Do you accept Rob Ford's apology?

Do you accept Rob Ford's apology?

  • Yes

    Votes: 18 29.0%
  • No

    Votes: 44 71.0%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
Liberals won therefore all is forgiven. Ford wins he is vindicated loses vanquished.
Excuse me for sounding like a little league coach, but not everything in life is about winning every single point.

Sometimes in life, you have to do the right thing.

For example, George W Bush and Barry Obama both won two terms, but both are the worst and second worst presidents of the pass 100 years. Not sure who is worst, but they are.

Their policies were dumb. They could not do the right thing. That they won, does not absolve them of a rancid legacy.

All Ford is going to remembered for in actual job performance is repealing the hated vehicle registration tax from the Miller regime, talking his departed buddy the Honourable Flarety into subway funding, and contracting out garbage.

What is Liberal job performance? Bush and Obama, that's what.

Rob - apologize again for the drugs!



Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
Ford was making lots of phone calls while in rehab. But he waited until the media was assembled and the cameras were rolling to make a statement of apology about his comments on Karen Stintz. He didn't apology to her, he just used the media to make it seem that he was sorry.

He's a piece of shit. And for a career politician he seems to have zero interest in politics, history, social studies, finance, a vision for the city, or anything we expect from politicians. 60 days vacation and he had plenty of time to pose for selfies, and fool around with Leeann McRobb, but could not be bothered to open one book on anything involving his chosen profession or to come up with any sort of game plan for his moribund campaign.
His apology and interviews showed no growth, no advancement, just the same old shit. And it's really not his fault, because alcoholism is a disease! Even his racist comments were not his fault, it's the disease talking not him. Such bullshit.
He has refused to accept any consequences for his actions. That's not apology, it's just more of the same old 'ah come on give me another chance.'

He's supposedly sober now yet still refusing to talk to the police regarding his information on crack dealers and gun smugglers. That alone makes him unfit to be mayor, to have our trust, and to claim that he has changed.


Sep 25, 2013
Excuse me for sounding like a little league coach, but not everything in life is about winning every single point.

Sometimes in life, you have to do the right thing.

For example, George W Bush and Barry Obama both won two terms, but both are the worst and second worst presidents of the pass 100 years. Not sure who is worst, but they are.

Their policies were dumb. They could not do the right thing. That they won, does not absolve them of a rancid legacy.

All Ford is going to remembered for in actual job performance is repealing the hated vehicle registration tax from the Miller regime, talking his departed buddy the Honourable Flarety into subway funding, and contracting out garbage.

What is Liberal job performance? Bush and Obama, that's what.

Rob - apologize again for the drugs!

Apparently 24% of the population agree with you and want the asshole back.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Had he returned for the Pride Parade dressed as Baby Huey then I might believe him - nay.


Jan 31, 2005
That is still low level, bush league antics.
Sorry, but Toronto has real problems with gang violence and criminality. Having the Mayor promoting street gangs by cavorting with them in public, promoting drug dealers by hiring them to sit in high offices in city hall -- it is a disgrace.

Once organized criminals get control over major functions at city hall it is game over. This is serious business.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Sorry, but Toronto has real problems with gang violence and criminality. Having the Mayor promoting street gangs by cavorting with them in public, promoting drug dealers by hiring them to sit in high offices in city hall -- it is a disgrace.

Once organized criminals get control over major functions at city hall it is game over. This is serious business.
Fuji you sound like a drama queen here. When are you going to get over the fact Ford won a democratic election and he has a groundswell of popularity due to his populist policies. Since day 1 you've been blasting him. He's admitted his faults, he doesn't sugar coat anything and he's worked hard for many yrs on council. Harder than anyone there. He's also donated his money and countless hours to helping kids in the community.

Yes he fucked up as Mayor. He embarrassed the city. But he also got people talking about Toronto again. A by-product of this is increased tourism to the city. I won't vote for him again but I accept his apology. I sincerely hope he gets his life in order and becomes a productive member of society again.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Fuji you sound like a drama queen here. When are you going to get over the fact Ford won a democratic election and he has a groundswell of popularity due to his populist policies. Since day 1 you've been blasting him. He's admitted his faults, he doesn't sugar coat anything and he's worked hard for many yrs on council. Harder than anyone there. He's also donated his money and countless hours to helping kids in the community.

