The average America female


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
Exactly. The biggest lie, being the health benefits of consuming massive amounts of dairy products. The Milk Marketing Board had done a real number on Canadians by way of their pressure tactics on government and health agencies. Dairy is not an essential food group.
Thank you for bringing this up.

Here's another falsehood on what we need in our diet as we get older . After the age of 3 or 4, milk is no longer needed in the childs diet as he has the capacity to eat solids. Thats right solids.
Another fact is, do any of you realise what they add in milk for extended shelf life? Antibiotics !!!!


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008


Active member
Mar 29, 2010
Low intensity - long distance runs were proven better for weight loss; easier on joints as well. Fatties making excuses about how they can't lose weight because majority of them don't ever try for long enough. You won't see results in days, you'll gradually see the fat peeling off in weeks/months.

Finding a diet is easy, sticking with the routine of daily activities/proper eating is where most people fail. Calorie deficit and calories increase, simple concept. If you're eating more than you burn, cut down on food intake. If you want to gain lean muscle/healthier physique UP THE CALORIE INTAKE. I may be speaking out of my ass, but a majority of woman today believe if you lift weights you'll be turn into some manly looking chick. HUGE misconception, it'd take you years/decades of lifting/juice to ever become 'manly'.

If you're not willing to take care of your body and accept that you're a bit over-weight and continue to eat like shit. That's on you. I'd say a majority of over-weight individuals didn't have an eating disorder until they became fat.. Shit doesn't just happen over-night unless you were genetically fucked from the get-go. If you choose to be fat, more power to you. Just don't automatically start judging the skinny healthy looking females for being anorexic or purging after meals. Some people care about health and longevity of mind and body.
I lost my weight by following a nutritionist's plan for anyone who would like to see it. It was more food than I have ever eaten before. The uncanny thing is there is little difference between the maintenance plan and the losing weight plan just a few bites. I always have to be vigilant. It has been three years now. People think they have to go on some exotic diet or eat just protein when it is just basic common sense and eating a lot of vegetables. The key is in being prepared and knowing in advance what you are going to eat, writing it down for the day so you are not hovering at the fridge door and weighing and measuring yout food, drinking 8 glasses of water and exercising. And it doesn't have to be strenuous exercise either- you can start with just walking and a few sit ups and push ups. You don't have to belong to a gym or have a personal trainer. Keep it simple and if you want my nutritionist's plan then please feel free to pm me.


Active member
Mar 29, 2010
When school cafeterias serve up fries and gravy for lunch, they have Pepsi machines, and taking gym is optional - the kids are doomed.
That is really disgusting when you think about it. When I went to shcool, phys ed was not optional. These entitled kids will be immersed with health problems at a young age. Has Phys. Ed become politically incorrect?


Rico Suave
Oct 3, 2013
So close and yet so far.
There are no magic pills. It's just a way to steal your money for crap that doesn't do anything.

The only way to lose weight is by eating a sensible diet and exercising. That's the only magic that works.

I've been overweight most of my life, and I'm sorry that it took so long for me to come to my senses. I didn't follow any nutritionist's plan (not that there's anything wrong with that), I just reduced my portions, started eating salads instead of french fries, and started walking, an hour a day. I usually walk at 5:30 a.m. just as it's getting light outside. In the winter (especially the last one, which as you recall, was brutal) I walk in the mall just before the stores open. I figure I'm too old to start running or jogging, but I walk as hard, and as fast as I can.

I'm less than a year away from 60, and I have more energy and pep than I've ever had in my life. A year ago I honestly didn't think I'd make it to 70--now I don't see why I wouldn't live into my 90's. At least, that's the plan. Look out ladies--you may be seeing me in your beds for another 30 years...

foxxxy lady

Supporting Member
Oct 12, 2009
There are no magic pills. It's just a way to steal your money for crap that doesn't do anything.

The only way to lose weight is by eating a sensible diet and exercising. That's the only magic that works.

I've been overweight most of my life, and I'm sorry that it took so long for me to come to my senses. I didn't follow any nutritionist's plan (not that there's anything wrong with that), I just reduced my portions, started eating salads instead of french fries, and started walking, an hour a day. I usually walk at 5:30 a.m. just as it's getting light outside. In the winter (especially the last one, which as you recall, was brutal) I walk in the mall just before the stores open. I figure I'm too old to start running or jogging, but I walk as hard, and as fast as I can.

