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The average America female


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
It's not only the women.

according to 2010 data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, these are the measurements of the average American man:

Height: 5 feet 9 inches (69.3 inches)
Weight: 195.5 pounds
Waist circumference: 39.7 inches
That's too much!

When I travel to the States, I go into shock at the level of obesity I see there. I feel so sad for those obese people. As a person who has lost 50# and maintained the weight loss, i have a great deal of sympathy for them. But, primarily, I really feel for the kids who are obese and don't stand a chance and will get diabetes and heart disease at an early age. Fast food nation is abhorrent. These kids aren't taught healthy eating habits from an early age so they will never know any better than to just drive up to the fast food counter. It really saddens me.
As far as the weight being 165 for the average woman, it is too high and at risk for heart disease and isn't a womanly weight. I can tell from personal experience these women don't like their bodies and are ashamed. It seems like menopause sets in and all hell breaks out with the female anatomy. For me, I had quit smoking and put a load of weight on. It doesn't feel good or womanly trust me.
Michelle Obama has been behind the scene doing a lot of promoting for healthy eating and focusing her attentions at the more indolent schools. She is on a mission and to be commended. More celebrities should join her plight because the youth weight problem has become epidemic.
And what I find really depressing is seeing kids who have the same pear-shape as their middle-aged parents. They will miss out on so much of the fun of being young, plus their knowledge of nutrition and taste is already terrible before they've even had a chance to learn.


May 1, 2007
I am glad to see one person post a non-fat shaming comment. This BBW loves you for this and appreciates your class.
The average North American human today seems to be too heavy to be healthy. I don't have stats to hand but I remember my classmates 50 years ago, and their peers today are way heavier - sometimes shockingly so.

The shame, it seems to me, belongs to the pushers of sugar and fat and salt. Starts with baby food food! And continues with 'convenience' food, fast food .... By the time the young are old enough to make reasoned choices they are already hooked!


May 2, 2014
You completely missed my point. I am not saying the processed food industry is not a huge problem, there are many factors contributing to obesity. Hell, I have been told countless times that I UNDER eat, which leads to my metabolic rate being slow and thus, I gain weight. Why don't I eat more? Time. I have a hard time dedicating to eating when there are other things to do. :(

Actually I have in the USA. And I see a lot of overweight parents with overweight kids overindulging themselves on processed, deep-fried and otherwise non-nutricious food. When I stay down there in one of my time shares I have difficulty finding any sort of variety of fresh fruit and vegetables in the grocery store. Its all canned and sugared. The frozen food aisles(3 sometimes) are vast the the fresh aisle is sometimes not even 1 in square footage.

I'm not a health nut by a long shot. But I do mostly my own cooking and use fresh ingredients. Shop for meat at real butchers(st lawr market) and use about 90% fresh fruit and veg. I cheat a bit in sides but I don't over portion. And I've only gone from a 28 waist to a 32 in 30 years since high school.

The processing and added sugar is a very real issue, as is the eating habits of many. To deny it is to allow it to continue. To enable it.

Just look at the diabetes rates. For kids. And tell me that this is ok......


May 2, 2014
Your comment was that anyone under that average weight is considered rail thin or skeletal, and I am was calling bullshit on that. We ALL know how poorly larger people are treated in public. Nothing wrong with embracing your body size and shape, I am glad you are happy with yours, and I am happy with mine! Sorry for the cursing, I am worse than a drunken sailor at times.

no I'm not fucking kidding and you don't need to swear at me. I look in the fucking mirror and I see a healthy weight, a healthy body, and I'm pretty fucking happy with it.

I'm not FAT SHAMING... I'm FIT PROUD. Suck it up.

It's far from ok, and people that deny it, enable it, and accuse others of 'fat shaming' don't help much.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
That only means the average American women are
not supermodel material but real women. That is
women with belly and wide butt.
Or if they're 5'10½", they're Adonises. Like me. Perish the thought.


May 2, 2014
You are right about that, and with my other health issues (congenital not weight related) I should know that as much as anyone. Yet... I struggle with it everyday, I either eat breakfast or lunch, rarely both and almost never snack. I need a system.

If you ask me, people don't have time NOT to eat properly.


May 2, 2014
"However, now that average has become 165lbs, anything less than that is assumed to be what you call 'walking skeletons' or 'anorexic'...."

Yes I realize you were somewhat arguing that at your weight you are none of those things, you still said it is assumed in society that... and that was what I was arguing with you. I know what I was responding too, and I know you are smart enough to know it too.

those weren't my words ................


Active member
Jul 15, 2013
Her place
If you ask me, people don't have time NOT to eat properly.
Last I checked, deep fried shit takes no less time to chew...

We ALL know how poorly larger people are treated in public. .
We do? Where do you live, on the set of a kids' movie? If so, on the plus side (see what I did there ;) ) the bullies will meet an oddly wise homeless man soon to show them the ways of respect and whatnot...I see a hug and an apology coming your way soon...maybe even an invite to the Spring Dance, you lucky gal!

I'm good these days, but I've been up there in weight before (so no, this isn't just some attack at random, DB doth speak from experience) and the last time I felt "shamed" was grade 5, but I kicked the fucker in his face and that was the end of that.


Active member
Jul 12, 2006
But then the anorexics restore the average.