Yes he fucked up as Mayor. He embarrassed the city. But he also got people talking about Toronto again. A by-product of this is increased tourism to the city. I won't vote for him again but I accept his apology. I sincerely hope he gets his life in order and becomes a productive member of society again.
Utterly laughable comments about a complete and utter disgrace.

He has admitted the barest of his multitude of sins and only when completely cornered with video or photographic evidence. And he stilled tried and tried and tried to deny or otherwise schluff off such evidence.

His sugar coating is in the form of bombast.

Lazy fucktard. Easily the laziest member of council for over a decade.

The kids? Which kids? The ones he calls criminals, fatherless minorities, the ones he wants do banish from the city? The ones he wants to be homeless, fend for themselves? Or are you talking about HIS KIDS, the gangbangers, criminals, drug dealers?

He hasn't caused people to talk about Toronto except maybe to question the collective sanity of it's citizens.


Nov 5, 2005
The time for apologies is long gone. If the fat fuck had any honour he would have resigned a long time ago rather than subject the city and country to international ridicule. He is not in the least bit sorry for anything.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
Sorry, but Toronto has real problems with gang violence and criminality. Having the Mayor promoting street gangs by cavorting with them in public, promoting drug dealers by hiring them to sit in high offices in city hall -- it is a disgrace.

Once organized criminals get control over major functions at city hall it is game over. This is serious business.
Meh ... I feel like I am still being extorted by the unions down there as I type this message right now!

Unless you can prove the man behind the curtain is actually Don Vito Corleone and not Doug Ford, then you got something.

Next, an affidavit is needed so that Integrity Commissioner Janet Leper can start her investigation. Clayton Ruby will be co-counsel. Chief Blair will supply the evidence.

Sounds like kangaroo court, don't it?!



Nov 5, 2005
But he also got people talking about Toronto again. A by-product of this is increased tourism to the city. I won't vote for him again but I accept his apology. I sincerely hope he gets his life in order and becomes a productive member of society again.
Yes, I'm sure Toronto suddenly figures in many people's itineraries because the chief magistrate is an obese, drug-addled alcoholic liar and all around piece of shit with yellow teeth. Give your head a good and hard shake.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Meh ... I feel like I am still being extorted by the unions down there as I type this message right now!

Unless you can prove the man behind the curtain is actually Don Vito Corleone and not Doug Ford, then you got something.

Next, an affidavit is needed so that Integrity Commissioner Janet Leper can start her investigation. Clayton Ruby will be co-counsel. Chief Blair will supply the evidence.

Sounds like kangaroo court, don't it?!

Basically what the Fraud brood and Fraud Nation thinks about Toronto.


Jan 31, 2005
Fuji you sound like a drama queen here. When are you going to get over the fact Ford won a democratic election and he has a groundswell of popularity due to his populist policies. Since day 1 you've been blasting him. He's admitted his faults, he doesn't sugar coat anything and he's worked hard for many yrs on council. Harder than anyone there.

He has not worked hard on council, he has been the least hard working mayor in history. He skipped council to play football and booked off in the afternoons to get high after coming in to work late. More importantly, he failed to deliver on any file after the first six months. Other people did all the work and in the end they had to strip his powers just to keep the city running.


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
Yeah now that Ford is using the "I got a disease" excuse he admitted to Warmington that he would roll in late to work due to hangovers.

In any other job, long ago he'd have been fired or forced to step down.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Yeah now that Ford is using the "I got a disease" excuse he admitted to Warmington that he would roll in late to work due to hangovers.

In any other job, long ago he'd have been fired or forced to step down.
All I have to say to this is I'm glad my father's workplace didn't abandon him those many years ago. They infact payed for his outpatient rehab. I've seen very up close and personal what happens, and the change that can occur with sobriety.

