Low intensity - long distance runs were proven better for weight loss; easier on joints as well. Fatties making excuses about how they can't lose weight because majority of them don't ever try for long enough. You won't see results in days, you'll gradually see the fat peeling off in weeks/months.
Finding a diet is easy, sticking with the routine of daily activities/proper eating is where most people fail. Calorie deficit and calories increase, simple concept. If you're eating more than you burn, cut down on food intake. If you want to gain lean muscle/healthier physique UP THE CALORIE INTAKE. I may be speaking out of my ass, but a majority of woman today believe if you lift weights you'll be turn into some manly looking chick. HUGE misconception, it'd take you years/decades of lifting/juice to ever become 'manly'.
If you're not willing to take care of your body and accept that you're a bit over-weight and continue to eat like shit. That's on you. I'd say a majority of over-weight individuals didn't have an eating disorder until they became fat.. Shit doesn't just happen over-night unless you were genetically fucked from the get-go. If you choose to be fat, more power to you. Just don't automatically start judging the skinny healthy looking females for being anorexic or purging after meals. Some people care about health and longevity of mind and body.