I would use the word benign authoritarian for countries like Saudi and Kuwait as their kings treat citizens reasonably well and economy is good. Dictatorships come with negative connotation usually associated with abuse of power and make the whole country poor and it's people starving. You will find a lot of examples of benign authoritarian government running the countries well -.such as Singapore. and a lot of democracies not so - like Mexico.
The west places too much value and emphasis on democracy when criticizing counties like China, while their own voters have little say about government policies.
In this case, I would point out the double standard. Ghadaffi was labeled a dictator by most Western leaders and their presstitute mainstream media. Libya had the highest standard of living on the African continent. Free education, subsidized marriage (free car), just about guaranteed jobs, rising quotas for Libyans in the foreign owned oil industry, equality for women etc etc etc.
Compare that to Saudi Arabia and its fairy-tale kingdom, in reality a one-family rule dictatorship: oppressed Shiite minority in the East, oppressed women who literally ride in the back of the bus through a separate entrance, women forbidden to drive, women who have to cover their faces with 6 veils, a state that has [frequent] capital punishment through beheading, a state that owes it's existence and continued support to wacko Wahhabi-Salafist-Taqfiri religious zealots, and to top it all, tolerates wholesale discrimination against foreign workers, especially Philippinos and Pakistanis. Oh, and by the way, you won't find churches in Saudi Arabia. There is poverty in Saudi Arabia; meanwhile, the 7,000 princes (and counting) enjoy blowing a large part of the national wealth due to the generous stipend paid to them by the treasury, while the country has been in a deficit for the last 2 decades.
You will excuse my scepticism whenever a Western Leader (i.e. Obama) labels one or another leader of another country as a dictator. The leader of a country is labelled a dictator usually by the leader of a (the) superpower when the former refuses to be subservient to the policies of the latter. So ya: King Abdullah is merely a fairy-tale king of a kingdom, according to the western mainstream media.