It amazes me the culture of public shaming that now occurs. Truly.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
All I have to say to this is I'm glad my father's workplace didn't abandon him those many years ago. They infact payed for his outpatient rehab. I've seen very up close and personal what happens, and the change that can occur with sobriety.

It amazes me the culture of public shaming that now occurs. Truly.
Ford is trying to prime his 'disease' as a whitewash coating explanation of the disease of a human being that he is and it isn't working!

His preferred explanation of his 'disease' is but a symptom or an outlet of his rotting core.

And that is the massive public shaming that he is attempting to inflict upon us all.

Goddammit you frikkin apologists, the vileness, the deceit, the bullying and vindictive nature of this beast as expressed through his thoughts, words, actions, policies cannot, simply cannot be simply excused as having solely and singularly occurred because of his so-called 'disease'.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
That Rob Ford-shaped hole? Toronto is not eager to fill it

by Ivor Tossell , Special to The Globe and Mail

Last updated Thursday, Jul. 03 2014, 7:00 PM EDT

Ivor Tossell is the author of The Gift of Ford: Rob Ford: How Toronto’s Unlikeliest Man Became its Most Notorious Mayor.

Only Rob Ford. Only Rob Ford could go to rehab and come back so resolutely, irrepressibly, catastrophically Rob Ford.

For a few breathtaking minutes upon his return, it seemed like things might be different. His voice cracked. He paused meaningfully. For a moment, it really seemed like he was going to show us a side of Rob Ford we hadn’t seen before.

And then he launched into a speech that, unfortunately for everyone, was identical in tone and substance to the one he gave the last time around, after he confessed to smoking crack last November.

Rob Ford in November: “I know I embarrassed everyone in this city and I will be forever sorry. There is only one person to blame for this and that is myself.”

Rob Ford this week: “I am ashamed, embarrassed, and humiliated. I was wrong, and I have no one to blame but myself.”

Rob Ford in November: “In 2010, I made a commitment to Toronto voters. I have delivered on that commitment and I will continue to deliver on the commitment of saving taxpayers money.”

Rob Ford this week: “When I was elected in 2010, I promised to stop the gravy train. We’ve moved away from the tax and spend ways of the past, and changed the culture of city hall…”

Rob Ford in November: “Folks, I have nothing left to hide… I want to be clear, I want to be crystal clear to every single person, these mistakes will never, ever, ever happen again.”

Rob Ford, this week: “Good afternoon, everyone…”

It takes a certain skill to spend 60 days in rehab and come out sounding so unchanged. But then, consistency has always been Mr. Ford’s greatest strength: People keep confusing it for honesty.

Once again, Mr. Ford went to enormous pains to take full responsibility for all of his actions, so long as it didn’t mean accepting anything resembling a consequence. He insisted once again that he’ll “never be able to change the mistakes that I have made in the past” – if only he could turn back time, like Cher astride a battleship. I don’t think he fooled anyone. If Rob Ford really did get his hands on a time machine, his record on bigotry wouldn’t change, but pictures of him at mid-70’s Super Bowls would start showing up in old issues of Sports Illustrated.

Ever since the press conference, he’s been running around the city refusing to address the flea circus of questions that dance around him. Instead, he’s reacted the same way as ever: He digs a trench around whichever story he’s currently hewing to, and refuses to be dragged from it. When circumstances, or occasionally cellphone video taken by gang members, force a change in dogma, he simply digs a new trench and settles in there. The new trench looks like this: Everything he said and did can be attributed to his “disease,” as such, even the string of ethnic slurs so long and awful that when the Toronto Star tried printing a dashed-out version, it came out looking like morse code. Rob Ford has swapped one kind of denial for another.

At the time of Mr. Ford’s departure, there was widespread apprehension that rehab would form the platform for a redemption narrative, and a shield he could use to explain away the sins of his old self. That’s not what’s transpired. Instead, rehab raised the stakes: Torontonians might have been willing to give Rob Ford a hearing after his break, but when they heard the same contradictory dodges and denials, compassion quickly transmuted into frustration.

