too strong in terms of lobby groups and so the killing just goes on and on and Americans feel this sense of hopelessness that is mistaken for desensitization.
As for Rosie, I always remember Stern calling out her hypocrisy for her outrage to Columbine at a point where she was the spokesperson for Walmart which was one of the biggest U.S. retailers of firearms. Plus she's nuts.
Fortunately (or unfortunately) this is the power of social media. You're free to speak your mind, but you have to be prepared for the idiots out there.
Fortunately (or unfortunately) this is the power of social media. You're free to speak your mind, but you have to be prepared for the idiots out there.
Fortunately? Should be clear cut whether death threats as a means of shutting down those you disagree with is a good thing (TM) or a bad thing (TM). But yeah, she did something wrong, not the junior wannabe terrorists threatening to kill her.
Fortunately? Should be clear cut whether death threats as a means of shutting down those you disagree with is a good thing (TM) or a bad thing (TM). But yeah, she did something wrong, not the junior wannabe terrorists threatening to kill her.
I was trying to say that social media is a double edged sword. Same as the internet is a doubled edged sword where people can so easily utter threats without consequence. The only point I was trying to make is that it is all to easy to post something online without so much as a thought to the consequences. This is especially true when all you have is 140 characters. It's far too easy to post something in a hurry and not realize the consequences.
The old saying that if you don't have anything good to say, don't say it is more relevant now than ever. Her tweet will be forever linked to her no matter what. Internet is forever kids!
When I see tweets like this it also shows that young people cannot communicate ideas thoughtfully. It's just half-ideas that have no substance to them.