Spanking Your Child?


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
Spanking or any physical abuse towards a child is wrong, periode.
Was I hit, when I was a kid, of course I was, and I still remenber.
The act of hitting a child is not deciplinary, but rather a loss of patients, by the parent.
You will cause more damage than good. People who don't have the patients
dealing with an out of control child, other than to hit them,
should not have had children to begin with.


Jan 31, 2005
I agree that if a parent hits a child because they lost patience that is wrong. Hitting a child is not the way to get them under control either.

If a child is spanked it should be later, in private, after a patient and calm discussion, and it certainly should not leave any bruises or other marks.


New member
Jan 28, 2014
Spanking or any physical abuse towards a child is wrong, periode.
Was I hit, when I was a kid, of course I was, and I still remenber.
The act of hitting a child is not deciplinary, but rather a loss of patients, by the parent.
You will cause more damage than good. People who don't have the patients
dealing with an out of control child, other than to hit them,
should not have had children to begin with.
Very few things in life are so black and white. You're free to think what you want, but I can assure patience would not have mattered one iota when I was a kid, and it did me a whole ton of good.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
I think there's trade-offs. While spanking does seem to lower confidence, it also tends to keep kids on the straight and narrow.


May 13, 2011
It's funny that people often confuse abuse or hitting vs. spanking such as titalian. Spanking has been done for many generations, many civilizations, and many people still do it. If you spank you will never leave a mark or even cause the skin to turn red. Spanking is not abuse. People have different methods of spanking discipline. Some do it after they talk to kids some do it beofre but yeah it is important for the kid to know why they got spanked and what it is they did wrong. If you live in a palce that thinks spanking is abuse then I feel sorry for the kid being brought up by a delusional parent who spoils the child and helps undermine the developement of their character. This kid will not be ready for the real world and will be wistleblowing for the slightest preception of a wrong louder then a steam engine even though it is not a wrong! This confuses kids to shit.

I agree that if a parent hits a child because they lost patience that is wrong. Hitting a child is not the way to get them under control either.

If a child is spanked it should be later, in private, after a patient and calm discussion, and it certainly should not leave any bruises or other marks.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
It's funny that people often confuse abuse or hitting vs. spanking such as titalian. Spanking has been done for many generations, many civilizations, and many people still do it. If you spank you will never leave a mark or even cause the skin to turn red. Spanking is not abuse. People have different methods of spanking discipline. Some do it after they talk to kids some do it beofre but yeah it is important for the kid to know why they got spanked and what it is they did wrong. If you live in a palce that thinks spanking is abuse then I feel sorry for the kid being brought up by a delusional parent who spoils the child and helps undermine the developement of their character. This kid will not be ready for the real world and will be wistleblowing for the slightest preception of a wrong louder then a steam engine even though it is not a wrong! This confuses kids to shit.
I believe as a civilization and the many generations we ourselves would be more civilized. The fact that the most Arab cultures where the wives are not aloud showing their faces, doesn't make it right!

As for your second statement, There are many ways to discipline a child but if you don't have the patients read what I said.

Spanking or hitting, whats the deference to the child, other than it seems to you, more civilized.


May 13, 2011
You need balance in life not complete civilization...with just civilization the living free part would cease to exist, and we would not have wild sex, enjoy life and would forget to just live. We would all turn into robots states of mind with if statements available to sovle all of our problemsand conflicts. Life would become very boring and it will never be like this. On the other scale acting like compete animals without diacipline or civilization would not work either. You need balance in everything you do. As an affective parent you need to monitor the developement of your child and apply all available teaching and discipline techniques to help them develop strong character and prepare them for the REAL WORLD. They need to develop their own characters, know boundaries, and most importantly they need to know how to LIVE.

Some kids never need to be spanked but some may need it once in a while. Just because you beleive does not make it the way it should be. And fuck Arab countries, I can't take you seriously if you bring that shit into this discussion.

You can have paitence and still spank, it's only one discipline menthod and affective when applied at the right time.

It matters if you love your kid and will put their needs ahead of your own. Many parents do not have the time and use spanking or hitting as a way to discipline because their kids need attention. This is wrong and will quickly backfire.

Kids are so fluid so changing and as a good parent you need to pay a lot of attention to know what will work and when to be applied.

If you have complete love and are prepared ro be completely selfless you will find a way to discipline your kid in a way that looks after their best interest..

I believe as a civilization and the many generations we ourselves would be more civilized. The fact that the most Arab cultures where the wives are not aloud showing their faces, doesn't make it right!

As for your second statement, There are many ways to discipline a child but if you don't have the patients read what I said.