On his weekend tour of Canada Day festivities, Mr. Ford did not find himself greeted as a liberator as he straggled after a parade with a little entourage. Instead, he was alternately cheered and jeered, heckled by onlookers, berated by a handsome shirtless jogger, pecs rippling with civic outrage, who was quickly co-opted into an icon of patriotic resistance.

Instead of a positive media outreach, Mr. Ford faced one calamity after another. For this, we can thank the other bad habit that rehab won’t rid you of: your brother. Even before Rob Ford stepped in front of the cameras, Doug Ford’s McCarthyite incompetence was already dragging things back to the status quo.

First off, Doug picked a gratuitous fight with the media by excluding half of them from a press conference at which his brother got heckled anyway. He called one female reporter a “jihadi.” The Ford campaign promised interviews to everyone, then repeatedly cancelled most of them. Doug went on the offensive against the shirtless jogger – “a bad apple” – explaining that his attack on the mayor was racist, because “you can be racist against people that eat little red apples, you can be racist against people that have a drinking problem, you can be racist against people that are too fat.”

Doug is like King Midas’s least-beloved cousin: everything he touches turns into a tire fire.

Rob Ford went to rehab to combat substance abuse, and like everyone, I hope it takes. But substance abuse wasn’t the problem that Torontonians had with Rob Ford. The problem is that he has the moral bearings of a toddler.

In that sense, nothing has changed. What has changed is the city around him. Anger is rising. Anger is manifesting itself. Anger is taking off its shirt and going for a jog.

Going away to rehab had one other unexpected consequence: It gave Torontonians a taste of how much of a relief it was not to have Rob Ford in town. You could go to parades he wasn’t around to boycott, or sports games he wasn’t around to belligerently disrupt then deny belligerently disrupting. Sometimes you’d hear from the deputy mayor, bless him, who appeared to think there was more to the job than recreational pugilism. It felt like living in a city for a change, instead of being trapped inside an existential knot. And if it felt that good for two months, just imagine it for four years.

Consider it a teaser of better things to come. Whether or not he gets a bump in the polls, Rob Ford’s return won’t be the start of his comeback run. He’s still himself. Rob Ford went away to rehab, and Rob Ford came back.


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
AdamH;4966988If I found out one of my friends was a Rob Ford supporter then I'd lose a shit ton of respect for them as a human being.[/QUOTE said:
That is pretty shallow.

I did not support the Wynn government who in my opinion have a worse track record than Ford, but I have a lot of friends who voted for her and it has not and will not change our personal relationships and the level of respect I have for them.


Nov 5, 2005
All I have to say to this is I'm glad my father's workplace didn't abandon him those many years ago. They infact payed for his outpatient rehab. I've seen very up close and personal what happens, and the change that can occur with sobriety.

It amazes me the culture of public shaming that now occurs. Truly.
Civic leadership is not the place for an active alcoholic and drug user. What happens to drug addicts and alcoholics in the private sector is neither here nor there. Joe Blow at your dad's company isn't the head of a government. It's interesting how lovey-dovey and oh-so-compassionate you feel towards Ford. I truly wonder what you would be saying if Ford came from the left? You were probably one of the people harping about Smitherman's past drug use. Ford apologists and media sycophants like Joe Warmington are like the co-dependent spouse of some horribly abusive alcoholic.


Nov 5, 2005
That is pretty shallow.

I did not support the Wynn government who in my opinion have a worse track record than Ford, but I have a lot of friends who voted for her and it has not and will not change our personal relationships and the level of respect I have for them.
You are hopelessly blinded by your political views if you think Wynne or any other Canadian leader has a worse track record than Ford. No Canadian leader past or present comes anywhere close to Ford's record of clusterfucks and buffoonery. He is a disgrace to the city and country and if he were truly sorry and in recovery he would step aside and not hold the city hostage until October.


New member
Aug 9, 2011
Phoenix Az
Whether or not you believe Blob Ford's apology is irrelevant. If Toronto wants to retain any credibility in the world he has to go, no question. Re-electing a guy with his issues is a mistake I hope Toronto will avoid. The opinion of an outsider looking in.
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