I'm less than a year away from 60, and I have more energy and pep than I've ever had in my life. A year ago I honestly didn't think I'd make it to 70--now I don't see why I wouldn't live into my 90's. At least, that's the plan. Look out ladies--you may be seeing me in your beds for another 30 years...
I am sincerely truly happy for you, you must feel great about this lifestyle change, and no Im', not trying to get in your pants, I just admire you for the hard work. keep it up

xo:faint:thats how I feel before a workout ,but after I feel awesome


Active member
Mar 29, 2010
One girl was so fat that her ass had it's own ass and her ass's ass was bigger than normal.
This is really disgusting so don't read it if you have a weak stomach: My girlfriend was interning to become an MD and one day a hugely obese lady was admitted for an ailment. Anyway, my girlfriend found maggots festering under her fat skin folds. She had to leave and went and threw up. Doctors see a lot and don't throw up but this one pushed the vomit barometer.

Kilgore Trout

Active member
Oct 18, 2008
I read a news story a couple of years ago which basically said the average 30 year old American woman today weighs 25 pounds more than her mother did at the same age.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
I read a news story a couple of years ago which basically said the average 30 year old American woman today weighs 25 pounds more than her mother did at the same age.
This Is also true of 30 year old men today. Many are affected by this epidemic, men, women and children.
Last edited:


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
I read a news story a couple of years ago which basically said the average 30 year old American woman today weighs 25 pounds more than her mother did at the same age.
You see the change watching older movies and photos of crowd scenes and school photos.
I am sincerely truly happy for you, you must feel great about this lifestyle change, and no Im', not trying to get in your pants, I just admire you for the hard work. keep it up

xo:faint:thats how I feel before a workout ,but after I feel awesome
Yes! This is what people who don't exercise don't get - working out doesn't leave you tired, but energized and feeling great!

I had similar experience to bolt.upright, although I used to be active, really chubbed out in my 40s and into 50s. Woke up tired, ate crap, went to sleep tired, had digestive problems and poor sleep. Then one day I had a 'moment' of realization. Went through kitchen threw out all the cookies and chips, studied nutrition, changed diet, started exercising. Now in my 50s I have more energy than a couple of decade ago, and improved every physical aspect of life and have done a whole bunch of endurance events - Ironman, Gran Fondo, and other fun stuff.
ps. sex is a lot better when you're fit :wink:


Mar 31, 2009
It's not so much that you are fat but where you are fat. Many fat women have fat bums and thighs which is less concerning than fat abdomens.


New member
Nov 16, 2011
This is really disgusting so don't read it if you have a weak stomach: My girlfriend was interning to become an MD and one day a hugely obese lady was admitted for an ailment. Anyway, my girlfriend found maggots festering under her fat skin folds. She had to leave and went and threw up. Doctors see a lot and don't throw up but this one pushed the vomit barometer.
wow already half way to the grave.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Why does mainstream media promote the idea that there is an epidemic of eating disorders that cause women to lose too much weight? The media promotes images of beautiful women, and then brings on a few freaks (an almost non-existent minority of women) who have eating disorders that makes them do crazy things to stay skinny.

If being too skinny was actually a societal problem for women, every second woman walking the streets would have the body of a cheerleader at best, or a sickly runway model at worst. But this isn't the case at all. Not even close. The epidemic is obesity. The message that women should be sexy and LEAN isn't getting through to them even after being bombarded with media 24/7 of gorgeous women that take care of their bodies.

It's a crazy thought but maybe the mainstream media should begin bombarding us with obese women on ALL tv commercials, tv shows, movies, posters, and it might cause this generation of women, who are mostly obese, to lose weight.

Putting on a small minority of freaks with eating disorders on TV gives obese women an excuse to eat and feel superior for eating too much. They can point to the sickly women on TV with eating disorders (who are so rare it doesn't even register in society) and proudly declare that at least they don't have an eating disorder; right before taking another bite out of a huge bowl of nachos covered in gravy.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Look, I don't have the body of a ripped hunk, but I'm not going to blame anybody for that except myself. I can eat better and exercise more if that's what I want. I'm in control of what I eat. Although I'm not obese, if most people find me less attractive because I'm not a ripped hunk, it's understandable. If they like me regardless, great. But we go to movies, watch tv shows, and buy magazines that showcase fit people because that's primarily what most people desire physically - AND it's healthier.

The rates of increasing obesity should be a wake up call but it won't be. It hasn't worked for the past few decades and it won't now. At the end of the day, when it comes to food, most humans act on instinct - like chickens in a chicken coop. The more food you provide to them, the more they eat. If we imported every starving African into North America tomorrow, a year from now the overwhelming majority of them would be obese swimming in a sea of poutine and donuts.
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