Spanking or hitting, whats the deference to the child, other than it seems to you, more civilized.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
You need balance in life not complete civilization...with just civilization the living free part would cease to exist, and we would not have wild sex, enjoy life and would forget to just live. We would all turn into robots states of mind with if statements available to sovle all of our problemsand conflicts. Life would become very boring and it will never be like this. On the other scale acting like compete animals without diacipline or civilization would not work either. You need balance in everything you do. As an affective parent you need to monitor the developement of your child and apply all available teaching and discipline techniques to help them develop strong character and prepare them for the REAL WORLD. They need to develop their own characters, know boundaries, and most importantly they need to know how to LIVE.

Some kids never need to be spanked but some may need it once in a while. Just because you beleive does not make it the way it should be. And fuck Arab countries, I can't take you seriously if you bring that shit into this discussion.

You can have paitence and still spank, it's only one discipline menthod and affective when applied at the right time.

It matters if you love your kid and will put their needs ahead of your own. Many parents do not have the time and use spanking or hitting as a way to discipline because their kids need attention. This is wrong and will quickly backfire.

Kids are so fluid so changing and as a good parent you need to pay a lot of attention to know what will work and when to be applied.

If you have complete love and are prepared ro be completely selfless you will find a way to discipline your kid in a way that looks after their best interest..
What ever you think, is right for you


New member
Mar 10, 2009
If you do it, it makes you a less successful parent.

It's unnecessary, generally borne of anger and ignorance, and teaches that violence is an acceptable response to conflict.

It should be a united aim to get rid of it in society, but those self-concerned morons who got spanked, and who are too proud to admit their parents and childhoods were flawed, will prevent it.


Mar 31, 2009
Because of the "one child" policy in the PRC, there is a theory that Chinese children are spoiled. (Do Chinese parents ever spank their one and only child?) On the other hand, "Tiger Moms" are very demanding and push their children to excel, especially in academics, and this sometimes places too much undue pressure on the kid.


Aug 3, 2006
On the Edge
So, to turn this discussion sideways a bit...a different way of looking at the issue: should children be taught/learn to fear, and therefore respect, the authority of their parents? If so, how do you instill that degree of healthy respect in a child too young to reason on his/her own?


May 13, 2011
It does not matter what he thinks... it is the law that matters..

Section 43 of Criminal Code of Canada

The law assumes that spanking a child to ‘correct’ the child’s behavior is not against the law as long as the force used is reasonable. Section 43 of the Criminal Code of Canada provides a defence for parents, parent substitutes and teachers who used corporal punishment to discipline a child in their care and who have been charged with physically assaulting that child. This section of the Criminal Code is often referred to as “the spanking provision”.

Section 43 of Criminal Code of Canada.
Every schoolteacher, parent or person standing in the place of a parent is justified in using force by way of correction toward a pupil or child, as the case may be, who is under his care, if the force does not exceed what is reasonable under the circumstances.

It does not matter what he thinks as the law has this covered. If it was this wrong surely somebody maybe titalian can ammend the code and bring some justice and civilization into our system and save all of our poor and abused kids who are being spanked. Somebody please help his poor soul.

And what you think, is right for you.


New member
Jan 28, 2014
If you do it, it makes you a less successful parent.

It's unnecessary, generally borne of anger and ignorance, and teaches that violence is an acceptable response to conflict.

It should be a united aim to get rid of it in society, but those self-concerned morons who got spanked, and who are too proud to admit their parents and childhoods were flawed, will prevent it.
I completely disagree on this. Frankly, your post is insulting and offensive. My father is very calm, very peaceful, very tolerant. He is NOT a violent man and I never learned or felt like I was being taught that violence was an acceptable response to conflict.

I was taught, and it was instilled in me, that sometimes violence is the only answer. But that didn't come from spankings. That came from when my dad sat me down at the dinner table and explained that he had to go away to a place far, far away because people were killing each other and wouldn't sit down and talk with each other to work through their problems. So he was going over there to stand between them so they couldn't hurt each other. I asked what he'd do if they tried, and he said if he had no other choice, he would defend people who couldn't defend themselves, but that he was hopeful that people would see reason and realize that now that he was there to protect them, they didn't have to be violent.

It was spring of 1993. A few months after he left, he was involved in Operation Medak Pocket, the first firefight for Canadian soldiers since Korea. He came home almost a year after he left, we talked about it, and he sat me down to try and explain (I was less than 10). I didn't quite get it, why did we have to fight? So we watched a WWII documentary and he explained how we tried to talk to Hitler, we tried to convince the Germans to stop, but sometimes, when no one will listen and people are being killed, good men need to stand up against violence with violence.

That's right, I was a kid that had been spanked, many many times, I didn't understand why anyone would need to go to war to solve a problem, I didn't understand why violence was necessary. My spankings weren't violence. They were punishment. A little painful, but it's not like I took a backhand across the face or fractured my orbit from roundhouse. I never saw them as violence, he never handed them out as violence. He used them when I refused to respond to anything else. ANYTHING else. And trust me, he and my mother tried.

