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Paul Bernardo to marry?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
The silver lining - Were it not for Bernardo, Ms Crazy-as-Fuck would be dating some unsuspecting, normal, decent male human being.


Jan 31, 2005
Oh look the sick egitistical fuck found a way to get his name back in the news. Fuck him, he is not worth discussing.


Mar 31, 2009
During the penalty phase of the trial, Bundy took advantage of an obscure Florida law providing that a marriage declaration in court, in the presence of a judge, constituted a legal marriage. As he was questioning former Washington State DES coworker Carole Ann Boone—who had moved to Florida to be near Bundy, had testified on his behalf during both trials, and was again testifying on his behalf as a character witness—he asked her to marry him. She accepted, and Bundy declared to the court that they were legally married.

In October 1982 Boone gave birth to a daughter and named Bundy as the father.[SUP][URL=""][13]
[/SUP][SUP][222][/SUP] While [/URL]conjugal visits were not allowed at Raiford Prison, inmates were known to pool their money to bribe guards to allow them intimate time alone with their female visitors.[SUP][13][/SUP][SUP][223][/SUP]


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Everytime I watch the gladiator scenes in the movie Gladiator I think in my head "Why arn't we doing this" wrt prisoners in the same voice Peter Griffin uses to ask "Why are we not funding this" when he walks out of a stem cell facility cured of his IIRC stroke.
Out of sheer idleness.... Gladiators were prized, highly skilled athletes and rarely condemned prisoners. In one memoir, a PoW who was being worked to death in a quarry as a slave volunteered for gladiator training. So did a 100 or so other doomed, beefy guys from the same quarry. Our narrator and 1 other dude passed the audition. The rest were sent back to the quarry to be worked to death as slaves. And that was BEFORE training and further eliminations.

The condemned prisoners were usually used as a comedy warm-up for the actual gladiator fights. They would amuse the audience by being fed to lions and bears or fight each other ineptly with comedy weapons until they got hit enough that they sagged down and then got beaten and jumped on until they died.

But your basic idea was still a very good one. And we certainly have enough bears in Canada to make it do-able.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
P.T. Barnum's quote 'There's a sucker born every minute' applies to that woman.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
and my pre wedding present to Paul that he can try out on himself in his cell. I think one size fits all.



Nov 5, 2005
During the penalty phase of the trial, Bundy took advantage of an obscure Florida law providing that a marriage declaration in court, in the presence of a judge, constituted a legal marriage. As he was questioning former Washington State DES coworker Carole Ann Boone—who had moved to Florida to be near Bundy, had testified on his behalf during both trials, and was again testifying on his behalf as a character witness—he asked her to marry him. She accepted, and Bundy declared to the court that they were legally married.

Richard Ramirez got married in prison too. I'm sure Bernardo gets letters from sick admirers all the time. Anders Breivik gets "fan mail" every day. Nothing surprising.


Apr 16, 2007
If anyone is interested in buying the happy couple a wedding present, Paul Bernardo is registered at Bed, Bath, And Beyond A Reasonable Doubt.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
The miscreant wants to get married eh. Let him have his marriage - then take him out like Guy Fawkes.


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
lol .. Twilight, a young woman's choice between bestiality and necrophilia. :D
Don't forget the paedophilia! I mean, sure, maybe a 100-somethingyear-old man getting it on with a 17 year old will pass in some jurisdictions, but the werewolf sexually bonding with an infant is just... I... I don't even.... blech.


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2013
Prisoners should be doing hard labour. Shitty work that nobody wants to do, or that nobody wants to pay someone to do.

Isn't it fascinating that serial killers in the USA run into mishaps in jail and end up dead? There should be more 'accidents' in Canadian prisons :D
This is the dumbest and most in humane thing I've heard in a long time. Perhaps someone should wish ill upon you?


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
This is the dumbest and most in humane thing I've heard in a long time. Perhaps someone should wish ill upon you?
this is the most dumbest, pathetic and feeble post that I've seen. Perhaps you should think real hard about the horrible pain, suffering and death inflected by them worthless bastards on the INOCENCENT VICTIMS first. I little mishap (suffering and death)of Bernardo would be a benefit and tax saving to society.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Conjugal visits 'not an automatic right' if Bernardo weds

If the right to conjugal visit is not granted I wonder
if physical contact is allowed between the prisoner
and the visitor? If yes, there is a chance for Bernardo to get
some relief, maybe a HJ from his future wife.

