East Indian is the new Black?


Lucky lil Monkey...
Nov 18, 2009
Out being curious
I was in Las Vegas for a buddy's stag and there was about 10 of us, a few in our group are EI. I am Asian. We went to a strip club..."Rhino" I think it was called. As soon as I entered the place, I was literally attacked by all the faked boobed strippers asking me if I would like a dance. None of the EI's in my party were approached by any of the ladies. What does that tell you?
Not what you think it tells me..

there are a 2 asian guys in our little crew, 2 spanish no EI, the rest are mostly white..we're all pretty good looking, but they still go to the asians when we hit a sc...why? (From my experience only) because they cant say no to any girl unless she is fugly and usually end up spending a small fortune..the rest of us know when to stop or say no

By no means are any of us cheap..we just aren't easy targets..
At clubs its the opposite...no girls or no good looking girls for asian bros...

Back to the topic now..


Active member
Aug 3, 2009
Nothing wrong with SPs having certain restrictions and I respect their preferences. Assholes come in all shapes, size and color.

I wouldn't want to have a session with a SP who would be turned off by my ethnicity and thereby ruin the experience for both of us.


Active member
Sep 1, 2001
I'm not sure why it's such a big issue with some of you guys here. Would it be better if you booked an appointment, arrived, only to have a subpar session because she's not into you? At least, the SP warns you and you don't waste your money. It blows my mind how some people don't see that, instead you cry racism.


Upstanding Member
Aug 23, 2012
Nothing wrong with SPs having certain restrictions and I respect their preferences. Assholes come in all shapes, size and color.

I wouldn't want to have a session with a SP who would be turned off by my ethnicity and thereby ruin the experience for both of us.
I'm not sure why it's such a big issue with some of you guys here. Would it be better if you booked an appointment, arrived, only to have a subpar session because she's not into you? At least, the SP warns you and you don't waste your money. It blows my mind how some people don't see that, instead you cry racism.
From the comments so far in this thread, nobody has cried racism. In fact this thread (unlike some others) has been remarkably even keel, even with some negative stereotypes about EIs being thrown around. Some EI guys are calling out the assholes in their community that spoil it for the rest of them. (I wish every community would do this, whether based on ethnicity, religion, political affiliation, etc)

There doesn't seem to be an issue with a lady having a preference and stating that to avoid wasting her and the client's time. It's just odd that Aubrey didn't state this restriction before, but does now after being on the scene for many months. Not a big deal. Just a curiosity.


May 21, 2013
Not what you think it tells me..

At clubs its the opposite...no girls or no good looking girls for asian bros...
I beg to differ, if you ever see me at muzik I can easily get any girl, its all about the height and social proof, walkin in without even paying for cover nor showing id, you wish you could see the looks on their faces when they start gettin wet, that look tho
but bro, some just dont make it, lifting weights changed my life


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2005
Directly above the center of the earth


No racist or homophobic comments or personal attacks, you've all been warned!


Aug 3, 2006
On the Edge
I think it's important to separate physicality from personality and behaviour. Behaviorally, huge assholes come in every flavor of cultural and ethnic background, so singling out EI men seems an unfair stretch, at least for me, although I have heard the 'old school' mentality of many new citizens arriving in North America from many different countries of origin can make the sexual male/female connection challenging at times. This also though, is not confined only to EI men. There are many European and Asian countries who's social attitudes and comportment towards women (particularly more aggressive, or demeaning attitudes) could use a boost into the 21st century and more modern civilization.

Physically, there are attributes associated with every ethnic group that some women will find appealing (eyes, hair, skin, lips, musculature, height, shape) and others will not. Again, pretty tough to generalize there, as taste is pretty subjective, and I suppose EI men have the same crap shoot as every other guy out there in this regard. But, in the same bucket of physicality comes the unavoidable North American perception of cleanliness and hygiene. It's unfortunate, but some ethnicities and cultures, and in particular the EI culture, maintain varying degrees of personal hygiene (frequency of showers/bathing; use of soap, shampoo, or not; heavy perfumes; etc.) and are typically very fond of spice-rich diets. Together, these personal and culturally derived 'habits', which are generally acquired as part of an individual's cultural upbringing, can result in an overly strong personal scent which, again subjectively speaking, may lead women to believe the individual is not entirely clean. I've heard many ladies tell me that multiple encounters with more severe cases has left an unfavorable and unappealing impression on the whole, and as a result, they no longer see guys from similar perceived backgrounds to avoid any possibility of a disappointing/challenging repeat occurrence.


The Chiseler
Jan 4, 2008
They are not selling cigarettes. They are selling their bodies. They have every right to choose who they don't want to have sex with. Imagine if you had to have sex with whoever comes knocking on your door. Case closed.