He wasn't a less successful parent, he was a hugely successful parent. He raised a kid that stood up to bullies in high school, even when it was his teammates, even when he wasn't even their target. He raised a kid that managed to get straight A's while playing a multitude of sports and participating in volunteer activities and a fully funded university education (plus salary while attending) with a guaranteed job on graduation in a field he loved. I never once started a fight except once with my cousin when I was 4, though I did end up in a few others (won some, lost some) but only after trying to deconflict the situation. Like I said, the only kid on my block that was an ass and liked to use violence was the only one that didn't get spanked. You can tell me what your experience says all you want, it will reflect your experience. For reference, my cousin was never spanked, he never needed it. He responded well to other forms of discipline. He started about a dozen fights with me, and had some issues with fighting in school. Like I said, he didn't need to be spanked, and he was disciplined and has grown up to be a fantastic young man. My point is that he was more violent as a kid than I was, yet I'm the one that was spanked and not him.

This is about people. That means there's no "one size fits all". You can't argue that those that spank are always doing it out of impatience, or ignorance, or failure as a parent, and you can't argue that those of us who disagree are doing it because we're too "proud" to admit our childhoods were flawed. Find a flaw in mine. I dare you. My sister was supposed to take me to the park once but didn't want to wait for me to put my shoes on, and I sat on the porch crying because I couldn't go on my own. That was pretty shitty. My dad leaving to go overseas on 5 different occasions kinda sucked but I always knew why he was going and what the issue was. I didn't make the basketball team in Grade 7 and that broke my heart. I had a crush on a girl in grade 10 who ended up dating my best friend. I wanted to take this super hot track athlete to prom but she had a different date which made be sad, but I took 3 cheerleaders instead so I can't complain too much. Aside from those isolated incidents, I really can't think of anything negative in my childhood. All the shitty parts of my life happened as an adult, and my dad has always been and still is there for me. Go ahead, call him a shitty parent. I dare you. Do you know what I will do, as a child who was spanked? Not threaten to beat you up if you do, that's for sure. I was taught better than that, even if I was spanked when I was bad. I will pity you though. Pity you as someone so closed-minded they are unable to accept that someone can be a good parent and spank their kids, so closed-minded they assume everyone that was spanked had a flawed childhood.

What group are you going to pass judgement on next? How about sex workers, strippers and promiscuous women? Let me guess, they don't like sex, they just weren't shown enough love growing up? I was spanked. Don't pretend that knowing one single thing about me means you know anything about the quality of my childhood or my parents.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
So, to turn this discussion sideways a bit...a different way of looking at the issue: should children be taught/learn to fear, and therefore respect, the authority of their parents? If so, how do you instill that degree of healthy respect in a child too young to reason on his/her own?
I had a male cousin who feared his father when he was young. When he turned 21, he beat his father to a pulp one night. What was your question again??


May 13, 2011
I see said the blind man!

Educate your self a little, know the law before you call others ignorant.

Calling other people morons only works against you and undermines any credibility of your statement.

Learn to see and then speak!

If you do it, it makes you a less successful parent.

It's unnecessary, generally borne of anger and ignorance, and teaches that violence is an acceptable response to conflict.

It should be a united aim to get rid of it in society, but those self-concerned morons who got spanked, and who are too proud to admit their parents and childhoods were flawed, will prevent it.


Aug 3, 2006
On the Edge
I completely disagree on this. Frankly, your post is insulting and offensive. My father is very calm, very peaceful, very tolerant. He is NOT a violent man and I never learned or felt like I was being taught that violence was an acceptable response to conflict.

I was taught, and it was instilled in me, that sometimes violence is the only answer. But that didn't come from spankings. That came from when my dad sat me down at the dinner table and explained that he had to go away to a place far, far away because people were killing each other and wouldn't sit down and talk with each other to work through their problems. So he was going over there to stand between them so they couldn't hurt each other. I asked what he'd do if they tried, and he said if he had no other choice, he would defend people who couldn't defend themselves, but that he was hopeful that people would see reason and realize that now that he was there to protect them, they didn't have to be violent.

It was spring of 1993. A few months after he left, he was involved in Operation Medak Pocket, the first firefight for Canadian soldiers since Korea. He came home almost a year after he left, we talked about it, and he sat me down to try and explain (I was less than 10). I didn't quite get it, why did we have to fight? So we watched a WWII documentary and he explained how we tried to talk to Hitler, we tried to convince the Germans to stop, but sometimes, when no one will listen and people are being killed, good men need to stand up against violence with violence.