Jenny Yuen, Toronto Sun

TORONTO - Paul Bernardo could get married while in prison, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he’d be consummating it with a conjugal visit, according to a criminal lawyer.

“The argument could certainly be made, but it’s not an automatic right,” Toronto lawyer Shane Martinez said Thursday. “Every situation is unique and has to be scrutinized on its own. Just because two people are married doesn’t mean they automatically have a right to private family visits.”

Conjugal visits – private visits from spouses where sexual intercourse is permitted — are covered under the Correctional Service Canada “Private Family Visits” policy.

But if Bernardo were to marry, he would have to be put through some hoops before his bride would be allowed to see him privately.

According to the CSC, inmates are eligible for private family visits unless they are at risk for family violence, are in or recommended or approved for transfer to maximum-security prison among other reasons.

In terms of visitors, immediate family and someone “with whom the inmate has a close personal relationship” are eligible for conjugal visits.

There is a subsection that defines personal relationship as someone who “contributed significantly to the moral or spiritual development of the other” or “both individuals shared significant life experiences that resulted in an enduring bond of friendship and trust.”

So, could the 30-year-old London, Ont. penpal use those criteria as leverage to be intimate with her alleged soon-to-be-hubby?

“That eligibility can be constrained by larger consideration for security of the institution and the security of the person visiting as well,” Martinez said. “Especially if it was a person – not naming any names – who CSC thought there may be some mental health issues involved. They may make a determination it would be unsafe for that person to enter that kind of environment and place any restrictions they thought would be appropriate.”

CSC officials would also look at whether the visit would be for the commission to commit an offence – that is, if things were being smuggled in and out of prison.

If the application is approved, each visit could last up to 72 hours, once every two months, the lawyer said.

Martinez added that a decision could be grieved by an inmate but the court often gives deference to the federal agency if the reasons are “safety rooted in the security of the institution.”

“Bernardo would be a rare exception where CSC may in fact restrict that person’s ability to have one of these visits if they make the determination it’s simply not appropriate,” he noted.

Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Minister Steven Blaney could not be reached Thursday and NDP opposition critic Randall Garrison declined comment.

CSC spokesman Sara Parkes confirmed – while she couldn’t speak specifically
about Bernardo’s case due to privacy issues – having a spouse does not automatically give a free pass to private family visits and that inmates must complete an application form for the program that “CSC thoroughly assesses before making a decision.”

But there is no restriction for marriage, even when it comes to convicted schoolgirl killers.

An inmate who wants to marry will inform their parole officer and the situation is assessed to ensure safety and security of the public, staff and institution, Parkes said.

“Once an inmate makes a request to marry while incarcerated, the institutional management along with the inmate’s case management team will assess the request to make sure it would not pose a risk to the public, staff and the institution,” she said. “CSC has no jurisdiction over whether two people can obtain a marriage licence as marriages are governed by provincial legislation.”

However, the agency has the power to read mail sent by inmates. Staff will inspect the contents of the envelope before sending it out making sure it’s safe for the public.

Martinez noted conjugal visits are important for rehabilitation of most inmates.

“The overwhelming majority of inmates are absolutely nothing like Bernardo,” he said. “They are people who come from our communities and ... almost all of them ... will return to our communities.”


Sep 30, 2008
Clearly MacKay can't seem to know the difference between us well respecting Johns and Bernardo. In MacKay's eyes we are all the same.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
ol .. Twilight, a young woman's choice between bestiality and necrophilia. :D
This infuriating thread and Twitardness aside.

Mackenzie Foy who played the "love child" in the final installment of that silly franchise, will play the central character in Christopher Nolan's Interstellar: Murph. She could become the biggest star to survive that twinkiefest.

In Nolan We Trust.



Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Why is there so much anger directed at Bernardo when a woman wants to marry him? We sent him away to prison long ago where he will remain until he dies. We should be repulsed by and show disdain for a woman that would want anything to do with Bernardo let alone want to marry him. Shift your focus on the woman, who seems just as sick if not more sick than Karla.

You should find it sickening and terrifying that women like Karla and the woman that wants to marry Bernardo both walk freely among us.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
I like this idea, far better than torturing or killing him which reduces us to his level.

As well, maybe put him in a greenhouse where he's in charge of creating and nurturing life?

Fuck that. Hard labour and very basic necessities of life. No TV. Maybe just read the Bible.

(If a woman can be coaxed into marrying him, he`s some manipulative fuck).
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