Lucky lil Monkey...
Nov 18, 2009
Out being curious
I beg to differ, if you ever see me at muzik I can easily get any girl, its all about the height and social proof, walkin in without even paying for cover nor showing id, you wish you could see the looks on their faces when they start gettin wet, that look tho
but bro, some just dont make it, lifting weights changed my life
If you read what i wrote..i said from my experience only and i meant with my friends..not asians in general


Active member
Mar 29, 2010
In my experience, I've received two kinds of E.I. clients.

1) The older ones (40yrs+)
- not born in Canada and have not embraced Western culture.
-poor hygiene even after a shower and rarely manscaped.
-aggressive attitude and very little respect for boundaries
-haggle rates

2) The younger ones (25-35yrs)
-Canadian born or Westernized
-proper hygiene
-easy going and respectful
-no haggling

For the most part I do not see E.I. clients unless I have a chance to speak with them first.
Saves me the headache.
I agree with this as the young men are delightful.


Aug 25, 2008
We tend to generalize everyday in various situations.

It appears that most of the posts here are referring to Indian men short changing the SPs. I dont think it is about anything but money as a service is being sold.


Mar 24, 2010
I feel stuck in the middle! I am not under 35, nor over 40!

But I am an EI not born in Canada...but I was born and raised in London, England so my British accent is a benefit in my personal/professional life.

I too have had the experience when I go to SCs and my Asian friend and white friend seem to get all the attention!

I agree with Manni that the 'sterotype' and some of the punters that fit the stereotype, spoil it for the rest of us. Actually, I think it is indicative of society at large...

But I think it will be different for my kids...hope so anyway!

People just need to create with different skin types so there is no colour anymore and we're all one big cocktail mix of backgrounds!

Lily Divine

Short timer
Oct 14, 2013
In my experience, I've received two kinds of E.I. clients.

1) The older ones (40yrs+)
- not born in Canada and have not embraced Western culture.
-poor hygiene even after a shower and rarely manscaped.
-aggressive attitude and very little respect for boundaries
-haggle rates

2) The younger ones (25-35yrs)
-Canadian born or Westernized
-proper hygiene
-easy going and respectful
-no haggling

For the most part I do not see E.I. clients unless I have a chance to speak with them first.
Saves me the headache.
I know exceptions to rule one, and find most regardless of age fit at least 3 out of 4 points for rule two.

I think many experience what we do: E.I. do either haggle for HALF price over the phone ..... OR show up & haggle offering 1/2 or 2/3 the fee. Big waste of time , rude, NOT COOL !!! :mad:
I've heard about these situations from other women, and even the men I see frequently have commented on this matter. Though admittedly I must not appeal to those who behave in this manner. I am not trying to say it cannot happen but I will say I likely find I encounter less issues due to limited availability, and the fact that I approach an encounter differently.

Ethnicity is such a hot topic, and from my point of view is so irrelevant that it should never be a factor. Things that should factor in would be attitude, respect, and manners. Then again what do I know?

Oh and for the record:

90% of the E.I. gentlemen I have seen have not only failed to haggle... but tipped or repeated so frequently without ever questioning my rates, etc. that I genuinely end up with a shocked look on my face if I hear about it.


Sep 18, 2012
I wonder why there isn't any restriction for white or Caucasian males? Some of the ethnic SPs are whitewashed or have some inferiority complex! Fucking white men to them is a success, as if white men's dick is gold coated SMH!! And yes there are many rude white men customers but those chicks don't discriminate white men, most spa are tricked with silly white supremacy ideology!


Jan 19, 2010
Yoni.. bud calm down lol. Assholes come from ALL ethnic groups. But look at it this way(this is me making up numbers off the top of my head), GTA is composed of 50% - WHITE, 20% - Asian, 15%- Black, 15%- Indian.

So majority of your clients would be white, so why on EARTH would a women refuse to see white men, it makes absolute 0 sense.

My rule of thumb is when booking a new sp, I let them know I'm East Indian, if they have a problem, thats great because it lets me know beforehand and I won't be wasting money or time on them. Accept and respect their decisions, there are tons of other girls who would gladly love to meet you.


New member
Aug 16, 2011
I wonder why there isn't any restriction for white or Caucasian males? Some of the ethnic SPs are whitewashed or have some inferiority complex! Fucking white men to them is a success, as if white men's dick is gold coated SMH!! And yes there are many rude white men customers but those chicks don't discriminate white men, most spa are tricked with silly white supremacy ideology!
Some Asian girls have restriction: ASIANS ONLY
Believe it or not,the girl can bail out of a session if she does not like who she saw through the peephole on the door!
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