That's right, I was a kid that had been spanked, many many times, I didn't understand why anyone would need to go to war to solve a problem, I didn't understand why violence was necessary. My spankings weren't violence. They were punishment. A little painful, but it's not like I took a backhand across the face or fractured my orbit from roundhouse. I never saw them as violence, he never handed them out as violence. He used them when I refused to respond to anything else. ANYTHING else. And trust me, he and my mother tried.

He wasn't a less successful parent, he was a hugely successful parent. He raised a kid that stood up to bullies in high school, even when it was his teammates, even when he wasn't even their target. He raised a kid that managed to get straight A's while playing a multitude of sports and participating in volunteer activities and a fully funded university education (plus salary while attending) with a guaranteed job on graduation in a field he loved. I never once started a fight except once with my cousin when I was 4, though I did end up in a few others (won some, lost some) but only after trying to deconflict the situation. Like I said, the only kid on my block that was an ass and liked to use violence was the only one that didn't get spanked. You can tell me what your experience says all you want, it will reflect your experience. For reference, my cousin was never spanked, he never needed it. He responded well to other forms of discipline. He started about a dozen fights with me, and had some issues with fighting in school. Like I said, he didn't need to be spanked, and he was disciplined and has grown up to be a fantastic young man. My point is that he was more violent as a kid than I was, yet I'm the one that was spanked and not him.

This is about people. That means there's no "one size fits all". You can't argue that those that spank are always doing it out of impatience, or ignorance, or failure as a parent, and you can't argue that those of us who disagree are doing it because we're too "proud" to admit our childhoods were flawed. Find a flaw in mine. I dare you. My sister was supposed to take me to the park once but didn't want to wait for me to put my shoes on, and I sat on the porch crying because I couldn't go on my own. That was pretty shitty. My dad leaving to go overseas on 5 different occasions kinda sucked but I always knew why he was going and what the issue was. I didn't make the basketball team in Grade 7 and that broke my heart. I had a crush on a girl in grade 10 who ended up dating my best friend. I wanted to take this super hot track athlete to prom but she had a different date which made be sad, but I took 3 cheerleaders instead so I can't complain too much. Aside from those isolated incidents, I really can't think of anything negative in my childhood. All the shitty parts of my life happened as an adult, and my dad has always been and still is there for me. Go ahead, call him a shitty parent. I dare you. Do you know what I will do, as a child who was spanked? Not threaten to beat you up if you do, that's for sure. I was taught better than that, even if I was spanked when I was bad. I will pity you though. Pity you as someone so closed-minded they are unable to accept that someone can be a good parent and spank their kids, so closed-minded they assume everyone that was spanked had a flawed childhood.

What group are you going to pass judgement on next? How about sex workers, strippers and promiscuous women? Let me guess, they don't like sex, they just weren't shown enough love growing up? I was spanked. Don't pretend that knowing one single thing about me means you know anything about the quality of my childhood or my parents.
Interesting story bro', but there's some fuzzy stuff I'm not getting. If you were 8 years old in 1993, that would make you just about 30 today? Assuming you entered university at age 18 and did a four year computer science degree while simultaneously earning your flight wings to immediately become a Canadian Forces fighter pilot, then did the mandatory service term of 7 years (since the forces paid for your degree) you'd have been at least 29 years old by the time you sought and were granted your discharge, only to immediately be hired on by a major airline as a commercial pilot, quickly rising through the ranks beyond their existing complement of experienced pilots within the last 12 months to become one of your airline's primary advisors for corporate decision making, and consulting regularly with airport managers on their plans? Did I get that right? (going by what you've posted here and in other threads). You da' man.

(apologies for the hijack folks, I get confused easily :confused:)


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
Interesting story bro', but there's some fuzzy stuff I'm not getting. If you were 8 years old in 1993, that would make you just about 30 today? Assuming you entered university at age 18 and did a four year computer science degree while simultaneously earning your flight wings to immediately become a Canadian Forces fighter pilot, then did the mandatory service term of 7 years (since the forces paid for your degree) you'd have been at least 29 years old by the time you sought and were granted your discharge, only to immediately be hired on by a major airline as a commercial pilot, quickly rising through the ranks beyond their existing complement of experienced pilots within the last 12 months to become one of your airline's primary advisors for corporate decision making, and consulting regularly with airport managers on their plans? Did I get that right? (going by what you've posted here and in other threads). You da' man.

(apologies for the hijack folks, I get confused easily :confused:)

Looks like blue laser needs to bend over for a "good" spanking. For all we know, the only planes he might actually be flying are remote control, battery operated

Outted on a spanking appropriate. Dying to hear BL's two step song and dance out of this one. Without doubt it'll be a 3 pager response....:deadhorse::deadhorse:
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