And, FYI, the mean, the median, and the mode of a sample are all averages. Any one of these measures can legitimately be used when quoting an 'average' number. These different averages can get used and misused to advance agendas. It is critical to be critical when statistics (or anything else) are being presented to you. Understand exactly how the sample was chosen, how it was measured, etc...

A great primer is 'How to Lie With Statistics' by Daryl Huff. It's now in its 40th printing or something like that. It was first published in the 30's so the examples of annual and hourly wages are way outdated, but the lessons are still valid.
Stating an average is quite meaningless without also stating the standard deviation (of the mean). The comment about the walking skeletons offsetting the morbidly obese presupposes a uniform distribution of the data set.

As thirdcup points it is easy to lie with statistics. Which gives rise to the line of "There's lies, damned lies and statistics."



No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
Instead of all of you arguing here why don't you watch the video I posted, it will answer all your
questions on, wtf is happening to us. Educate yourselves instead of arguing. Its a long video but well worth the time. This is no ones fault! But our food industry.

Viggo Rasmussen

New member
Feb 5, 2010
We all have an Achilles heel.
Jessica may be strong willed in regards to diet and exercise, but she's a helpless weakling with her filthy cigarette habit.

Me, I'm too weak to call her out except online.


Active member
Jul 15, 2013
Her place
We all have an Achilles heel.
Jessica may be strong willed in regards to diet and exercise, but she's a helpless weakling with her filthy cigarette habit.

Me, I'm too weak to call her out except online.
Hahaha :thumb: Self awareness is a wonderful thing


May 2, 2014
So... I should just start kicking people in the face? Ain't nobody got time for that. Instead I will just chose to listen to the glorious comments from the men in my life and walk with my head held high knowing I got a lot more working for me than my body, though my body IS a wonderland ;)

Last I checked, deep fried shit takes no less time to chew...

We do? Where do you live, on the set of a kids' movie? If so, on the plus side (see what I did there ;) ) the bullies will meet an oddly wise homeless man soon to show them the ways of respect and whatnot...I see a hug and an apology coming your way soon...maybe even an invite to the Spring Dance, you lucky gal!

I'm good these days, but I've been up there in weight before (so no, this isn't just some attack at random, DB doth speak from experience) and the last time I felt "shamed" was grade 5, but I kicked the fucker in his face and that was the end of that.


Active member
Jul 15, 2013
Her place
So... I should just start kicking people in the face? Ain't nobody got time for that. Instead I will just chose to listen to the glorious comments from the men in my life and walk with my head held high knowing I got a lot more working for me than my body, though my body IS a wonderland ;) certainly seems that (not being an advertiser aside) you have a following and do quite well for yourself, with a head held high no less. Which goes back to the where is all this shaming we ALL know about?

Also, I hope you aren't either 11 years old or still for whatever reason in elementary school. Sorry my point went right over that upheld head, but the kick wasn't it. The point was that contrary to your belief that we seemingly ALL know...we don't


May 2, 2014
Well, that is just sad than. It happens daily, yes I hold my head high but it is against a slew of nasty looks and comments on a daily basis. And threads like this everywhere I go. All you have to do is flip on the tv to catch news about how some young girl killed herself because her peers were calling her fat everyday, or flip to Mike and Molly where apparently the only way a fat person will find love is at an over eaters meeting with another fat person. Or any movie that actress is in as the single comedic relief supporting cast, because hey, fat girls do not get to be leading stars!
Did your comment go over my head? No. Not at all. But I really did not think anyone would be so daft as to say that people are not aware of how much fat shaming exists in our society. certainly seems that (not being an advertiser aside) you have a following and do quite well for yourself, with a head held high no less. Which goes back to the where is all this shaming we ALL know about?

Also, I hope you aren't either 11 years old or still for whatever reason in elementary school. Sorry my point went right over that upheld head, but the kick wasn't it. The point was that contrary to your belief that we seemingly ALL know...we don't


Aug 3, 2006
On the Edge
This is no ones fault! But our food industry.
Bullshit. We all have a choice regarding what we stuff in our face, and how often we do it. Eating healthy, on any budget or life schedule is VERY doable. Truth is that many North Americans have simply become lazy, creatures of convenience and minimum effort, and have lost any sense of willpower to take control of their own lives. There is no excuse for becoming a nation of apathetic sheep.


May 2, 2014
Thanks for supporting my last comment with this vile.

Bullshit. We all have a choice regarding what we stuff in our face, and how often we do it. Eating healthy, on any budget or life schedule is VERY doable. Truth is that many North Americans have simply become lazy, creatures of convenience and low effort, and have lost any sense of willpower to take control of their own lives. There is no excuse for becoming a nation of apathetic sheep.


May 2, 2014
It is ignorant to the majority of reasons why people may be obese. As Jessica said, she has hypothyroid issues, for her she has been able to find a system that works for her. She is fortunate, to say that those who have not found a system that works for them are just lazy is ridiculous. I am sure it took her time to figure out what foods work for her and what foods do not. To simply over generalize by saying everyone who is big eats junk food is obnoxious. Myself, as I mentioned I have a problem with under eating, and I rarely eat fast food or junk food. I also have a congenital heart defect which makes high impact cardio difficult for me. There are many health factors that do not show on the surface and blanket statements like yours rarely take those into consideration.

Sorry? What exactly is so vile about what I posted?


Active member
Jul 15, 2013
Her place
Sorry? What exactly is so vile about what I posted?
I'm thinking its a just a very touchy subject for her and defensive responses are made before the comment in question is processed.
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